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During the Winter Solstice 383YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised TBC judgements.

Change of doctrine

No change of doctrine was proposed during the Winter Solstice summit.


The veto was not sought during the Winter Solstice 383YE.

Statement of principle

The following statements of principle were presented to the assemblies of the Imperial Synod. Those statements which achieved a Greater Majority will be distributed to appropriate assemblies.

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Tabris, Son of Armisael
  • Judgement: Bloodcrow Udoo and the Imperial Orcs have sounded the call, and Tobias Field of House Orzel the rest of Dawn will no doubt soon throw down the gauntlet; a race to claim the Barrens from the Druj, and free the slaves held captive there. Highguard stands prepared to answer. Our Unconquered are a match for the soldiers of the Winter Sun, and our Cataphracts will match any Dawnish knight! In the name of the further extermination of the Druj, and in the name of the greater shared understanding between our nations, Highguard accepts Dawn's challenge, let the greatest Cathleon the world has ever seen commence!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (388 - 0)

Judgement 7

  • Assembly: League National
  • Raised By: Genoveva Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: Like the idolatrous beliefs of the Asaveans, the false virtue of Hatred is an affront to all Imperial citizens. Pride teaches us to despise the half-hearted, the uncommitted, and the pretender and so there is no place for those who only pretend to follow the Way of Virtue within the Empire. We recognise the shared history of Tassato and the Marches and call on all citizens of Tassato, including those of Little Mournwold, to work together and strengthen their bonds by rooting out those who cling to the blasphemous teachings of Hatred.
  • Outcome: Upheld (241-20)

Judgement 9

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Aethelric the Grounded
  • Judgement: For over two years, Isolde Tempest-Shield, Thane of Hearthfire Hall, has been working tirelessly to create a new national sinecure exclusively for Wintermark's three armies. Our generals have asked for a new source of mana to power the rituals that are essential for victory and, as Hearthfire Hall is a popular and welcoming destination for Winterborn travellers and refugees, Isolde is offering them an opportunity to demonstrate their Heroism and Virtue by laying the physical and administrative foundations of this sinecure. The Stormcrows of Wintermark therefore acknowledge and commend Isolde Tempest-Shield for her work thus far and urge all citizens of Wintermark, of whatever standing and means, to heartily support the endeavour by scouting the Mark for suitable sites.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (199-0)

Judgement 11

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Aurum of Nightingale Temple
  • Judgement: Despite the protestations of more foolish priests, the sword scholars have not passed a mandate to cripple the Synod. Their imperative was to challenge ideas and ensure they have a Virtuous basis. This has had the effect of limiting the Synod not by intent, but because we have failed to adequately defend our ideas. The Virtuous response to such a challenge is not to tear down the messenger based on a hundred-year-old depiction that does not match our experiences with any modern sword scholar - but to raise to it by aiming for a higher quality [?and] delivery of ideas
  • Outcome: Not upheld (652-683)

Judgement 16

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Bartimaeus of Zenith Ascendant
  • Judgement: The truly Prosperous are not selfish; all that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. We challenge the Sand Fisher Orcs to prove that they deserve the supreme gift that has been shared with them. We ask them to learn and grow strong in body, mind and soul, so that together we can prepare the way for the next tribe to be liberated from the Druj. In time, they should toil to become worthy to walk alongside the other Nations of the Empire as Equals on the Path of the Way, on our Journey to share Our Gift with the rest of the world.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (181-10)

Judgement 18

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Estella von Holberg
  • Judgement: Severin von Holberg intends to consecrate the walls of Holberg to Wisdom. To this end, and for the benefit of Holberg, I ask the support of the assembly in his consecration of the gallery above Holmauer gate using true liao. Let the spiritual power of this consecration restore Holberg and make it anew as a beacon of learning, innovation, truth, and beauty.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (312-0)

Judgement 19

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Elagabala Prismatic Eye
  • Judgement: Accusations of lawlessness should be met with evidence. The Synod calls on Rafael Barossa di Tassato to prove the lawlessness and murderous actions by the sword scholars rather than just state that they are thus.
  • Outcome: Upheld (889-343)

