A Song of Hospitality
Lyrics by Yael, who plays Danika Alicja Dabrowska. The melody is a folk Yiddish tune. Based on the Nehama Hendel version of 'Shalom Rav Shuvech'.
A recording is available here by Yael
Welcome oh traveler, sit by the fire, As we share with you all that we have to give, Now drink with us, eat with us, in hospitality, We do not ask our guests to leave.
From far away you come into our village, So, tell us oh traveler, where have you been? Let’s raise up a glass to life and Varushka, Now tell us of all that you’ve seen.
And as we welcome you into our home, We offer you shelter from ice and from snow, Remember the magic of honored protection, And bid us farewell as you go.