Revision as of 13:04, 26 May 2023 by Hailmur (talk | contribs)
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Beacons of KallavesaBjornWintermarkHahnmark
Beacons of KallavesaAldor BjorningWintermarkHahnmarkBjornholt
Beacons of KallavesaLofyn Blood-cloakWintermarkHahnmarkThe BloodHands
Beacons of KallavesaHavi KalisburWintermarkKallavesa
Beacons of KallavesaGísli BaersonWintermarkKallavesaHouse Gerís
Beacons of KallavesaEisa AmwynsdottirWintermarkKallavesaHraefnhall
Beacons of KallavesaWaegmund 'Toothless'WintermarkKallavesaThe Aesclings
Beacons of KallavesaAnsel the namelessWintermarkSermersuaq
Burning FalconHakira i Aurya i GuerraThe Brass CoastFerozFlames of the Coast
Burning FalconRazek i ErigoThe Brass CoastFerozFlames of the Coast
Burning FalconMattias i GuerraThe Brass CoastKahraman
Citadel GuardWilliam RykkerDawnAstolat
Citadel GuardEadric FjellreveningDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Citadel GuardLord Colwynn de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Citadel GuardTancred de CoeurdeferDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Citadel GuardWilliam de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Citadel GuardAtaraHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Citadel GuardEveHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Citadel GuardLuciferHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Citadel GuardTitusHighguardBastionCohort of the Winter Bear
Citadel GuardKellos FoxdenNavarrHercyniaFoxden
Citadel GuardArtur WinterbuiltNavarrHercyniaThe Winter-Built Steading
Citadel GuardVincente i Zayden i GuerraThe Brass CoastMadruga
Citadel GuardKalas Realm ReachNavarrMiarenRealms Reach
Citadel GuardAtyriaUrizenMorrowThe Wise Citadel
Citadel GuardLaniusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardRomanusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardJerichoHighguardNecropolisDrusilla’s Resolve
Citadel GuardAlexiosUrizenRedoubt
Citadel GuardAetius stillwaterUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardCyrus StillwaterUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardIgneousUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardPalladius StillwaterUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardVarrusUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardAndronikos of the Lighthouse at NikephorosUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardPlinyUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardTiresias of Ember's WakeUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardTzimisas of Star Fury SpireUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardXanthippe of the Lighthouse at NikephorosUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Citadel GuardBaraosHighguardReikosDrusilla’s Resolve
Citadel GuardGalastaine De Bois GilbertDawnSemmerholmHouse De Bois Gilbert
Citadel GuardMorgan De Bois GilbertDawnSemmerholmHouse De Bois Gilbert
Citadel GuardRichard FisherDawnSemmerholmHouse de Carsenere
Citadel GuardBlaidd SinanWintermarkSermersuaqCorvenhal
Citadel GuardAurum of the Nightingale TempleUrizenSpiral
Citadel GuardFloria SunshaperUrizenSpiralSunshaper Citadel
Citadel GuardGonçalo De Tassato RegarioThe LeagueTassato
Citadel GuardNatalia 'The Falcon' BarossaThe LeagueTassatoCompany of The Red Fox
Citadel GuardMorien de CarsenereDawnThe BarrensHouse de Carsenere
Citadel GuardVarikNavarrTherunin
Citadel GuardDame Aurum De CastellanDawnWeirwaterAmber Lance
Citadel GuardLaeliaUrizenZenith
Citadel GuardLeo of the Southern ShoreUrizenZenith
Citadel GuardValens LeosUrizenZenith
Citadel GuardVigilusUrizenZenith
Citadel GuardAndroniusUrizenZenithThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Citadel GuardMaximusUrizenZenithUrizen, Whole