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc National
  • Raised By: Skywise Fal
  • Judgement: We the preachers of Skarsind, our Nation's voice to our people call upon every orc living and settled in Skarsind to rise up in its defence. We were once a roaming army. Remember you past! Let your muscles remember their strength. THIS IS OUR LAND! Land gifted, long overdue in reward for the work of our lives, land that is ours by right to defend THIS IS THE PLAN, SKARSIND IS OURS TO KEEP! RISE UP! RISE UP SETTLERS OF SKARSIND AND DEFEND YOUR LAND! "We must prepare for battle!" - Thrace.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (46-0)

Judgement 34

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Goran Sokdov Zaytsev
  • Judgement: The Synod has already proven that orcs can exemplify a virtue with Skywise Rykana. It is contradictory and an affront to Loyalty and Pride as well as a limiter to Ambition that Imperial Orcs can preach and Exemplify a certain virtue but are not allowed to join a virtue assembly. The virtue assembplies should seek representation from every Nation in the Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1104-445)

Judgement 35

  • Assembly: Wisdom Virtue
  • Raised By: Severin Teyhard von Holberg
  • Judgement: I intend to permanently consecrate the Walls of Holberg to Wisdom. To this end, and for the benefit of Holberg, I ask the support of the Wisdom assembly in my consecration of the Gallery above the Holmauer Gate, using True Liao. Let the spiritual power of this consecration restore Holberg and make it anew as a beacon of learning, innovation, truth, and beauty.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (338-0)

Judgement 40

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Tarquinius
  • Judgement: It would lack Vigilance to surrender the secrets of the mithril block, knowing that it is the sole reason for the Grendel to guarantee the safety of Imperial citizens in their lands. It would lack Wisdom to refuse the protection of the mithril block, knowing that doing so would encourage the Grendel to destroy it. Therefore, Urizen citizens should work to expand the protection of the block to Grendel settlements without explaining its inner workings. Look to protect one settlement of the governor's choice at no cost, but seek payment as a fair price for any additional protections..
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (102-28)


The following mandates were passed during the Winter Solstice. Where there are competing mandates, the one that passes with the largest margin is successful and all other competing mandates are considered to have failed.

Some mandates were upheld by their respective assemblies but failed to receive a Greater Majority. These mandates might have failed due to the intervention of the Wisdom assembly and the sword scholars, but the pilgrimage of spirit encouraged during the Autumn Equinox meant they were enacted regardless. Without the pilgrimage in the name of Imperatrix Lisabetta, judgement 6 (chastise the Wisdom assembly) would have failed to be enacted.

Judgement 4

  • Assembly: Vigilance Virtue
  • Raised By: Lochais
  • Judgement: Seek out the poison in your neighbour's fields. To defeat the Druj we must see through their deceptions and see past their lies. We send Lochais of Oblivion's Edge with 50 liao to urge those who would claim the Barrens and defeat the Druj to be vigilant to their every ruse.
  • Outcome: Upheld (128 - 0). Awaiting Liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in Seize the moments. If enacted, the Imperial Orc campaign to claim the Barrens will have the explicit blessing of the Assembly of Vigilance. By providing auras of Vigilance to those forces fighting in the Barrens, the Assembly could enable them to be alert and attentive to every detail, allowing them to surveil the territory even as they attack the Druj. In the following season, any Imperial Orc army or army that is supporting them can attack the Barrens by issuing the order to gather intelligence in the same way as an army with the scouting quality.

Judgement 6

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Rafael Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: The priests of the Assembly of Wisdom were wrong to tell citizens to question every mandate the Synod passes. While it is virtuous to despise folly, Wisdom knows that all knowledge is incomplete. By urging the virtuous to oppose the mandates of the Synod, the Wisdom Assembly has overstepped its authority. Debate and discussion are tools of the Wise, but they must not be wielded to impede the Synod in its duties. We send Rafael Barossa di Tassato with 200 doses of liao to remind the Wise that they are part of the Empire, not above it.
  • Outcome: Upheld (927 - 419) with a margin of 508. Awaiting Liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in The price of wisdom. If enacted, the mandate ends the requirement for other mandates to achieve a greater majority going forward, and changes the relationship between the General Assembly and the Virtue assemblies for the next year at least.

