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To amend the fortification, Spires of Dusk, remodelling to remove Druj elements and make a monument to the sacrifice paid by the Hounds of Glory. Does not require a commission and will be self funded by Castellan of Spiral Castle, Mortarion Carver.

Proposed: The Barrens, Seconded: Redoubt



  • Spring 386YE


  • Costs as per opportunity
  • 10 white granite
  • 50 thrones
  • Three months to complete


  • 50 thrones and 10 wains of white granite provided by Mortarion Carver after Spring Equinox 386YE


  • Now complete, the Spires of Dusk (or Houndsgate) have been remade; the last traces of Druj power have been removed and replaced with an imposing symbol of Imperial rule that sends a clear signal to the Empire and every sept in the Barrens, that the territory is Dawnish, now and for the future.