DrakesJohn of MeadeThe MarchesMitwold
DrakesErwillian MannThe MarchesMitwoldMerrick's Tavelling Company
Farstrider's WatchCiaphas 'Black Jack' DekarThe MarchesUpwoldThe Unbound Union
Fist of the MountainsVartijaWintermarkHahnmarkEagles Rest
Fist of the MountainsRookNavarrLiathaven
Golden SunLady Odile de GriffinsbainDawnWeirwater
Granite PillarSilusHighguardCasineaThe Sentinels Tower
Granite PillarPhilostrateUrizenSpiral
Gryphon's PrideHagemar ReeveDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideHarlow ReeveDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideSir PelinalDawnSemmerholmHouse Medwood
Gryphon's PrideLord Fabienne VexilleDawnThe BarrensHouse Vexille
Hounds of GloryAranel MortereDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryCerys de RosierDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryGawaine BlackfyreDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryJared EmbarDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryMercardier "Mercy" SummermuseDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryMouse of DawnDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryZadkiel de CoeurdeferDawnAstolat
Hounds of GloryAneira MawrDawnAstolatAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryLucius PannonicusDawnAstolatHouse Asterion
Hounds of GloryRowan FletcherDawnAstolatHouse Asterion
Hounds of GloryOzilius BrightstoneDawnAstolatHouse Brightstone
Hounds of GlorySir Gilderoy BrightstoneDawnAstolatHouse Brightstone
Hounds of GloryLady Meredith KhatlahDawnAstolatHouse Caerleon
Hounds of GloryBarristan FairweatherDawnAstolatHouse Cordraco
Hounds of GloryMal` Lassal Scethos of House CordracoDawnAstolatHouse Cordraco
Hounds of GloryRobert de LarocDawnAstolatHouse Cordraco
Hounds of GloryBohemond De RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryLuicen De CoeurdeferDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryOrion de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryUriel HammerfallDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryAgovalDawnAstolatHouse Meliora
Hounds of GloryEctor MelioraDawnAstolatHouse Meliora
Hounds of GloryTorag MelioraDawnAstolatHouse Meliora
Hounds of GloryCirce Severyan OrzelDawnAstolatHouse Orzel
Hounds of GloryEricDawnAstolatHouse Orzel
Hounds of GloryValentin Ivarovich OrzelDawnAstolatHouse Orzel
Hounds of GloryBertrandDawnAstolatHouse Sepulchre Banner
Hounds of GloryArjhann GriffinsongDawnAstolatOrder of Crimson Circle
Hounds of GloryMatilda ThorneDawnAstolatOrder of Crimson Circle
Hounds of GloryPelleas MontroseDawnAstolatOrder of Crimson Circle
Hounds of GlorySer Avros VizslaDawnAstolatOrder of Crimson Circle
Hounds of GlorySer DindraneDawnAstolatOrder of the Lance Restored
Hounds of GloryCecilia De GauvainDawnAstolatOrder of the Wolf and Sun
Hounds of GloryJarrigk OrzelDawnAstolatOrder of the Wolf and Sun
Hounds of GloryVincent StewardDawnAstolatThe Phoenix Guard
Hounds of GloryKindra Sure-FootedWintermarkHahnmark
Hounds of GloryReidarr Blood-LetterWintermarkHahnmarkByrchenhal
Hounds of GloryTuulikki RehellinWintermarkHahnmarkByrchenhal
Hounds of GloryAroha JlassiThe LeagueHolbergCarta di Vergo
Hounds of GloryBaerWintermarkKallavesaByrchenhal
Hounds of GloryAlfmund FordwinssonWintermarkKallavesaDarkwolves of Argonne
Hounds of GloryNestorUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Hounds of GloryVinti BranimirVarushkaOssium
Hounds of GloryVelika Belharovich ProchnostVarushkaOssiumThe Den of The Forest Fox
Hounds of GloryGiuliano Stefano Antenucci di SarvosThe LeagueSarvos
Hounds of GloryMarcus Derivian di SarvosThe LeagueSarvosCarta di Vergo
