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During the Spring Equinox 383YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised 126 judgements.

Change of doctrine

No change of doctrine was proposed during the Spring Equinox summit.


The veto was not sought during the Spring Equinox 383YE.

Statement of principle

The following statements of principle were presented to the assemblies of the Imperial Synod. TBC of these statements achieved a Greater Majority, meaning they will be distributed to appropriate assemblies.

Judgement 4

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Maarit Suviottir
  • Judgement: The root of Idolatry is restricting a spirit or soul from Virtuous choice or action. To subsume your will to, or worship something puts its ideas or goals above the Way. Veneration or exaltation puts respecting an idea above the Way. Exemplars, Paragons, and Virtuous Ancestors inspire us with deeds, words, legacies, or voices. Pilgrims focus on their stories at their tombs. It would be blasphemy to deny their inspiration - but we don't worship, venerate, or exalt them above the Way. Imperial Law avoids this with Clemency and virtuous consideration of legality of curses. This judgement would clarify this constraint of virtue by replacing Idolatry with "Stricture": "Restricting the ability of a spirit or soul to choose or act Virtuously. This includes subsuming ones will to, worship, veneration or exaltation of beings, powers, or ideas, the restrictions of malign auras, illegal curses, unjust imprisonment, slavery, or thralldom"
  • Outcome: Upheld (901 - 590).

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lord Edward Novarion, called Watcher
  • Judgement:The Imperial Synod shall not uphold any new judgements of recognition, nor Changes of Doctrine, during the next year, or until agreement on the way forward for our shared faith can be reached between the Imperial Synod and the House of the People, whichever is sooner. This judgement put forward by the Symposiarch of the Symposium of Revelation: let discord be replaced with Virtuous debate so that we may together further the Way, and let this commitment be heard by both the people of the Empire and of Sumaah.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1149 - 300).
  • Notes: Further details of the relevance of this judgement can be found here.

Judgement 8

  • Assembly: Loyalty Virtue
  • Raised By: Anastasiya Volkov
  • Judgement: To be truly virtuous Loyalty must stem from personal conviction and neither be presumed nor coerced..
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (355 - 0).

Judgement 9

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Eska Crowspeaker
  • Judgement: The Synod would like to gratefully accept the offer of the human who travel with the Great Forest orcs to assist in seeking out and helping the former slaves freed from Dubhtraig to find their way to their new home in Skarsind safely.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1199 - 224). Closed early.
  • Notes: Further details of the relevance of this judgement can be found here.

Judgement 11

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Jorma Steelhail
  • Judgement: We are a Proud and Ambitious people. The Synod sought common ground with Sumaah last summit in the Ambition of working together to convert the world to the Way, to ending the savagery of ignorance of false Idols and Malign spiritual forces that prey upon us. The Sumaah have agreed to this course of action, but, we must resolve our differences. Pride is to be committed with words and actions, to despise the half-hearted, the uncommitted and the pretender. Ambition demands we aim high, and that consequences are the price of Ambition. We face those consequences with virtuous spirit unbowed by the first hurdle. We the General Assembly agree to the Sumaah's request of not changing Doctrine, or Recognising new Paragons and Exemplars until Way Summit at Autumn 383 or Spring 384 should these differences not be resolved. Let us grasp the opportunity and educate our cousins in the Sumaah and rise to greater heights.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1035- 221).
  • Notes: Further details of the relevance of this judgement can be found here.

Judgement 18

  • Assembly: Prosperity Virtue
  • Raised By: Darien Numbers
  • Judgement: Heilyn of Bronwen's Rest, the Imperial Warmage, should be added to the roll of benefactors. This is in recognition of his tireless and never-ending work in his position of Warmage..They are scrupulous in ensuring every ring spent gives the maximum impact for the Imperial war effort. They ensure all mages who assist are treated fairly and with prosperity in mind in every detail. They make certain that everyone who assists in gathering the materials required gives real value to the Imperial treasury, whilst also remaining prosperous. These qualities have created a strong network of trusted citizens he can call upon to drive bigger and better works of magic every season. As such it is only proper that he is correctly named and recognised by the Assembly of Prosperity.
  • Outcome: Upheld (246- 0).
  • Notes: Heilyn of Bronwen's Rest has been added to the Roll of Benefactors.

