Verdict & punishment
Mother killed an assailant who was witnessed attempting to murder her child. The attacker died very swiftly but no evidence of foul play was presented.
Inga Essing
Not guilty
Attempt to acquire controlled substance (deadly poison)
A citizen was asked to acquire poison by Emil Darkling for murderous purposes. All witnessed by a member of the milita. The evidence also suggested that Krefinar, landlord of the Artisan Arms had asked Emil Darkling to do this on his behalf.
Emil Darkling
Plead guilty – death by penal military service.
Not guilty
The accused were captured by members of the league fighting on the side of barbarians against the Empire.
Father Olaf
Ragnar Olafson
Plead guilty – executed
Plead guilty – death by penal military service
The accused was witnessed preaching the false virtue of unity.
Plead guilty – executed.
Blasphemy and Heresy
The accused was condemned by the Synod for the production of an allegedly blasphemous and heretical pamphlet.
Xavier of Urizen
Not guilty
Improper placement of an aura on the senate
The accused placed a calming magical aura on the senate building during the festival of the broken wheel.
Catalynd Enigo
Plead guilty – fined 3 crowns
Attempted false imprisonment and theft
The honourable guild of debt collectors in the league were accused of kidnapping the father of Fiona Mudstrider and attempting to extort a ransom from her.
The honourable guild of debt collectors
Guilty – fined 10 crowns
A unit led by Nicolo Barossa de Tassato Regario of the league arrested a group of citizens who they believed were heretics while on a mission outside Anvil. Excessive use of force resulted in the death of one of these citizens.
Nicolo Barossa de Tassato Regario
Plead guilty – fined 7 crowns
The accused were arrested by a unit led by Nicolo Barossa de Tassato Regario of the league for carrying out heretical activities.
Mario de Sarvos, Silvos de Sarvos and Isabella de Sarvos
All found guilty and sentenced to death by military penal service.