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Judgement 6

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Corey Wayfarer
  • Judgement: We march to war! We send Corey Wayfarer with 200 liao to urge ever Navarr to remember the oaths they swore. Let us eradicate the ancient ambomination and fulfill our nation's ambition to see the end of the vallorn for good.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (464-18);
  • Special: Custodian of Virtue used, greater majority required.
  • Enacted: Commits the nation of Navarr to fighting the vallorn as per The final countdown wind of fortune

Judgement 8

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Clytemnestra
  • Judgement: Strive, toil and claim the just rewards of yoiur labours. We send Clytemnestra with 75 liao to urge mages, sentinels and sword scholars to help bring the Marcher harvest home. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (358-0);
  • Enacted: A large number of Urizen citizens will abandon their work for the season and travel to the Marches to do what they can to help bring in the harvest. As detailed in the Peaks and planes wind of fortune

Judgement 9

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Zadkiel de Coeurdefer
  • Judgement: Nothing is beyond our reach. We send Zadkiel de Coeurdefer with a dose of True Liao to consecrate the Spires of Dusk to ambition. Where they sewn fear, we will make flowers bloom.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1660-80);
  • Enacted: Creates a true consecration of Ambition at Spires of Dusk in the Barrens. As detailed in the Poetry and prose wind of fortune.

Judgement 12

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Aspar
  • Judgement: The Fire of Virtue smoulders on the archipelago. It is our duty to nurture this flame. We send Aspar with 100 liao to show Asavea the power of virtue exalts all.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1734-302); margin of 1402
  • Enacted: Encourages missionaries to focus on Asavea. Imperial missionaries, both lay pilgrims and priests alike, will spread out from the Empire across the Asavean Archipelago. As detailed in the Drumbeat of war wind of fortune.

Judgement 21

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Aster Acaeae
  • Judgement: Even the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time. We send Sufyan i Zuhri i Erigo with 50 doses of liao to urge those loyal to our young siblings in Virtue, to spread the Way and support the virtuous rebels in Asavea.
  • Outcome: Withdrawn;

Judgement 26

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Starac Sijed Orzel
  • Judgement: Ozren de Orzel was an inspiration to all those who take pride in their nation. We send Start Sijed Orzel with a dose of true liao to consecrate an academy in Sandling Weirwater in the name of Pride.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1234-248);

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra
  • Judgement: It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way. We seend Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizens to contribute what resources they can to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. The road ahead is hard, but we are walking it together.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (52-94);

Judgement 35

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Lia Adelaar van Holberg
  • Judgement: Seel out falsehood and expose the truth! We send Kanute Adelaar van Holberg (Custodian of the Bloody Great Sausage) with 25 doses of liao to root out the conspiracy of murder and abomination that hides beneath the surface of Holberg.
  • Outcome: Upheld (376-0);
  • Enacted: Creates an opportunity for League characters with military units to undertake the Hunt the Cannibal Butchers of Holberg adventure.. As detailed in the How the sausage is made wind of fortune.

Judgement 36

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Paulus Adelaar van Holberg
  • Judgement: The city of Apulian should include the best of Urizeni culture. We send Lia Adelaar van Holberg with 25 liao to urge Apulians to embrace our Urizeni neighbours. Let us change the world together!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (370-10);
  • Enacted: Encourages the citizens of Apulian to welcome the Urizen magicians of Spiral to the city.. As detailed in The city below wind of fortune.

Judgement 38

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Nigel Hornbeam
  • Judgement: Despise that which threatens what you watch over. Dalton Royse has betrayed the Marchers. We send Nigel Hornbeam with 15 liao to urge all Vigilant beaters to thwart wthi malice before it strikes.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (216-0);
  • Enacted: Encourages beaters to hunt down Dalton Royse and do what must be done to bring him to justice. As detailed in the Kith and kin wind of fortune.

Judgement 39

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Athiel Westernborn of the Cenotaph
  • Judgement: The souls of Asavea cry out for salvation. Now is the time to reach out to those who need our guidance, to find a way or make one. We send Athiel Westernborn of the Cenotaph with 100 liao to urge every Highborn to show the Asaveans that the power of Virtue exalts all.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (198-460);

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Dagon
  • Judgement: Even the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time. We send Dagon with 50 doses of liao to urge those loyal to our young siblings in Virtue to spread the Way and support the Virtuous rebels in Asavea.
  • Outcome: Upheld (400-128);
  • Enacted: Encourages Imperial citizens to find other ways to support the “virtuous rebels” in Asavea. As detailed in the Drumbeat of war wind of fortune.

Judgement 49

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Rhubarb Ironwood
  • Judgement: The Virtuous face unwelcome truths as bold as any barbarian charge. We send Rhubarb Ironwood with 50 doses of liao to lead threshers in frankly the truth with Urizen, about the consequences of irresponsible magic, and the Urizen's imperious nature in its use. We wish to share our traditions of responsibility to build a better world for everyone.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (76-154);

Judgement 58

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost
  • Judgement: The wise know that their knowledge is incomplete and ther eis always more to learn. We send Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost with 50 liao to suport the volhov of Varushka working with guisers and mountebanks to protect the people of the Semmerlak from Dho'uala, both to teach and to learn.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (370-0);
  • Enacted: Encourages virtuous folk from around the Semmerlak and beyond to contribute to the Journeymage Towers if commissioned. It also assures Varushkans that the Wise approve of this coming-together of nations. It will recognise that while guisers and mountebanks are not often trusted by their people, their skills are nonetheless important. As detailed in the Drumbeat of war wind of fortune.

