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Black ThornsCormac FarkasNavarrLiathaven
Black ThornsMerelNavarrTheruninPathfinders
Black ThornsMerryn FarkasNavarrTheruninRuis Farkas
DrakesKrieger MerkwurdigliebeThe LeagueHolbergHolsburger Haudegen
Granite PillarRoman Aleksander AlinyovaHighguardBastion
Granite PillarCaylebHighguardCasineaFelix's Watch Banner
Granite PillarRuthHighguardCasineaFelix's Watch Banner
Hounds of GloryFrancis de WulfDawnAstolatHouse de Gauvain
Hounds of GloryYwain the PersistentDawnAstolatHouse de Gauvain
Hounds of GloryBohemond De RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryLord Colwynn de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryCharles RussellDawnAstolatMorning House (Banner)
Hounds of GloryAmoret d'AcierDawnThe Barrens
Hounds of GloryEscalados de CarsenereDawnThe BarrensHouse de Carsenere
Hounds of GloryGarlon de CarsenereDawnThe BarrensHouse de Carsenere
Hounds of GloryTaliesin SteelsmithDawnThe BarrensHouse de Carsenere
Hounds of GloryFrederik NovarionDawnWeirwaterHouse Novarion
Hounds of GloryIsolde NovarionDawnWeirwaterHouse Novarion
Hounds of GloryLady Clarice NovarionDawnWeirwaterHouse Novarion
Hounds of GloryNicanorHighguardBastionFelix's Watch Banner
Hounds of GloryArdonHighguardCasineaCantiarch's Hold
Hounds of GloryEsauHighguardCasineaCantiarch's Hold
Hounds of GloryBarachel of Adina's ChargeHighguardCasineaDaintree Survivors
Hounds of GlorymathayusHighguardNecropolis
Hounds of GloryMelchior Benjamin FletcherHighguardNecropolisBanner of the Cenotaph
Hounds of GloryThomirHighguardNecropolisBanner of the Cenotaph
Hounds of GlorySkinnerHighguardReikos
Hounds of GloryGralkaImperial OrcsunknownStormcrow
Hounds of GlorySaruImperial OrcsunknownStormcrow
Hounds of GloryKrell StormcrowImperial OrcsSummer StormStormcrow
Hounds of GloryBrukImperial OrcsSummer StormThe Irontide
Hounds of GloryGustImperial OrcsSummer StormThe Irontide
Hounds of GloryIrontide IskImperial OrcsSummer StormThe Irontide
Hounds of GloryIrontide KaskImperial OrcsSummer StormThe Irontide
Hounds of GloryIrontide RadImperial OrcsSummer StormThe Irontide
Hounds of GloryVioImperial OrcsSummer StormThe Irontide
Hounds of GloryGaradImperial OrcsWinter Sun
Hounds of GloryMatakImperial OrcsWinter SunBloodcrows
Hounds of GloryDayusImperial OrcsWinter SunStormcrow
Hounds of GloryEmjinImperial OrcsWinter SunStormcrow
Hounds of GloryKalindarImperial OrcsWinter SunStormcrow
Hounds of GloryKarrImperial OrcsWinter SunStormcrow
Hounds of GlorySilalliImperial OrcsWinter SunStormcrow
Hounds of GloryOwynNavarrunknownExile's End
Hounds of GloryBrennos BrackensongNavarrBroceliande
Hounds of GloryDaneNavarrLiathaven
Hounds of GlorySaeros SplitrootNavarrMiaren
Hounds of GloryRowyn Realms ReachNavarrMiarenOpen Skies
Hounds of GloryTerin Realms ReachNavarrMiarenOpen Skies
Hounds of GlorySkethNavarrTherunin
Hounds of GloryCainNavarrTheruninKithkin
Hounds of GloryGeraint Broad-BackedNavarrTheruninOpen Skies
Hounds of GloryCigydd Summer CrowNavarrTheruninThe Summer Crows
Hounds of GloryArran I Scipio I GuerraThe Brass CoastFeroz
Hounds of GloryIsandro i Sotero i RiquezaThe Brass CoastFeroz
Hounds of GloryBerenguer i Muhareeb i GuerraThe Brass CoastKahraman
Hounds of GloryVito Sayap GuerraThe Brass CoastKahraman
Hounds of Glorycarlos I astuto I guerraThe Brass CoastMadruga
Hounds of GloryBeltran I Ezmara I ErigoThe Brass CoastSegura
Hounds of GlorySiegfried van HolbergThe LeagueHolberg
Hounds of GloryOtto Freidrich Von HolsbergThe LeagueHolbergCompagnia De Rossi
Hounds of GloryIvan von RigoThe LeagueTemeschwar
Hounds of GloryDarius RosenthalThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryJorah AndrikssonThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryLannThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryLeo AlexioThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryNicolo Sanguedolce Di SarvosThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryOriana SartelliThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryReaohealThe LeagueTemeschwarThe Brotherhood of the Ashen Tower
