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Inspiring Refrain allows the user to perform ceremonies dedicated to Ambition.

This instrument is equally valuable to a priest who is dedicated to one of the other six virtues as it is to a priest who is dedicated to none of the virtues - a priest of the Way. Indeed, in some ways it is more useful to the latter philosophy of priest - it allows them to use the ceremonies of anointing, consecration and hallowing; without an instrument such as this, they would be restricted to supporting other priests in creating these auras. Likewise, a priest dedicated to a virtue other than ambition can partake of a little of the versatility of the priest dedicated to the Way as a whole, aiding priests in the creation of an aura as if they shared their dedication..

In Wintermark, Ambition is represented by naeve, Rune of Hunger. Because this rune has negative connotations, it is rarely used openly on an Inspiring Refrain.


  • Form: Weapon. Takes the form of an icon. You must be holding this item in hand to use its magical properties.
  • Requirement: You must have the dedication skill to bond to this item.
  • Effect: You may perform ceremonial skills other than dedication as if you were dedicated to the virtue of Ambition.
  • Materials: Crafting Inspiring Refrain requires 7 ingots of orichalcum, 5 ingots of weltsilver, and 9 measures of dragonbone; It takes 1 month to make one of these items.