Hounds of GloryShauni di VergoThe LeagueSarvosCarta di Vergo
Hounds of GloryDrystan DanevaineDawnSemmerholm
Hounds of GloryTristramDawnSemmerholm
Hounds of GloryVivienne d’AcierDawnSemmerholm
Hounds of GloryRoland De RondellDawnSemmerholmHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryBedivere BedrydantDawnSemmerholmHouse Du Froste
Hounds of GloryConrad GrangerDawnSemmerholmHouse Du Froste
Hounds of GloryLeon NorthornDawnSemmerholmHouse Du Froste
Hounds of GloryPlintDawnSemmerholmHouse Du Froste
Hounds of GloryBert SummersDawnSemmerholmHouse Tigris Draco
Hounds of GlorySebastián ValacarDawnSemmerholmHouse Tigris Draco
Hounds of GloryArchavion WolfborneDawnSemmerholmHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GloryTorwynnDawnSemmerholmHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GloryTristanDawnSemmerholmHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GloryFeroce LupoDawnSemmerholmTour De Cendres
Hounds of GloryGarrett FlowersDawnSemmerholmTour De Cendres
Hounds of GloryMordred FlowersDawnSemmerholmTour De Cendres
Hounds of GloryEli SetzlingDawnThe Barrens
Hounds of GloryGodric De CendresDawnThe Barrens
Hounds of GloryRadzic Kobila of SkallitzDawnThe Barrens
Hounds of GloryBertrand GardenerDawnThe BarrensAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryGuy WooderDawnThe BarrensAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryLord Edmund the Enchanter of House TorawyrDawnThe BarrensAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryLucan WeaverDawnThe BarrensAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryReginald BalderDawnThe BarrensAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryLeonDawnThe BarrensAnvil Lance
Hounds of GloryGuy Grimbold the ElderDawnThe BarrensHouse Cordraco
Hounds of GloryGuinevere de CoeurdeferDawnThe BarrensHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryJoffrey du lanceDawnThe BarrensHouse Meliora
Hounds of GloryGuillaumeDawnThe BarrensHouse Vexille
Hounds of GloryAnconDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GlorySapphireDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GloryillantrisDawnThe BarrensHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GloryAerowenNavarrTheruninEmbercast
Hounds of GloryGwyneddNavarrTheruninSunken Hearth
Hounds of GloryHugh FarrierThe MarchesUpwold
Hounds of GloryLady Eve OrzelDawnWeirwater
Hounds of GloryLeohnarDawnWeirwater
Hounds of GloryLeonDawnWeirwater
Hounds of GloryLogan Olivia De Havelland of house CordracoDawnWeirwater
Hounds of GloryRen TannerDawnWeirwater
Hounds of GloryTristan AckermanDawnWeirwater
Hounds of GloryArchibald WatersDawnWeirwaterAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryKym, Enchanter of the Twisted RoseDawnWeirwaterAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryLady Ione CastellanDawnWeirwaterAmber Lance
Hounds of GlorySabilmor De CastellanDawnWeirwaterAmber Lance
Hounds of GloryCaewel SmithDawnWeirwaterAnvil Lance
Hounds of GloryUrien NovarionDawnWeirwaterAnvil Lance
Hounds of GloryAradwynDawnWeirwaterHouse Berinore
Hounds of GloryDe'Kere MaisonDawnWeirwaterHouse Castellan
Hounds of GloryLord Bedevir CastellanDawnWeirwaterHouse Castellan
Hounds of GloryGoblet Grassman de CordracoDawnWeirwaterHouse Cordraco
Hounds of GloryAndred RionDawnWeirwaterHouse De Rondell
Hounds of GloryMarycDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Hounds of GloryRobert CutlerDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Hounds of GlorySophia Ivarovich OrzelDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Hounds of GloryArlen Foreman-SmithDawnWeirwaterHouse Tallstag
Hounds of GloryElienneDawnWeirwaterHouse Tallstag
Hounds of GloryPercival TallstagDawnWeirwaterHouse Tallstag
