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This page was last updated on Thu Sept 19 18:29:33 UTC 2024 using Bourse Seats.


Imperial Bourse Seats

FundindelveClisearn, Mareave22 wains of mithrilIarovit Zorczek Przewałski
Sunless DepthsGalath Fields, Ossium16 wains of mithrilMoraža
The Fortress of SaltMetri, Temeschwar25 wains of mithrilClaude Deeds
The Great Mine of BrianteSerra Briante, Kahraman22 wains of mithrilGuy Grimbold-Antenucci
The Great Pits of EnnerlundEnnerlund, Holberg27 wains of mithrilTorven Krigerson

National Bourse Seats

Brilliant StarTomari, Redoubt28 wains of mithril and 3 wains of mithrilRhodeUrizeni Position
Pride of Ikka's TearsSuaq Fount, Sermersuaq22 wains of mithrilÆðelric DagurssonWintermark Position
Red DepthsSerra Damata, Kahraman19 wains of mithrilSagremar I Zayden I GuerraFreeborn Position
The Eternal Shafts of TimeWieliczka, Karov29 wains of mithrilDorys DelgorokovVarushkan Position
The LegacyOssuary, Spiral22 wains of mithrilOtmar van HolbergLeague Position
The Singing CavesGreensward, Mournwold28 wains of mithrilJames ForresterMarcher Position


ResourceLocationPotential PurchaseOccupantEligibilityElection
Boar's MarketWinterbourne, Astolat6 wains of mithrilMarycDawnish PositionAutumn
Iron TowerDuzekani, Karov15 wains of mithrilVladimir Sasha VolkovVarushkan PositionAutumn
Meade Mithril MarketMeade March, Mitwold21 wains of mithrilAubrey ShawMarcher PositionAutumn
Mines of GulhuleEstermark, Skarsind1 wain of mithrilIrontide FlaxImperial Orc PositionWinter
Overseer of the Gloaming RoadYellow Chase, Segura6 wains of mithrilOwain FarkasImperial PositionAutumn
Parador of DustJade Range, Kahraman15 wains of mithrilNemi i RiquezaFreeborn PositionAutumn
Temeschwar University Department of ArchitectureHanuri, Temeschwar6 wains of mithrilLaughlan Vi TemeschwarLeague PositionWinter
The Singing CavesGreensward, Mournwold12 wains of mithrilJames ForresterMarcher PositionAutumn


Imperial Bourse Seats

Canterspire CircleOperus, Morrow26 wains of weirwoodBron Mordssen
Great Forest at ReikosBroken Ride, Reikos25 wains of weirwoodArlais of The Silent Tide
Heartwood of the Great ValeSummersend, Hercynia25 wains of weirwoodLandon Hawcombe
Hunt of Alderei the FairOpascari, Volodmartz28 wains of weirwoodBranislav Vuk Strascovich
The Golden Trees of SerenSerenael, Miaren28 wains of weirwoodVacant
Weirwater ValesWickmoor, Weirwater23 wains of weirwoodMisha Kemi

National Bourse Seats

Flaxen PillarsMisericorde, Holberg22 wains of weirwoodClaus Friedrich von HolbergLeague Position
The ThimbleEastring, Therunin22 wains of weirwoodAstryd EmbercastNavarr Position


ResourceLocationPotential PurchaseOccupantEligibilityElection
Boar's MarketWinterbourne, Astolat10 wains of weirwoodMarycDawnish PositionAutumn
Docks of KorotnyMalimorzi, Karov15 wains of weirwoodTriska MarkovaVarushkan PositionWinter
Heartwood of the Great ValeSummersend, Hercynia9 wains of weirwoodLandon HawcombeImperial PositionWinter
Invisible Cord BrokerageSerenael, Miaren12 wains of weirwoodRhys NighthavenNavarr PositionWinter
Prime Factor of the Pallas DocksLimus, Redoubt0 wains of weirwoodNikolai St JohnImperial PositionWinter
Temeschwar University Department of ArchitectureHanuri, Temeschwar6 wains of weirwoodLaughlan Vi TemeschwarLeague PositionWinter
The Gloaming ForumOperus, Morrow4 wains of weirwoodSpyridonakes of the Lighthouse at NikephorosUrizeni PositionWinter
The Golden Trees of SerenSerenael, Miaren12 wains of weirwoodVacantImperial PositionAt the next summit

