- Recent history (section Winter Solstice)winds of war 380YE Winter Solstice Imperial elections 380YE Winter Solstice Senate sessions 380YE Winter Solstice Synod judgements 380YE Winter Solstice Conclave13 KB (1,482 words) - 18:39, 25 February 2025
- Imperial Conclave declares Irra Harah an ally of the Empire. The Archmage of Winter declares that Wise Rangara has the enmity of the Conclave Neutrality for17 KB (1,484 words) - 19:46, 8 March 2025
- Construct Temple of the Way in Nemoria (category 380YE Winter)of Balo and the Black Bull and the opportunity presented here Passed Winter 380YE 20 wains of white granite 10 thrones in emancipated labour costs Six1 KB (144 words) - 21:30, 1 February 2022
- 380YE Winter Solstice winds of war (category 380YE Winter)Western Point. Winter is coming. It creeps in, slowly and inevitably. The nights turn cold, dark beneath starless skies. Unlike last winter the winds do25 KB (3,940 words) - 23:05, 26 May 2023
- In brightest day (category 380YE Winter)Richilde. The full power of the enchantment has largely run its course by the Winter Solstice, but until time-out on Saturday night, everyone in the Empire experiences11 KB (1,811 words) - 21:22, 1 February 2022
- eternals and their heralds to the declaration. During the Summer Solstice 380YE, the definition was further expanded to preclude possession of certain items12 KB (1,181 words) - 14:28, 25 September 2024
- National seat, but the Senate appointed it an Imperial seat in Spring 380YE In Winter 380 YE, Dawnish witches attacked the shipment from the Weirwater Vales4 KB (609 words) - 17:31, 19 June 2023
- Spring 383YE Wind of Fortune detailing investigation of liao smuggling to the Iron Confederacy No evil shall escape our sight - the Winter 380YE Wind of13 KB (1,395 words) - 10:55, 12 April 2024
- placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed. In Winter 379YE, the office of the Bailiff of the Grand Market was gifted with a valuable6 KB (902 words) - 14:20, 13 November 2023
- at the 380YE Winter Solstice to enact a glorious rescue of a hundred and fifty Dawnish yeofolk who had been enslaved by the Druj. At the 381YE Summer Solstice18 KB (1,864 words) - 12:21, 16 April 2024
- 380YE Winter Solstice winds of fortune (category 380YE Winter)diplomatic opportunity here. Imperial Synod A Symposium is due to be held at the Winter Solstice. The Imperial Synod has been planning the event for six months14 KB (1,860 words) - 21:15, 1 February 2022
- before the Spring Equinox 381YE, and following on from the disasters that plagued the marches during late 379YE and early 380YE, work was completed on a network25 KB (4,013 words) - 17:58, 4 March 2025
- Create title of High Bard of the Empire (category 380YE Winter)Orzel Earl of Dawn Passed Created an Imperial Title within the Senate Winter 380YE The Imperial title of High Bard of the Empire The title is appointed4 KB (640 words) - 21:31, 1 February 2022
- Construct the Celesti Lighthouse II (category 380YE Winter)construction follows on from a previous, unauthorised motion from Autumn 380YE Winter 380YE 16 wains of mithril 4 thrones in labour costs 3 months to construct7 KB (167 words) - 21:34, 1 February 2022
- compelled to stay longer. Lora passed away due to illness shortly before the 380YE Winter Solstice, a fact which left the rest of the hall reeling, and they initially122 KB (5,359 words) - 00:24, 11 March 2025
- A spiritual prism (category 381YE Spring)beyond. Raise your voices. And praise her in Song. Dawn National Assembly, 380YE Winter Solstice The Dawnish assembly has passed a judgement in support of Yael24 KB (3,928 words) - 11:25, 11 April 2024
- 380YE Winter Solstice Senate sessions (category 380YE Winter)Imperial treasury during this season announced by the Civil Service at 1338 thrones and 4 crowns Abrogate Civilian Commissioners Abrogate third Navarri2 KB (282 words) - 19:15, 3 February 2022
- 380YE Winter Solstice Imperial elections (category 380YE Winter)General for Winter Sun (Imperial Orcs): The Incumbent General for Iron Helms (Varushka), for a reduced term until the Spring Equinox 381YE: Akstis Eigulys4 KB (503 words) - 12:24, 2 February 2022
- 380YE Winter Solstice Conclave sessions (category 380YE Winter)proceedings during the Winter Solstice 380 YE. The full list of Imperial Titles held in the Conclave at the end of the Winter Solstice, 380 YE can be found here8 KB (185 words) - 08:45, 28 March 2024
- Abrogate Civilian Commissioners (category 380YE Winter)the previous motion to create the title of Civilian Commissioner Passed Winter 380YE The title of Civilian Commissioner has been removed.488 bytes (38 words) - 21:27, 1 February 2022