Hounds of GlorySolomon LockeDawnWeirwaterHouse Tallstag
Hounds of GloryVeridan SilvaDawnWeirwaterHouse Tallstag
Hounds of GloryAzrael the RedDawnWeirwaterHouse Wolfborne
Hounds of GloryArmand the Enchantress, Grandmother of House RemysDawnWeirwaterThe Whelps of Sorin
Hounds of GloryJacques FlayerDawnWeirwaterThe Whelps of Sorin
Hounds of GloryLord Romande RemysDawnWeirwaterThe Whelps of Sorin
Hounds of GlorySer Claudia LovelornDawnWeirwaterThe Whelps of Sorin
Iron HelmsVedmid Yaroslav KommisarovVarushkaVolodmartzCarrion
Isaella's DanceYlona SilverfletchNavarrHercyniaThe Silver Fletchings
Isaella's DanceOak SilverfletchNavarrMiarenThe Silver Fletchings
Liathaven Spy NetworkIsaellaNavarrBrocéliande
Liathaven Spy NetworkShay'nahNavarrHercynia
Liathaven Spy NetworkCorwyn HeartsbaneNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkDaemonNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkLoddlaen Fawn-HollowNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkMalikNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Liathaven Spy NetworkMaddocNavarrHercyniaWolf's Bone
Liathaven Spy NetworkDarrachNavarrLiathaven
Liathaven Spy NetworkDynion StormpineNavarrLiathaven
Liathaven Spy NetworkYarkin BoNavarrLiathavenEmbercast
Liathaven Spy NetworkDraenogNavarrLiathavenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkJokellNavarrLiathavenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkKerinaNavarrLiathavenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkLleu Winter's ReachNavarrLiathavenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkZarrathNavarrLiathavenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkCelynNavarrMiarenAshwood
Liathaven Spy NetworkGaeorg BrokenboughNavarrMiarenDeadfall
Liathaven Spy NetworkGwendolynNavarrMiarenThornfang Thornborn
Liathaven Spy NetworkPercy BlackleafNavarrTheruninBlackleaf
Liathaven Spy NetworkGeraint Broad-BackedNavarrTheruninOpen Skies
Liathaven Spy NetworkBeaxNavarrTheruninThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Liathaven Spy NetworkJonathan Thresher of AlderlyThe MarchesUpwoldBirchland forest patrol
Osseini Spy NetworkMisha KemiThe MarchesBregaslandOrder of the Forgotten Word
Osseini Spy NetworkAhraz i GuerraThe Brass CoastFeroz
Osseini Spy NetworkAnne-visa, FreebornThe Brass CoastFeroz
Osseini Spy NetworkRahmah i Darwisj i ErigoThe Brass CoastFeroz
Osseini Spy NetworkSalvadorThe Brass CoastFerozDelToro
Osseini Spy NetworkSebastian I Fijidoz I GuerraThe Brass CoastFerozFijadoz Family
Osseini Spy NetworkAna i Taziel i RiquezaThe Brass CoastFerozHouse Taziel
Osseini Spy NetworkAzzam i Zaydan i RiquezaThe Brass CoastFerozThe New Promise Cartel
Osseini Spy NetworkChiara Zayden RiquezaThe Brass CoastFerozThe New Promise Cartel
Osseini Spy NetworkIbbie Zayden RiquezaThe Brass CoastFerozThe New Promise Cartel
Osseini Spy NetworkMartinez i Rek i RiquezaThe Brass CoastFerozThe New Promise Cartel
Osseini Spy NetworkLancelot Víðir GunnarssonWintermarkHahnmark
Osseini Spy NetworkTancredeWintermarkHahnmarkGreyholm
Osseini Spy NetworkLinnéa SohvidottirWintermarkHahnmarkThe Embers of Ashenhall
Osseini Spy NetworkCathal “fury’s edge” DurnhelmsenWintermarkHahnmarkThe Phoenix Guild
Osseini Spy NetworkGelert AshbornNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Osseini Spy NetworkSadiq i Isa i ErigoThe Brass CoastKahraman
Osseini Spy NetworkArcelia i Garza i GuerraThe Brass CoastMadruga
Osseini Spy NetworkTesni i Fijadoz i RiquezaThe Brass CoastMadruga
Osseini Spy NetworkHenrique i Fijadoz i GuerraThe Brass CoastMadrugaFijadoz Family
Osseini Spy NetworkMont i Sawa i ErigoThe Brass CoastMadrugaKrakenfire Armada
Osseini Spy NetworkCimmaron i Niebla i RiquezaThe Brass CoastMadrugaThe Burning Sails
