Thane of Floerstrand
The Thane of Floerstrand is an Imperial title awarded to a citizen of the Wintermark. The motion to construct Floerstrand was passed by the Imperial Senate in Autumn 386YE. The Thane of Floerstrand is responsible for protecting the hot springs and looking after the travellers that visit them. The title was created as a result of an opportunity presented in the Farm, fur, and fish wind of fortune.
The Thane of Floerstrand has a responsibility to protect the Hot Springs of Tanikipari. If the hot springs, or the travellers who visit, were to be threatened in any way, it would be the responsibility of the Thane of Floerstrand to deal with those threats.
Draught of Tanikipari
The Thane of Floerstrand receives two phials of prepared lake water. These doses are stored in specially made vials, the water is drawn from the springs near the Day regio on its northern shores, and represents a consumable that provides benefits to those performing divination magic.
Hostel Profits
The Thane of Floerstrand has custodianship of a sinecure. They receive 16 crowns.
The Thane of Floerstrand is appointed by unanimous decision of the Wintermark senators. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the title may be appointed by the Imperial Senate instead.
The title can be held by a Wintermark citizen. The Thane of Floerstrand has tenure, and serves until they die or step down. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Wintermark National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.
Recent Elections
The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.
During the 382YE invasion of Sermersuaq many of the smaller halls that resided within the territory could not withstand the sheer numbers of Jotun warriors that were unleashed upon the land. The first of their number to fall were those in the territories of Stark and Tanikipari. The original Floerstrand was one such hall, set up in ages past by Icewalkers who were drawn to the Hot Springs of Taniki following rumours of a Day regio often visited by great white birds.
The ruins of the original Floerstrand can be seen resting between the Hot Springs of Taniki and the great lake of Ittanpari. The new Floerstrand, though built further north along the shoreline of the hot springs, carries on the legacy and traditions of the former hall. The Icewalkers within the Hall distil the water of the springs using a form of Music of the Spheres that incorporates syncopation and complex polyrhythms. Artwork carved into the stone and beams of the hall itself makes use of straight lines and hard angles that are always measured in forty-five degree increments. Banners and other fabric found around the Hall are coloured with white and blue patterns outlined with thin black lines.
The opportunity to build this version of Floerstrand was created following an appraisal given by Graciana i Lòpez i Guerra of the Prognosticator's Office in the Summer of 386YE. She suggested that the Hall could also serve as a place of relaxation for travellers to Sermersuaq from further afield, coming to bathe within the waters of the hot springs and marvel at the natural beauty of Tanikipari. While hospitality is provided to the tourists who wish to experience the delights of the hall, special care is given to those visitors who use the waters as a spot to cleanse themselves before their final journey north to find a good death within Sydanjaa.