Judgement 10

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Lady Eleanor Novarion
  • Judgement: The House of the Proffered Hand was created to offer sanctuary and succour to liberated slaves while giving them guidance in The Way. It is the ideal place to welcome our distant cousins recently liberated from slavery in Asavea, who we invited to Dawn. We send Lady Eleanor Novarion with 15 doses of liao to encourage the Maracossan refugees to seek sanctuary at the House of the Proffered Hand.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (184 - 12). Awaiting Liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in Between wind and water. If enacted it will encourage the followers of the Way among the Marracossan refugees to move to the House of the Proffered Hand in Astolat.

Judgement 20

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Tobias Field
  • Judgement: The conquest of the Barrens is near, possible and inevitable and we are encouraged by the Imperial Orc’s realisation of this fact. We send Tobias Field with 50 liao to urge every loyal Dawnish to offer succour to any force in the Barrens whose National Assembly accepts the following challenge: that the Nation whose armies take the most regions in the Barrens have the rightful claim to the territory.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (214-0). Awaiting Liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in Seize the moments. If enacted it will provide encouragement to Dawnish armies, and to the armies of any nation whose national assembly uphold a statement of principle saying that whichever nation's armies take the most regions in the Barrens have the rightful claim to the territory

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Hembeneth i Guerra
  • Judgement: The Virtuous inspire others to greatness; they do not demean them. We send {named priest} with 50 doses of liao to urge captains and corsairs to bring the orcs of the Axou cities to the Empire.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (942-88); Withdrawn at request of raising priest
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in Written in Salt.

Judgement 36

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
  • Judgement: Wisdom teaches that you should test what you learn; only fools accept hearsay as truth. The approach of the Wisdom Assembly is virtuous and wise, irrespective of the history of Sulemaine i Taziel. A mandate is a sword that pierces the flesh of the Empire; it must not strike if the wielder lacks surety. We send Galene Netherwatch with 100 liao to thank every follower of Wisdom who opposes any Synod mandate that does not achieve a greater majority and urge them to continue on this virtuous path.
  • Outcome: Upheld (268-52); Awaiting liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in [Signs_and_sigils#Mandate|signs and sigile]]. if it is enacted, it will secure the Sign of Tamar in Reikos against destruction.

Judgement 37

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Sela of the Suns of Couros
  • Judgement: We recognise the importance of the Sign of Tamar in Reikos and the need to preserve it and employ it for the benefits of Highguard and the Empire. We send Sela of the Suns of Couros with 100 does of liao to urge citizens to clear the encroaching forests and to commit themselves to the long term preservation of this important historical sigil.
  • Outcome: Upheld (268-52); Awaiting liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in the price of wisdom. if it is enacted, it will strengthen the resolve of the virtuous to question Synod mandates.

Judgement 38

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Killian Mortére
  • Judgement: Adelmar the Lion built the first Academy of Arms in Urizen. He knew ambition transcended considerations of nation, and recognised only commitment and the zeal to be better. This Academy, and all those others built across the Empire, shows the importance of leaving a lasting legacy to inspire others. We send Killian Mortére with a dose of true liao and 4 crowns to consecrate the shrine of the armsmaster on the slopes of Mount Siluri, in the name of Ambition.
  • Outcome: Upheld (974-56); Awaiting true liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in three celebrations and a funeral. if it is enacted, it will consecrate the shrine at the Academy of Arms on Mount SIluri to Ambition.

Judgement 41

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
  • Judgement: The Marchers propose a heroic raid into the heartlands of the Jotun. While our armies have fought together in Bregasland, we will fight alongside their heroes in the west! We send {Maarit Suvidottir with 25 doses of liao to urge any Winterfolk who can to offer aid to their endeavour..
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (237-0); Awaiting liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in smoke and oakum. if it is enacted, it supports a Marcher raid into Jotun territory.