Osseini Spy NetworkSagremar I Zayden I GuerraThe Brass CoastMadrugaThe New Promise Cartel
Osseini Spy NetworkMatiaz i RiquezaThe Brass CoastMadrugaThe Seaglass Tide
Osseini Spy NetworkXenia i Alvera i ErigoThe Brass CoastMadrugaThe Seaglass Tide
Osseini Spy NetworkSayid i Zuhri i ErigoThe Brass CoastMadrugaThe Zuhri Family
Osseini Spy NetworkIona McNaireNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Osseini Spy NetworkElisha, Child of SaulHighguardNecropolis
Osseini Spy NetworkConstantinaUrizenRedoubt
Osseini Spy NetworkCaptain CyrusUrizenRedoubtSerpents Rest
Osseini Spy NetworkEsteban I Del Rio Blanco I GuerraThe Brass CoastSegura
Osseini Spy NetworkZahra i Daker i ErigoThe Brass CoastSegura
Osseini Spy NetworkScevola i TazielThe Brass CoastSeguraHouse Taziel
Osseini Spy Network UrqImperial OrcsSkarsindLegion Protectorate
Osseini Spy NetworkYevanshka Saprykina NickolaiovaVarushkaVolodmartzVale of Kvyat
Sarangrave Spy NetworkChronosUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Sarangrave Spy NetworkEvanderUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Sarangrave Spy NetworkEzeriusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Sarangrave Spy NetworksicariusUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Sarangrave Spy NetworkBoagrius StillwaterUrizenRedoubtThe Citadel of the Still Waters
Sarangrave Spy NetworkHectorUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Sarangrave Spy NetworkVespasianUrizenZenithUrizen, Whole
Seventh WaveEricHighguardBastion
Seventh WaveMelkior of Balthazar’s VineyardHighguardBastion
Seventh WaveTobias LlorienteHighguardBastion
Seventh WaveJobHighguardBastionJachin's Legacy
Seventh WaveSolomonHighguardBastionShattered Tower Banner
Seventh WaveRavadi Founders' DanceNavarrBrocéliandeThornfang Thornborn
Seventh WaveArdenielHighguardCasinea
Seventh WaveCain of WoodwychHighguardCasinea
Seventh WaveMicah, Child of DinahHighguardCasinea
Seventh WaveZachariahHighguardCasinea
Seventh WaveBarachel of Adina's ChargeHighguardCasineaDaintree Survivors
Seventh WaveEzekialHighguardCasineaDaintree Survivors
Seventh WaveSynanthe TirazHighguardCasineaWoodwych Harts
Seventh WaveHarkonWintermarkHahnmarkHouse Gerís
Seventh WaveSilk SplinterspearNavarrHercynia
Seventh WaveMagdalena Teyhard von HolbergThe LeagueHolbergHouse of Seven Mirrors
Seventh WaveLeif DreambinderWintermarkKallavesaSussivari Oathsworn Fyrd
Seventh WaveKaddoc White-FoxNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Seventh WaveAdamahHighguardNecropolis
Seventh WaveSamson IkehardHighguardNecropolis
Seventh WaveMiriam Magdalene of the CenotaphHighguardNecropolisBanner of the Cenotaph
Seventh WaveCiliciaHighguardNecropolisThe Riven Blade
Seventh WaveEnochHighguardNecropolisWayfaring Order of Suriyel’s Tome
Seventh WaveSaulHighguardNecropolisWayfaring Order of Suriyel’s Tome
Seventh WaveJudithHighguardReikosCantiarch's Hold
Seventh WaveIvanbrokHighguardReikosOrder of the Basilisk
Seventh WaveVashtiHighguardReikosShattered Tower Banner
Seventh WaveAletheia, Daughter of CarmenHighguardReikosThe Navigators of Virtue
Seventh WaveAbaddonHighguardReikosThe Sentinels Tower
Seventh WaveAchsehHighguardReikosThe Sentinels Tower
Seventh WavePowell HoarfrostNavarrTherunin
Seventh WaveRodric WorldscribeNavarrTheruninOpen Skies
Seventh WaveTeddiDawnWeirwater
Spiral Spy NetworkDiopos of Oblivions EdgeUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Strong ReedsBill RunnerThe MarchesBregasland
Strong ReedsEdmund HookThe MarchesBregasland
Strong ReedsJoshua StoneThe MarchesBregasland
Strong ReedsMaizy StormwardenThe MarchesBregasland
Strong ReedsWendy BarfootThe MarchesBregasland