Hounds of GloryRoger MaynardThe Marchesunknown
Hounds of GloryHarry ArmstrongThe MarchesMournwold
Hounds of GloryWalter SavageThe MarchesMournwold
Hounds of GlorySarus AuricspireUrizenunknownHorizon's Edge
Hounds of GloryArchemorusUrizenMorrowCitadel of Eye's Overwatch
Hounds of GloryLudovigo "Aquila Overwatch" VitaliUrizenMorrowCitadel of Eye's Overwatch
Hounds of GloryVaanUrizenMorrowHorizon's Edge
Hounds of GloryVulpesUrizenZenith
Hounds of GloryTanwyn AnkarienUrizenZenithAnkarien's Revenge
Hounds of GloryDecius CascadeUrizenZenithSpire of the Celestial Cascade
Hounds of GloryMagnus Anatolyvich ProchnostVarushkaKarovThe Embers of Ivarsgard
Hounds of GloryVilkas Antonovich ProchnostVarushkaKarovThe Embers of Ivarsgard
Hounds of GloryStaslo Cziboriev DmienkaVarushkaMiekarova
Hounds of GloryDanica Mala SeveryanVarushkaMiekarovaEagles of Gnijezdo
Hounds of GloryValentin Ivarovich SeveryanVarushkaMiekarovaEagles of Gnijezdo
Hounds of GloryZdenka Branovna UlavnaVarushkaVolodmartz
Hounds of GloryMandrake LightfootWintermarkunknown
Hounds of GlorySilviaWintermarkunknown
Hounds of GloryCalhounWintermarkHahnmark
Hounds of GlorySulkavaris ( formerly Guthwulf)WintermarkHahnmark
Hounds of GloryTeothric 'Stand'WintermarkHahnmark
Hounds of GloryAthelstan BrunsonWintermarkHahnmarkBjornholt
Hounds of GloryAedred 'Firebird' apMagorWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Hounds of GloryBrandgar TyrshaltingWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Hounds of GloryEofor TyrshaltWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Hounds of GloryRynwealdWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Hounds of GloryTager TyrshaltWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Hounds of GloryHallgeir SherardingWintermarkHahnmarkSherard Hunters (Banner)
Hounds of GloryHaraldWintermarkHahnmarkVesalligr
Hounds of GloryRanulf Six-LivesWintermarkHahnmarkVesalligr
Hounds of GloryBrand WulfgarssonWintermarkKallavesa
Hounds of GlorySighelmWintermarkKallavesa
Hounds of GloryAethelstan KorpingWintermarkSermersuaq
Hounds of GloryJoakimWintermarkSermersuaq
Hounds of GloryKye Knife-BornWintermarkSermersuaqSaker
Hounds of GloryRheged RedspearWintermarkSermersuaqSaker
Hounds of GlorySigurd StenningWintermarkSermersuaqStenstorp
Hounds of GloryAerdon KorpissonWintermarkSermersuaqSussivari Oathsworn Fyrd
Hounds of GloryVanhe KorppiWintermarkSermersuaqSussivari Oathsworn Fyrd
Hounds of GloryNiilo BeinteinssenWintermarkSermersuaqThe Rangers of Nanuk
Hounds of Gloryalrik wrothgarsonWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryBjorn FellswordWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryEranWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryJussiWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryLaughing WulfricWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryOdda BaldulfssonWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryOsric SkarsindsonWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryVolkWintermarkSkarsind
Hounds of GloryAelfric WolfsbaneWintermarkSkarsindBjornholt
Hounds of GloryWulfric UkkossonWintermarkSkarsindHolt Hyrde
Hounds of GloryThanmir HrafnarWintermarkSkarsindHrafnar
Hounds of GloryRagnarWintermarkSkarsindRenwaerd
Northern EagleNadezhda Nadyovna GremaniVarushkaunknownFamily Gremani
Northern EagleIanaVarushkaMiekarova
Northern EagleSenghir Vorbarra StrascovianVarushkaMiekarova
Northern EagleRavenka Nadyovna GremaniVarushkaMiekarovaFamily Gremani
Quiet StepKestrelNavarrBroceliandeBrackensong Steading (Banner)
Strong ReedsJack FlintThe MarchesunknownHouse Bolholt
Strong ReedsEdwin de WarrenneThe MarchesBregaslandOrder of the Forgotten Word
Summer StormT'onkImperial OrcsWinter SunStormcrow