Disburse funds to the Jarmish Cartel
To approve the organisation of the Jarmish Cartel, who seek to trade with the new port of Eastern Jarm exclusively, in return for the virtuous release of their slaves in contract, within one year. A disbursal of 50 thrones to cover the agreement of Eastern Jarm will be required.
Proposed by Segura, seconded by Kahraman
Proposed by Segura, seconded by Kahraman
- This motion combines senate approval of the Jarmish Cartel with a disbursement of funds.
- Passed at 35 Thrones.
- Spring 379YE
- 35 Thrones disbursed to Senator Segura
Campaign Outcome
- This motion refers to the eastern Jarmish port of Rigia, recently opened to the Empire following the completion of the Jarmish Embassy in Cargo.