Strong ReedsEdwin de WarrenneThe MarchesBregaslandOrder of the Forgotten Word
Strong ReedsCedric of GreywaterThe MarchesBregaslandThe Black Vigil
Strong ReedsTilda of LongbridgeThe MarchesBregaslandThe Unbound Union
Strong ReedsDrefanWintermarkHahnmark
Strong ReedsRookWintermarkHahnmark
Strong ReedsWulfgar One-EyeWintermarkHahnmark
Strong ReedsUlric BaersonlingWintermarkHahnmarkCorvenhal
Strong ReedsCynwulf AshburhWintermarkHahnmarkDarkwolves of Argonne
Strong ReedsAelthrik DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsAndwyn DunwolfWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsBennyWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsBlazeWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsBronn DunwolfWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsBruin DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsDægmund DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsHagenWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsHorst DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsIvar DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsKaraWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsOsswin DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsPenda DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsSeht Ravenson of Dunhearth HallWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsTheoderic UlfarssonWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsTobrytan DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsUbbe DunningWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsKaisa DenmotherWintermarkHahnmarkFellowship of the Broken Willow
Strong ReedsKonsta JärvinenWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Strong ReedsTager Defender of the Fallen TyrshaltWintermarkHahnmarkRenwaerd
Strong ReedsAsa Hilda RagnaWintermarkHahnmarkShield Wolves
Strong ReedsKaisaWintermarkHahnmarkShield Wolves
Strong ReedsRolf BoarsonWintermarkHahnmarkShield Wolves
Strong ReedsUtred TiberiusonWintermarkHahnmarkShield Wolves
Strong ReedsRane ShardbearerWintermarkHahnmarkSigehold Hall
Strong ReedsTarikWintermarkHahnmarkThe Embers of Ashenhall
Strong ReedsUmarth KannaskWintermarkHahnmarkThe Fold
Strong ReedsEryn EmbercastNavarrHercynia
Strong ReedsVuudarin Van VonvolkvanNavarrHercyniaGreywood
Strong ReedsFarentharNavarrHercyniaThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Strong ReedsTalshirThe Brass CoastKahramanFlames of the Coast
Strong ReedsRyskeWintermarkKallavesa
Strong ReedsSampo MikkolaWintermarkKallavesaBrackenbeak Hall
Strong ReedsTheomer LeofricssonWintermarkKallavesaBrackenbeak Hall
Strong ReedsSkjal BjornsonWintermarkKallavesaCorvenhal
Strong ReedsEilyNavarrLiathavenThe Prickled Leaf
Strong ReedsLíovani í Vella í ErigoThe Brass CoastMadrugaFlames of the Coast
Strong ReedsClittNavarrMiaren
Strong ReedsDrogo BloodaxeNavarrMiaren
Strong ReedsAagniNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Strong ReedsKarrow Strangers SongNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Entwined Paths
Strong ReedsGerard the WaylanderThe MarchesMitwold
Strong ReedsJohn a WoodeThe MarchesMitwold
Strong ReedsTancred of MeadeThe MarchesMitwoldHouse Garamond
Strong ReedsIvy StoneThe MarchesMitwoldHouse Mudd
Strong ReedsTod GrouseThe MarchesMitwoldHouse Mudd
Strong ReedsTom AppleseedThe MarchesMitwoldKing's Stoke
Strong ReedsJack FletcherThe MarchesMitwoldThe Marcher Tea Company
Strong ReedsHal TalbotThe MarchesMitwoldThe Talbots
Strong ReedsLawrence TalbotThe MarchesMitwoldThe Talbots
Strong ReedsHenry BywaterThe MarchesMitwoldThe Wickermen
Strong ReedsRasaldalph MottesThe MarchesMournwold
Strong ReedsEddThe MarchesMournwoldHappiston Volunteers
Strong ReedsFriar John of the MournThe MarchesMournwoldHappiston Volunteers
