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When the Highborn rebuilt, Bastion became the heart of their nation
Regions of Bastion


Bastion is the heart of the Highborn nation. The beautiful rolling plains are dotted with woodlands and carefully maintained parks, and with great stone chapterhouses that date back to the first years of the Revalation.

Recent History

Many refugees from Reikos have made new homes in Bastion.

Major Features

Refugees from Reikos have established new homes in Bastion - some more permanent than others.
Guardians of the Shattered Tower keep a close eye on the borders of Highguard.


The sacred city of Bastion, the White City, is a marvel of marble and mosaic. Even her enemies cannot deny her magnificence – the white marble domes and towers raised up to the demonstrate the glory of a virtuous life, the roads trodden smooth by the footsteps of countless philosophers, warriors and pilgrims. More garden than city, the skyline is dominated by the tall spires and elegant architecture of the huge chapterhouses. The entire city has been expressly designed as a monument to the devotion of the Highborn. When the Imperial Synod recognizes a paragon or exemplar, then a new basilica is constructed here to celebrate their life and deeds.

Few Highborn dwell here permanently but most important folk make a pilgrimage once every year. Every chapter maintains a hostel in the great city, to serve as a dwelling for members who visit. The wealthiest and most powerful Highborn often possess their own residence here.


A small trading town where goods from local farms are sold, Sybela boasts an unusually large number of inns, since it acts as a crossroads for travel between Highguard, the League, Urizen and Dawn. It’s a key stopping point on the pilgrim routes to Highguard. For some, the journey is an important as the destination and Sybela is one place where pilgrims meet, and join together to travel through the still-dangerous lands between the civilised places of the world.

By order of the Imperial Senate, in early 377YE a series of watchtowers and fortified inns were constructed around Sybela following an increase in bandity. The works were overseen by Bridget Eastville (senator for Mitwold) as part of a larger plan to provide protection to towns throughout the Empire. While the defences are not sufficient to qualify Sybela as a fortification, they have already helped reduce brigandry throughout the territory.

For four hundred years the Cohort of the Winter Bear has remained resolute in its adherence to a Virtuous life; protecting the weak, persecuting injustice and shielding Highguard from its enemies.
Cataphracts of the Cohort of the Winter Bear.


Bastion Rounds

The Elms


Sybella Cross