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Alcuin
  • Judgement: Enjoy the fruits of your labour today; no one knows what the morrow holds. If the people of Spiral embrace the chance for trade with the Grendel they can prosper. We send Alcuin with 50 liao to urge every Urizeni living in Spiral to cooperate with the Salt Lord and ensure that opportunities for profit are not wasted.
  • Outcome: Upheld (162-10); Awaiting liao
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed in from the sieve of your hands. if it is enacted, it solidifies the current détente between the Grendel conquerors and the Urizen who have remained behind in Spiral.


The Synod made the following judgements of excommunication, inquisition, revocation, and sanction.

Judgement 8

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Earl of Fools
  • Judgement: Inquisition. I call Yulia Kasimirova Voronova / presents for Throne's sake and virtue's gain / herself to the test of Inquisition / The Way to the Throne is paved by virtue / And as candidate she shall walk this path / Her soul ungirded to the Earl of fools / At 6 on Saturday's eve in Glory's Square
  • Outcome: Upheld (71 - 0)

Judgement 17

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Galeas Seeker
  • Judgement: Inquisition. I call Finna i Fijadoz i Guerra to Inquisition regarding her role in the surrendering of Feroz to the Grendel, her fitness as a Justicar, and her involvement with Tortured Souls in the Barrens, The Inquisition to occur at 10:30pm Friday, the Hub.
  • Outcome: Upheld (41 - 10)

Judgement 28

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Rhaego i Zemress
  • Judgement: Inquisition. I call Santana of the Brass Coast to Inquisition at 3pm in the centre square of the Freeborn camp to answer for her various crimes of heresy. Prosperity provides.
  • Outcome: Upheld (98 - 0)

Judgement 29

  • Assembly: Pride Virtue
  • Raised By: Ubarius of Invidia Citadel
  • Judgement: Inquisition. Last summer solstice, judgement 39, enacted by Galene Netherwatch, has led to downright muzzling of prideful actions of citizens across the Empire. The virtuous are meant to inspire others to greatness, not to put unrealistic and unfair qualifiers to their questions or recognitions, Priests of one virtue assembly should not hold sway over all other assemblies. As a result of this, I have no choice but to call Galene Netherwatch to inquisition before the Pride assembly. Location: Halls of the Wanderer. Time 7pm Saturday..
  • Outcome: Not Upheld; withdrawn by priest

Judgement 30

  • Assembly: Ambition Virtue
  • Raised By: Alfmund Fordwinsson
  • Judgement: Inquisition. I, Alfmund Fordwinsson, call the Winter Coven "The Bonds Forged in Ice" to Inquisition at 3pm in the Dark Wolves of Argonne camp, Wintermark - for their communication from Dreams of Famine. May Tian's flames reveal the truth. Odd Twice-born, Urgal, Kaisa, Yakul, Rylar, Merlof
  • Outcome: Upheld (83-0)

Judgement 32

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Galeas Seeker
  • Judgement: Sanction - Vindication. In addition to the Inquisition, I was witness to incredible deeds. Finna i Fijadoz i Guerra stepped in front of the victim of an attempted assassination, taking near-fatal damage herself to prevent the crime, After a cultist excommunicated Escon who was Carmine, egregore of Highguard, she rushed to the scene to under the vile deed. In her Inquisition, she demonstrated a breadth and depth of knowledge of exorcism which led to her forming a cross-nation band to destroy the Pillars of Osseini and prevent the Grendel from raising an army of ghosts. She ventured into Druj territory to free slaves and exorcise Tortured Souls despite a lack of assistance from the High Exorcist. At this summit, she spends her time educating warriors and exorcists alike as how to recognise Tortured Souls and release them from their torment. She demonstrated virtue and selflessness in her efforts. I find her to be a fine example of how a virtuous citizen should act and an accomplished and expert exorcist who would serve well in higher office.
  • Outcome: Upheld (30 - 10)