Strong ReedsLeoric HudsonThe MarchesMournwoldHappiston Volunteers
Strong ReedsJim CladpoleThe MarchesMournwoldHouse of Goatsbridge
Strong ReedsBernard DugdaleThe MarchesMournwoldMournwold Sappers
Strong ReedsRobert OswinsonThe MarchesMournwoldSouthwatch
Strong ReedsArthur PayneThe MarchesMournwoldThe Company We Keep
Strong ReedsArthur AshThe MarchesMournwoldThe Hogsgrove Coppice
Strong ReedsDubidaiHighguardNecropolis
Strong ReedsGeorgeHighguardNecropolis
Strong ReedsWilliam ArcherHighguardNecropolis
Strong ReedsThomirHighguardNecropolisBanner of the Cenotaph
Strong ReedsJack FlintHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Strong ReedsOctaviusHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Strong ReedsmathayusHighguardNecropolisThe Steel Tide
Strong ReedsAulus of Zenith AscendantUrizenRedoubt
Strong ReedsCyrus, of Ebon's HallHighguardReikosEbon's Hall
Strong ReedsLeviHighguardReikosEbon's Hall
Strong ReedsLeximusHighguardReikosEbon's Hall
Strong ReedsAracelis I ErigoThe Brass CoastSeguraFlames of the Coast
Strong ReedsWitgast DunningWintermarkSermersuaqDunhearth Hall
Strong ReedsGuthelmWintermarkSermersuaqHendal Hearth
Strong ReedsAethelstan KorpingWintermarkSermersuaqHouse Gerís
Strong ReedsIron OsricWintermarkSermersuaqSigehold Hall
Strong ReedsAtte Arrow-Tongue MetsastajasonWintermarkSermersuaqSussivari Oathsworn Fyrd
Strong ReedsKellua ItsepainenWintermarkSermersuaqSussivari Oathsworn Fyrd
Strong ReedsFarwatch ThirrikImperial OrcsSkarsind
Strong ReedsArcadiusUrizenSpiral
Strong ReedsEnriko PescatoreThe LeagueTassato
Strong ReedsAlvarNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsBrancoNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsJaime GreywoodNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsMattorigusNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsNeroNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsRavik GreywoodNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsXe'th StormblessedNavarrTheruninGreywood
Strong ReedsJohn CrofterThe MarchesUpwold
Strong ReedsAlfred Houtman FellaThe MarchesUpwoldHartell Household
Strong ReedsFinch HawthorneThe MarchesUpwoldHartell Household
Strong ReedsMartin CauthornThe MarchesUpwoldHouse Balston
Strong Reeds'green' jack woodruffThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsAelfric WoodsonThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsGarrettThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsHenry WoodThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsHonest Jack JackdawThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsKillith RedmaineThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsTaoThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsTrevor WoodsmanThe MarchesUpwoldThe Applewood Levy
Strong ReedsAlfred DunholtThe MarchesUpwoldThe Folk of the Hardy Oak
Strong ReedsAmberlain P. BlackThe MarchesUpwoldThe Unbound Union
Strong ReedsWilliam GuildensternThe MarchesUpwoldThe Unbound Union
Strong ReedsCadeusUrizenZenith
Summer StormMagnWintermarkHahnmarkDunhearth Hall
Summer StormStyxImperial OrcsSkarsindThunderCall
Winter SunGuinevereDawnAstolatHouse Caerleon
Winter SunBaldric AlttiWintermarkHahnmarkThe Brothers Drunk
Winter SunOtmar van HolbergThe LeagueHolberg
Winter SunBudislava VolnyVarushkaMiekarova
Winter SunJaromir Ostrovyn KostkaVarushkaMiekarovaWardens of the Grateful Hearth
Winter SunIvanVarushkaOssiumKurstrozi Outpost
Winter SunVojsuliVarushkaOssiumKurstrozi Outpost
Winter SunVesna (Sparrow) Borkovna ProchnostVarushkaOssiumThe Wolves Hearth
Winter SunYasmeen i Zabala i ErigoThe Brass CoastSeguraFamily Zabala
Winter SunKali Keen-EyeWintermarkSermersuaqSaker
