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Major Settlements
- Anduz
- A settlement built on the ruins of a much older city. In Anduz, the Freeborn rubbed shoulders with foreigners of three other nations, and there they acted as a trade gateway for the Empire, until the barbarians overran it.
- Anozel
- Once the economic centre of Segura, but since the invasion of 363, its hinterland is lost and its Prosperity gone. Once-busy markets are quiet, or given over to tented military encampments.
Minor Settlements
- Cerevado
- Sited at a particularly difficult set of rapids on the Scorrero. Some captains will un-ship their cargo, and push their boats along a league of rollers set into the rocky bank. The more Courageous will pilot the foaming water and risk the rapids - and who amongst the Brass Coast would admit to anything other than daring of the highest order? The wreckage of those who failed is for sale in the Cerevado market.
- Sobral
- Keeps Anozel alive, but perhaps not for much longer. Contracts to supply it with grain at a fixed price for a fixed time will not last forever, and its people will have to bargain for their town’s existence. Sobral is a gathering point for those who roam the grass plains, when they bring their herbs in for the slaughter.
Places of Interest
- Old Anduz
- An ancient settlement in three concentric stone rings, which Anduz is now built upon.