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The Great Mine of Briante is located in Briante in the Freeborn territory of Kahraman. Custodianship of the Great Mine grants an Imperial title; a seat on the Imperial Bourse; and a seasonal bounty of valuable mithril.

The Resource

In the Freeborn territory of Kahraman, in the Serra Briante, lies the great mine that shares its name with the region and the town that surrounds it. Perhaps the deepest mine in the Empire, it has been dug deeper and deeper over the centuries to excavate the precious mithril that is found far beneath the surface.

The bulk of the mithril mined in Briante lies deep underground, but advances in Imperial mining techniques mean that the miners can reach it no matter how far from the surface it lies. The Mine takes the form of a great shaft, cut almost vertically into the ground, on the walls of which can be seen dozens of workers. The Freeborn stonecutters pride themselves on their courage and skill, scoffing at the use of safety-ropes or nets and preferring to free-climb, seemingly completely oblivious to the fatal nature of any slip or fall. In recent decades their numbers have been swelled by a surprising influx of League workers from fallen Holberg, and a great deal of friendly rivalry exists between their bands. Tunnels riddle the rock beneath the Briante valley, pursuing the rich seams of metal ore as they extend from the central shaft. Some of these passages make use of cunning pumps that ensure the workers have breathable air no matter how far the tunnels might stretch beneath the surface.

The town of Briante itself is notable for its peculiar structure. Initially a mining village built on the edge of the workings that would later become the Great Mine, the settlement has spread around the outside of the deep shaft that forms the heart of the industry. With traditional Freeborn disregard for danger, the inhabitants have strung rope bridges across the shaft to connect parts of the town, arguing that "nobody in their right mind would walk all the way round the edge when they can just go across the middle". More than a few buildings actually lean precariously over the edge of the shaft itself! The majority of these structures are those that house the great cranes and lifts used to get miners and ore alike between the surface and the depths of the shaft; however, some civilian structures also poke out over the abyssal depths, built on wooden balconies and walkways by a populace with a great deal of experience of supporting heavy loads. The bridges and teetering structures are a regular source of conflict with the mine overseers, who complain that they endanger the operation of the great ore cranes used to pull mithril ore (and other valuables) from the lower tunnels - or present a potentially fatal hazard to anyone working below them.

There is some archaeological evidence that the Imperial (and pre-Imperial Freeborn) excavations here are nothing new. The remains of mine workings stretching back at least to the Terunael period, and in some cases much further than that, have been found along the walls of the valley. Indeed, some scholars who have explored the area around the mine claim to have evidence that the entire Briante valley was originally formed by a great open-cast mine intended to get at the most accessible mithril, abandoned centuries before the Terunael first settled the mountains south of Liathaven. They are largely dismissed as crackpots, however, and seem unable to muster up anything conclusive beyond wild speculation.

Boyar Vasiliy Krenyenkov Valeskai Strascovich of the Vor'azi
claimed the seat in Autumn 379YE.

The Bourse Seat


The Seat has no particular responsibilities; they simply receive a bounty of mithril which is theirs to do with as they will. If the Great Mine of Briante were to be threatened in any way, it would be the responsibility of the Seat to deal with those threats. Likewise, if any particular opportunity were to arise related to the Great Mine of Briante, the Seat would expect to be consulted as to how that opportunity might be resolved.


Seat on the Bourse

Custodianship of the Great Mine of Briante comes with a seat on the Imperial Bourse. For the most part, this Seat comes with no additional responsibilities. It is an Imperial title that grants the right to participate on the rare occasion when the Imperial Bourse as a body is required to make a decision.

Bounty of mithril

The Seat has control of a source of mithril and receives Bourse certificates to represent that control. They can dispense this resource as they choose. Production is 22 Imperial wains of mithril every season.


As with all mithril Bourse seats, the holder of the title is determined during the Autumn Equinox. As an Imperial seat, any Imperial citizen may participate in the auction and hold the title. Votes are recorded in private in conjunction with the civil servants who support the Bourse.

Custodianship of the Great Mine of Briante is retained for a year, or until the citizen holding the seat dies, or steps down. An Imperial Bourse seat cannot be revoked by the Imperial Synod.

Autumn Equinox 386YEDawnGuy Grimbold-Antenucci340 thrones
Autumn Equinox 385YEHighguardJacob396 thrones
Autumn Equinox 384YEUrizenBartimaeus435 thrones
Autumn Equinox 383YEHighguardKapik410 thrones
Autumn Equinox 382YEThe MarchesTobias Shanks286 thrones
Autumn Equinox 381YENavarrJonah Farkas370 thrones
Winter Solstice 380YESilvia Alcham200 thrones
Autumn Equinox 379YEVarushkaVasiliy Krenyenkov Valeskai Strascovich355 thrones
Autumn Equinox 378YEFeran215 thrones
Winter Solstice 377YERicardo Almieda Desmondo di Tassato65 thrones
Winter Solstice 376YEWintermarkHorsa Tyrshalt8 thrones 6 crowns

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Guy Grimbold-Antenucci; it will be reelected at Autumn Equinox 387YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.