Winter SunAshborn KraggImperial OrcsSkarsind
Winter SunFrithImperial OrcsSkarsind
Winter SunAshborn TroskImperial OrcsSkarsindAshborn
Winter SunRekImperial OrcsSkarsindAshborn
Winter SunShadImperial OrcsSkarsindAshborn
Winter SunVanaImperial OrcsSkarsindAshborn
Winter SunGrozaImperial OrcsSkarsindBleakshield
Winter SunBloodcrow AngnaImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Winter SunBloodcrow Na'grulImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Winter SunBloodcrow RaspImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Winter SunBloodcrow VassaImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Winter SunGraulImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Winter SunRakkImperial OrcsSkarsindBloodcrows
Winter SunErgotImperial OrcsSkarsindOathborn
Winter SunDuraImperial OrcsSkarsindPalerictus
Winter SunRingforge KerathImperial OrcsSkarsindRingforge
Winter SunRingforge MerdevImperial OrcsSkarsindRingforge
Winter SunRingforge NaaniImperial OrcsSkarsindRingforge
Winter SunIrontide BaneImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide Dakred (Dak)Imperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide GolImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide Rak'shaImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide RukaImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide RusImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide SkorrImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunIrontide TarrImperial OrcsSkarsindThe Irontide
Winter SunFania Vessely-VanekVarushkaVolodmartzVale of Kvyat
Winter SunZoran De OrzelDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Wolves of WarWalt ScriberDawnAstolat
Wolves of WarDamien ThronehoundDawnAstolatHouse Brightstone
Wolves of WarMartin Singer of House de RondellDawnAstolatHouse De Rondell
Wolves of WarBrennos BrackensongNavarrBrocéliandeBrackensong Steading (Banner)
Wolves of WarCara BrackensongNavarrBrocéliandeBrackensong Steading (Banner)
Wolves of WarOsianNavarrBrocéliandeThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Wolves of WarRazin I Muhajim I GuerraThe Brass CoastFerozMuhajim I Guerra
Wolves of WarTree BearNavarrHercynia
Wolves of WarKoldŷrNavarrHercyniaEverwatch
Wolves of WarAllanonNavarrHercyniaFawn Hollow
Wolves of WarMatthias HeartsbaneNavarrHercyniaFawn Hollow
Wolves of WarEmrys DeadthornNavarrHercyniaThe Waystone Path
Wolves of WarKhestraNavarrHercyniaThe Waystone Path
Wolves of WarOthello di Severio von HolbergThe LeagueHolberg
Wolves of WarKostya Von TemeschwariThe LeagueHolbergCrimson Reaper Cartel
Wolves of WarArla EldgrissonWintermarkKallavesaThe Frostbound
Wolves of WarSven SlythornNavarrLiathaven
Wolves of WarSalome i Nadir i ErigoThe Brass CoastMadrugaThe Seaglass Tide
Wolves of WarFarren Silver StreamsNavarrMiaren
Wolves of WarSeth BlackhawkNavarrMiaren
Wolves of WarRhyffyllann Kraken's CrawlNavarrMiarenThe Thornborn of Black Scar
Wolves of WarValerianUrizenMorrowUrizen, Whole
Wolves of WarThomasHighguardNecropolisScions of RavensFell
Wolves of WarLithagorosUrizenRedoubtUrizen, Whole
Wolves of WarJean Di SarvosThe LeagueSarvos
Wolves of WarVincenzo d'artevier de sarvosThe LeagueSarvosLiberta Rossa
Wolves of WarDurgnirWintermarkSermersuaqHendal Hearth
Wolves of WarGabriel BarossaThe LeagueTassatoCompany of The Red Fox
Wolves of WarSamantha Barossa De Tassato RegarioThe LeagueTassatoCompany of The Red Fox
Wolves of WarGaspar di TemeschwarThe LeagueTemeschwarCrimson Reaper Cartel
Wolves of WarRhydderchNavarrTheruninEverwatch
Wolves of WarIsa TanglespearNavarrTheruninShatterhorn Striding
Wolves of WarVulgaris VicariousDawnWeirwaterHouse Orzel
Last updated 26/05/2023

All Rolls of Honour









