Revision as of 16:52, 16 March 2017 by Rafferty (talk | contribs)
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ItemPowerMonthsOrichalcumTempest JadeGreen IronWeltsilverAmbergeltBeggars LyeDragon BoneIrridescent Gloaming
Mirror of the VirtuousIf the bearer leads an ANOINTING ceremony, all effects apply to the bearer as well as the target.100060040
Shackles of Insight1/day you can perform INSIGHT on two targets at the same time; you must be able to touch both targets107000040
Illuminates' Amulet2/day when you use a dose of Liao to perform a religious ceremony you regain 1 personal Mana.100050055
Censer of BenedictionWhen you participate in a CONSECRATE, HALLOW or ANOINTING ceremony, you may add an additional rank by spending an additional Liao150707050
Righteous AspergilWhen you participate in a TESTIFY ceremony, you may add up to two additional ranks by spending up to two additional Liao137060050
Silent BellWhen you participate in an EXORCISM ceremony, you may add up to two additional ranks by spending up to two additional Liao1007001050

Pages in category "Regalia"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.