Register of civil service gifts
- To John Of Meade, by Imperatrix Lisabetta, a Gremani spoon to the value of 1 crown
- To John Of Meade by Senator Mitwold , a linen coif, value in the heat incalculable
- To John Of Meade by Quartermaster Brackensong, a bottle of rhubarb gin to the value of 6 crowns. Twice.
- To John of Meade, by Escon egregore of Highguard, a bottle of rhubarb gin to the value of 6 crowns
- To John of Meade, by Lisabetta, Prince of the House of Seven Mirrors, a bound copy of the Constitution, to a value unknown.
- To the Tribune, a book cover of golden cloth, crafted by Needle of House Ossienne. Price unknown, highly valued.
- To Marta Kovar, by Dan Brackensong, a bottle of rhubarb gin to the value of 6 crowns.
- To Marta Kovar, by Silvio di Tassato, a cup of tea to the value of 2 rings.
- To the Civil Service, by Father Drakov, one half iced lemon sandwich cake, to the value of 2 crowns. Several Civil Servants rewarded the citizen independently for his Prosperity.