White Granite

Imperial Bourse Seats

Brilliant ShoreGildermark, Skarsind26 wains of white graniteLumi Warmthbringer
Sutton Stone QuarriesThe Heath, Upwold23 wains of white graniteJohn Hawcombe
The Arratan GambleEnterio, Tassato25 wains of white graniteBerrak of The Navigators of Virtue
The Damatian CliffsSerra Damata, Kahraman27 wains of white graniteNaomi, Felix Watch
The Night QuarryMieriada, Miekarova28 wains of white granitePipski Bearonovitch Strascovich

National Bourse Seats

The Granites of VeltsgorskBrez, Volodmartz28 wains of white graniteBlazh ZbignevVarushkan Position
The Vigilant SwanRiverwatch, Reikos26 wains of white graniteEhudHighborn Position


ResourceLocationPotential PurchaseOccupantEligibilityElection
Boar's MarketWinterbourne, Astolat6 wains of white graniteMarycDawnish PositionAutumn
Cinderpath ExchangeMareholm, Casinea15 wains of white graniteKapikHighborn PositionSummer
Concordium DockLimus, Redoubt32 wains of white graniteGaspar di TemeschwarImperial PositionSummer
Elosian DocksNaris, Redoubt14 wains of white graniteTelemachus of The Lighthouse at NikephorosUrizeni PositionSummer
KauppahallValasmark, Hahnmark14 wains of white graniteEerikki KorpiWintermark PositionSpring
Temeschwar University Department of ArchitectureHanuri, Temeschwar6 wains of white graniteLaughlan Vi TemeschwarLeague PositionWinter
The Granites of VeltsgorskBrez, Volodmartz12 wains of white graniteBlazh ZbignevVarushkan PositionSummer


Imperial Bourse Seats

Syrene's WisdomSyrwatch, Casinea10 rings of iliumShiloh

National Bourse Seats

Cerevado NetsLucksprings, Segura4 rings of iliumLexis i Leharo i guerraFreeborn Position
Gift of the Dwindling StarBrez, Volodmartz4 rings of iliumFretek Sargava SlavomirynVarushkan Position
Tassatan HillsTassato Mestra, Tassato6 rings of iliumSerafina di SarvosLeague Position
The Regario DossierTassato Regario, Tassato4 rings of iliumVacantLeague Position
The Steel FistHedrossan, Necropolis12 rings of iliumAroraImperial Orc Position

Lost Seats

The Broken Shore BountyCazar Straits, Feroz7 rings of ilium


ResourceLocationPotential PurchaseOccupantEligibilityElection
Crucible of FateIteri, Zenith5 rings of iliumEsteban Ezmara of Zenith AscendantUrizeni PositionSummer
Docks of KorotnyMalimorzi, Karov3 rings of iliumTriska MarkovaVarushkan PositionWinter
Docks of Lake FeverwaterEast Ashes, Therunin1 ring of iliumEosffair FarwalkerNavarr PositionHas tenure
Gift of the Dwindling StarBrez, Volodmartz4 rings of iliumFretek Sargava SlavomirynVarushkan PositionSpring
House of SpiritsMareholm, Casinea5 rings of iliumRinnahHighborn PositionSpring
KauppahallValasmark, Hahnmark4 rings of iliumEerikki KorpiWintermark PositionSpring
Market Hall at FiskWittal Grove, Kallavesa10 rings of iliumThrittWintermark PositionSpring
Mines of GulhuleEstermark, Skarsind1 ring of iliumIrontide FlaxImperial Orc PositionWinter
Trading Hall at WreckEast Floes, Sermersuaq5 rings of iliumHalvind BrinegoldWintermark PositionSpring
Triosk Metal ExchangeLivardz, Volodmartz1 ring of iliumLechovitch-RozaVarushkan PositionWinter