Equality and Diversity

Acceptable BehaviourOur BehaviourComplaints

Acceptable Behaviour

Real-world discrimination is as unacceptable at our games as real-world violence. We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment at our events.

This means that participants are not allowed to discriminate on grounds of out-of-character gender, relationship status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexuality, transgender status, religion or age, or any similar distinction.

We have an explicit conduct policy that places strict limits on acceptable behaviour and language at events. Please make sure that you read and understand these rules before attending your first event. If you violate these rules you risk being permanently excluded from our events. If you are unclear on whether something violates the rules then err on the side of caution.

These rules apply to everyone who attends our events so that we can promote equality and fairness for everyone who is part of the empire Community.

Our Behaviour

Profound Decisions is committed to creating an environment where there is mutual respect and equality of opportunity for all participants. We want our games to be inclusive - where everyone can take part and everyone is welcome - and we oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

We will:

  • Make all reasonable efforts and adjustments to ensure that our games are inclusive.
  • Promote equality of opportunity and encourage staff and players from all backgrounds to participate fully in Profound Decisions events.
  • Respond promptly to harassment and equality issues, including those relating to race, gender, disability and sexual orientation, and recognise the complexities of the interrelations between them.
  • Treat all complaints seriously and respond appropriately.


Opposing discrimination and harassment is not causing trouble - it is helping to build a better event for everyone.

It is not possible for Profound Decisions to create an environment that is free from discrimination or harassment by ourselves. It can only be accomplished if everyone who participates in the game works towards that goal. Challenging inappropriate behaviour by other participants is helpful, but not everyone is comfortable or confident to do that. We want all participants to be confident that they can bring complaints to us and that we will deal with them promptly, respectfully, and appropriately.

We are keen to investigate any breaches of conduct that take place in the Empire community, but as far as possible we aim to do this only within limits set by you. We will ask you if you are happy for us to investigate your report. If we investigate, you can ask us not to contact one or more individuals. You can also ask us not to impose specific sanctions. As far as possible, we will respect your wishes.