Judgement 67

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Grey Stone
  • Judgement: The Prosperous are not selfish; all that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. We send Jedediah Boon with 50 doses of liao to encourage friars to share their virtue with Urizen. Let us break new ground with Pride.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (172-64);
  • Not Enacted: Liao not provided

Judgement 73

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Pacheco i Shartha i Guerra
  • Judgement: Do not fear to act: only be shamed by inaction. We send Pacheco i Shartha i Guerra with 50 liao to urge our ship captains to ensure the aid offered to the people of Asavea reaches their shores.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (142-0);
  • Enacted: Creates a new Freeborn adventure Smuggle the Way to Asavea for fleets; the skill of the Freeborn will ensure that wherever possible those missionaries arrive safely, ready to avoid the Plenum and the Asavean priesthood. As detailed in the Drumbeat of war wind of fortune.

Judgement 81

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lutobor Branislavovich Glinka
  • Judgement: Let us focus our vision and begin where idolatry corrupts will and the virtuous are chained. We send Lutobor Branislavovich Glinka with 150 doses of liao to urge Imperial citizens to assist Asavean followers of the Way to spread the faith.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1228-292); margin of 936
  • Not Enacted: This judgement was in competition with Judgement 12

Judgement 84

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Rafe
  • Judgement: The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. It behooves us to build up our fellows, rather than let them suffer at the hands of hateful idolaters. We send Rafe with 50 doses of liao to urge the sailors and fleet captains of Wintermark to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (309-0);
  • Not Enacted: Liao not provided

Judgement 96

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Tarquinius Ankarien
  • Judgement: All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. We send Tarquinius Ankarien with 25 liao to urge Urizeni magicians to once again use the mithril block to defend their minds from the plateau.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (242-62);
  • Enacted: Removes the current penalties affecting economic development in Spiral caused by the Black Plateau. As detailed in the The city below wind of fortune.

Judgement 103

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Ivana Petara Vodjavic
  • Judgement: All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. We send Ivana Petara Vodjavic with 50 doses of liao to reassure the faithful that is not unvirtuous or idolatrous to pay tolls or tribute, as long as this is payment and not an offering.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (226-20);
  • Enacted:This mandate ensures that the Waterroad Ring and their allies in other nations will contribute to the Ward on the Semmerlak, helping to source works of art and materials to preserve their own prosperity. This will reduce the upkeep from the Senate treasury to 20 Thrones a season. In the event the Senate chooses not to build the wards, the merchant-princes of the League will still be reassured and work with the Sand Fishers to offer their own tribute, removing the penalty to fleets trading from Holberg (and only Holberg). As detailed in the Less welcome tenants wind of fortune.

Judgement 105

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Arsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
  • Judgement: We send Arsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato with 25 doses of liao to support the reconciliation between Urizen and League citizens in Spiral by turning the eyes of loyalty to the League mandate: "The city of Apulian should include the best of Urizeni culture. We send our priest with 50 liao to urge Apulians to embrace our Urizeni neighbours. Let us change the world together!"
  • Outcome: Upheld (428-12);
  • Not Enacted: No liao supplied

Judgement 138

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Jared of the Sentinels Tower
  • Judgement: We call all citizens to be vigilant to the machinations of the eternal Agramant and his wicked followers. We send Jared, the Champion of Vigilance with 75 doses of liao to root out all those who embrace this unspeakable act and bring them to justice.
  • Outcome: Upheld (260-0);
  • Enacted: Creates an opportunity for all Imperials with military units to undertake the Root out the Feasters adventure. Every business and farm in the Empire will produce 18 fewer rings in the coming season as people search for the cannibal cultists. As detailed in the How the sausage is made wind of fortune.

Judgement 157

  • Assembly: Aliss Thorn
  • Raised By: Marcher
  • Judgement: Wisdom knows all knowledge is incomplete. We send Aliss Thorn with 15 liao to encourage artisans to travel to Oakwood to help the smiths recover and rediscover the lost art. The Virtuous apply what they have learned.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (244-0);
  • Enacted: Artisans from all over the Marches will travel to Oakwood to speak with the smiths. The Marches nation will be reconciled with the lost tradition of their forebears - the smith archetype will be added to the list of Marcher archetypes after the Autumn Equinox 386YE. As detailed in the Rock and a hard place wind of fortune.

Judgement 211

  • Assembly: Skywise Tulva
  • Raised By: Imperial Orc
  • Judgement: One nation, woven from six strong strands. Each of these septs has its own expertise, that will help us to show the people of Mareave we are not their enemies. We send Skywise Gralka with 25 doses of liao to urge the Tamazi to seek ways we may make Maraeve a home for our people by using their skill in stone masonry and magical defences to aid against the Grendel threat let the first sept we send be one to protect these new lands and people.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (44-0);
  • Enacted: Members of the Tamazi will make a point of travelling to Mareave to explore the opportunities there. As detailed in the Set my lands in order wind of fortune.

Special Considerations

The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Spring Equinox.

All AssembliesStatements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesStatements that try to compel Loyalty will fail.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesRevocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire risk causing dissent.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesAny mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. Urizen Link, Varushka Link.Ongoing

Alternative Mandates

Prior to the summit, the following alternative mandates were proposed by members of the Synod.

Member Link to mandate
Eli of the Cenotaph Drumbeat of war
Lutobor (Lut) Branislavovich Glinka Drumbeat of war
Elagabala Peaks and planes
Rhubarb Ironwood Peaks and planes

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Closing value at previous summit 4 Crowns, 2 Rings
Donations 1 Throne, 2 Crowns Various donations received at the counting house of Reikos prior to the start of the summit
Starting value at this summit 1 Throne, 6 Crowns, 2 Rings