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The Imperial Consul is an Imperial title appointed by the Imperial Senate. It was created by the Senate during the Summer 379YE summit, and sparked considerable controversy leading to a clash between the senators and the civil service over the recommendations of the Constitutional Court.

During scrutiny by the Constitutional Court, however, several significant issues were raised. These issues included concerns about the use of the Right of Address, the implicit authority of the title to command other Imperial citizens, and the use of the word "High" in the original title. The Constitutional Court returned the motion creating the title to the Senate with a series of proposed amendments, leading to extensive and energetic debate between the Senators and Magistrate Karkovich. After spirited discussion, the administrative motion suggesting changes to the presentation of the title was accepted by the Senate.


The Imperial Consul is expected to liaise with Imperial ambassadors and similar positions and report back to the Senate. The Imperial Constitution is clear that authority for negotiation with foreign powers lies with the appointed ambasador- not with the Consul - but the Consul is expected to help keep the Senate abreast of diplomatic developments.

The Imperial Consul is also responsible for handling diplomatic relations with any foreign and barbarian power where there is no ambassador. The Imperial Constitution grants the power of authority for diplomatic relations to the Imperial Senate - by creating this title, the Senate divests itself of their remaining authority in this area to the Consul.



The Constitutional Court issued explicit guidance to make absolutely clear that an ambassador would have primacy in all matters of authority for the nation they dealt with. The Consul has no legal right to direct the ambassadors in their work - their role is to liaise with the Imperial ambassadors and report to the Senate.



The civil service provide support to allow an ambassador to speak on behalf of the Empire when dealing with foreign dignitaries from the relevant nation. Formerly, if there was no ambassador, then authority would lie with the Imperial Senate, but henceforth will lie with the Consul.

If the visitors are present at the summit and have requested an official audience, then the Senate room is made available for use at least once. If there is no ambassador or equivalent Imperial title with authority then the Consul is expected to receive guests from the Imperial throne and to decide on who will be present in the chamber during this audience.

Right of Address

The Imperial Consul has the right to make a Senate address once per summit. This is intended to allow them to present important information for the senators consideration. To make an address, the Consul must inform the Speaker for the Senate of their intention, so that the Speaker can add the address to the agenda for the next Senate session.

The Imperial Consul works with the Ambassadors to represent the
Empire to foreign nations.


The Imperial Consul is appointed during the Summer Solstice. The Consul is appointed by the Imperial Senate.

Any Imperial character may hold the title.


The Imperial Consul serves for one year, or until they die, step down, or are revoked..

They can be revoked by the General Assembly and the Assembly of Nine of the Imperial Synod.

Further Reading

Core Brief

Additional Information