Judgement 42

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Finna i Fijadoz i Guerra
  • Judgement: Sanction - Condemnation. The Brass Coast National assembly condemns Santana of the Kohna for religious crimes of heresy, excommunication without a writ, anointing citizens to hatred, and spreading the false virtues of purity and hate.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (158 - 0)

Judgement 44

  • Assembly: Varushka National
  • Raised By: Amris Johain Herikavich
  • Judgement: Inquisition. We ask Goran Sokalov Zaytzev to call Nack to inquisition at 2:15pm Saturday at Sovereign's Head in Varushka at the Winter Solstice 383. This is in regards to the use of a merciless assault action in the ast season (Autumn -> Winter 383).
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld


There were no judgements of recognition during the Winter Solstice.


At the Summit, the following appointments were proposed by the Assemblies of the Synod. You can find the names of citizens who currently hold Imperial titles in the Synod here.

Judgement 1

  • Assembly: Prosperity Virtue
  • Raised by: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Cardinal.
  • Outcome: Darian Numbers was appointed with 171 votes. Luca i Taziel i Riqueza received 20 votes.

Judgement 2

  • Assembly: Way Virtue
  • Raised by: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Cardinal.
  • Outcome: Skywise Tulva was appointed with 110 votes. Maximillian received 20 votes.

Judgement 3

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised by: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the High Exorcist.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld. Solas of the Spire of the Waxing Sun (incumbent) received 2 votes; Finna i Fijadoz i Guerra received 2 votes; Nethanial of the Cenotaph received 0 votes; Herminius of the House of the Wanderer received 0 votes.

Judgement 13

  • Assembly: Wisdom Virtue
  • Raised by: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Virtue Inquisitor.
  • Outcome: Upheld. Palladius (incumbent) received 92 votes; Andromeda of the Black Lotus Temple received 20 votes.

Judgement 18

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Virtue Inquisitor
  • Outcome: Upheld. Adaephon Stormbroke received 19 votes. Galeas Seeker received 10 votes. Ilhelm of the Hall Yahara received 0 votes.

Judgement 21

  • Assembly: Highuard National
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Speaker of the Highborn Assembly
  • Outcome: Upheld. Isaac of the Silent Tide received 163 votes; Brother Aemon of the Suns of Couros received 120 votes; Lady Josephine of Adina's Charge received 75 votes.

Judgement 22

  • Assembly: League National
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Patron of the Pavilion
  • Outcome: Upheld. Leonora "Nora" Albertina van Holberg received 177 votes


The following judgements of rewarding were proposed during the Winter Solstice.

Judgement 12

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: Solas
  • Judgement: As High Exorcist, I withdraw 7 Thrones from the virtue funt, pursuant to my duties. This is on the understanding that this reverts to the senate stipend as soon as economically feasible.
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld. Paid.

Judgement 14

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: Mael Donjeon of House Remys
  • Judgement: Mael Donjeon submits this judgement on behalf of the pilgrim Roland Miller, yeofolk of House de Rondell who has been tasked to find the mortal remains of the Exemplar of Courage, Gilda Ashwine, lost in 134YE. The sum of 8 Thrones is requested thus from the virtue fund, being disposed as follows: Historical research - 5 Thrones; Mana for the casting of rituals to divine the fate of the remains - 3 Thrones; The pilgrim will provide any remaining funds himself from the fruits of his own prosperity.
  • Outcome: Upheld (716-86). Paid.

Judgement 38

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
  • Judgement: I call Harwyn Eternal (formally Hollowatcher) to Inquisition at the Hub at 6pm about the deal with Arhallogen.
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Starting Value TBC
Rewarding 7 Thrones Rewarding to Solas of the Spire of the Waxing Sun following Judgement XX being automatically upheld.
Closing Value TBC

Doses of True Liao

Five doses of True Liao were disbursed this summit:

  • One dose to Cormack Dun by purchase in the Public Auction
  • One dose provided by the Seers of the Barren Tree to Locke Beason of the Marches by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Ser Ancél Watcher by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Lieselotte van Holberg by decision of the Gatekeepers

Assembly Strength