Revision as of 17:54, 28 July 2024 by Hailmur (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Winds of FortuneCategory:386YE AutumnCategory:Recent History <!--<div style="float:left; width: 350px; clear: left;">{{CaptionedImage|file=News in Spring.jpg|align=left|caption=Keeping track of everything that happens at summits is hard work.|width=350}}</div>--> ==Interlude== Downtime will soon be open, allowing players to process their character's downtime choices. The Autumn Equinox winds of fortune will come out shortly before the next event. Ho...")
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Downtime will soon be open, allowing players to process their character's downtime choices. The Autumn Equinox winds of fortune will come out shortly before the next event. However, there are a number of significant events happening in the wake of the Summer Solstice that may affect some players' Downtime actions - primarily effects on personal resources or options for characters with military unit or fleet personal resources.

On this page we'll be outlining, and offering some context for, these various effects. In most cases, there will be further information in the Autumn Equinox winds of fortune. As always, these are quick OOC summaries to explain effects such as large-scale enchantments and curses. We'll cover all these and more when we start to present the winds of fortune for next event.

The deadline for Downtime submissions at midnight on TBC.