Revision as of 14:57, 18 August 2022 by Rafferty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Recent History Category:384YE Autumn Category:Military Council {{Stub}} ==Overview== Over the last three months, Imperial forces are engaged in military c...")
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This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.


Over the last three months, Imperial forces are engaged in military campaigns against barbarian forces. Sometimes those engagements have been wide ranging and dramatic, other times they have been more sedate. Building on what we did in summer and in spring this year, we're presenting a summary of the campaign on this page. Where there's more dramatic action, or where there are opportunities, we've given a wind of war its own page. We're also continuing to provide information about the battle opportunities, listed in the theatres that they concern.

As always, how much or how little of this information you choose to know in character is up to you. Part of the purpose of Winds of War and the Winds of Fortune is to maintain the illusion of the Empire as a living, breathing place where things happen - and to make players aware of things their characters 'should' know based on what their roleplaying says they have been doing for the past three months.

Also, it should go without saying that we ask everyone to abide by the rules about online roleplaying with regard to the military campaign. It's important that the key in-character activity of the Empire world takes place at events. The game is busier and better if everything that can happen in the field, does happen in the field. Military planning and political discussions should happen at events. For this reason we generally discourage too much downtime roleplaying between events and put strict limits on what can be done online particularly using our forums and Facebook groups.

With that in mind, we now present a summary of the key military activity in the Empire - both with links to the expanded Wind of War pages and notes about other important things that have happened that didn't need a full battle campaign.

Where the Sun Sets


Where the Sun Rises

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.

Battle Opportunities

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.

Conjunctions 1

Conjunctions 2

Military Considerations

The following considerations should be borne in mind when discussing military strategies during the Summer Solstice.

  • Adamant Gate: The Adamant Gate in Semmerholm cannot be reduced below 1,000 military strength. Link
  • Billeting: Any Imperial army can take the Billet order in Bregasland, Upwold, or Mitwold. Link
  • Dawn: Dawnish armies cannot take the Cautious Advance order or the Give Ground order. Link
  • Highguard: Highborn armies benefit from double the normal amount of natural resupply. Link
  • Highguard: Highborn armies can issue the Crusading Storm order. Link
  • The Marches: Marcher armies cannot take the Give Ground order. Link
  • Urizen: The Citadel Guard will begin to deteriorate again after the Summer Solstice. Link
  • Varushka: Varushkan armies involved in the same campaign as an army from the Brass Coast or Wintermark generate 10% fewer victory points. If armies from both nations are present, the reduction is increased to 20%. Link.
  • Wintermark: Wintermark armies can take the Fight with Honour order. Link
  • Wintermark: Wintermark armies fighting against the Jotun will gain 10% more victory points but inflict 20% less casualties. Link
  • Zenith: Any Highborn or Urizen army attacking into Zenith from Morrow gains a 20% bonus to any territory captured and suffers a 10% reduction in casualties inflicted. Link
  • Morrow: Any Highborn or Urizen army that defends in Morrow against an army attacking from Zenith gains a 20% bonus to defend territory and suffers a 10% reduction in casualties inflicted. Link