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By Brian Tollady, based on Close Every Door by Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

Listen to Brian's rendition here.

Bind me in shackle, hold me in chain, Deny me my freedom, here I'll remain; Existence unending down tunnel and cave, Indentured in service, forever a slave.

Chorus Close every door to me, Hide all the world from me, Keep me in darkness, shut out the light.

Do what you want with me, Hate me and laugh at me, Darken my daytime, torture my night.

Hands twisted, back broken, I'm all skin and bone; A life with no meaning; no freedom, no home; No mercy for my kin, we're whipped to behave, Down in these dark mines we work to the grave.


When will death take me? I pray for the end; My story and sorrow most can't comprehend; I do not matter: I'm only an orc, Ancestors have damned me, alone I must walk.


Forget all about me...