Judgement 19

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Kerem of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The Grey Pilgrims were called to walk the trods and spread the way. We left our homes to face the greatest spiritual threat facing the Empire. Do not dilute our mission.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1094- 232).

Judgement 25

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Elkiah
  • Judgement: We believe the current use of Britta's Tomb is wasteful. We hold that this fine structure should be re-purposed as a "Tomb of the Lost Soldier", for those virtuous souls lost overseas and could not be given proper burial sites at home. We hold that this would be a proper tribute to these loyal souls, and the memory of Britta.
  • Outcome: Upheld (507- 24).

Judgement 27

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Tarquinius
  • Judgement: The Synod stands by its vindication of Tarquinius Ankarien and support his response to Sumaah. Response attached: in summary, the excommunication was unvirtuous and Sumaah should revisit its approach to using this tool.
  • Outcome: Upheld (825- 80).

Judgement 28

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Lady Eve Orzel
  • Judgement: As the Dawn Guard, the Gates of Adamant stand, so do Dawn also stand in Prosperity and Pride. We wish that those who rose up these gates be remembered - House Devereux, House de Rondell, House Coeurdefer, and Wise Alise. We salute you.
  • Outcome: Upheld, with a Greater Majority (124- 0). Closed early.

Judgement 29

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Ranae de Rondell
  • Judgement: Remember before all else the weight of virtue light as a single feather. The purpose of the Way is to raise the Empire and its citizens high, so the purpose of a mandate should be to lift up, not to solely drag down. Should a mandate punish it should also offer penance.
  • Outcome: Upheld (871- 316).

Judgement 30

  • Assembly: Highguard General
  • Raised By: River
  • Judgement: It is the Highborn way to be proud of those who demonstrate virtue in the Autumn of 382YE, a momentous event occurred amongst the Highborn. A relic of the Thundering Tide, the first Highborn army to make landfall in what is now Necropolis was recovered from the clutches of the eternal Llofir and returned to the Empire. The Highborn national assembly recognises the virtue of Joshua and Levi of Zephaniah's Lament: Sela and Azhrukhal of the Suns of Couros;: Lev of the Unbound: Lina of Felix's Watch: Cuth, Solomon, and Sariel of the Shattered Tower - in uncovering the location of the banner: recovering it from Llofir: obtaining true liao and replacing the aura of Hate that permeated it with one of Loyalty. We recognise that, through their actions, they have demonstrated Ambition, Courage, and Pride. We encourage citizens to seek out their story and understand what can be accomplished through dedicated virtuous action.
  • Outcome: Upheld (509- 0).

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: Navarr National
  • Raised By: Aniera Exiles End
  • Judgement: We, the Navarr national assembly embrace the diversity and faith of all nations under the banner of the Empire and find Pride in our differences, rejecting the Grey Pilgrims critique of national hearth magic and interpretation of the way. Instead we urge tolerance not persecution.
  • Outcome: Upheld (138- 0).

Judgement 32

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Alfmund Fordcciirssor
  • Judgement: Of late people have been talking of "honour" as if it is a synonym or substitute for the Heroism of Winterfolk. As if joining the Jotun in battle in broad daylight in a clean shield wall is the ONLY way of our people. Have we forgotten the Wisdom of the Kallavesi? The Cunning of the Suaq? We must be cautious of this embrace of "Honour" and look to celebrate ALL the attributes of our people not just the Steinr.
  • Outcome: Upheld (200 - 0).

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: Maximillian
  • Judgement: The Synod asks Virtuous traders to recognise the great progress Axos has made in outlawing slavery this season. Now is the time for any merchant or fleet captain who had previously refrained from dealing with Axos slavers to reverse their position and announce by their words and deeds "This is a change we wish to see in the world". In particular we call upon traders among the Imperial Orcs to demonstrate their prosperity and to show Axos an alternative to the false expectations they have developed as a result of interacting with the Grendel and Druj.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (1675- 20). Closed early.

Judgement 34

  • Assembly: Navarr National
  • Raised By: Corey Wayfarer
  • Judgement: Now is out time, a time of venom and blood, we have an opportunity to strike at the Vallorn. This will not be achieved without armies. To this end we ask the Navarr nation to focus its ambition and create a new army. This army will be formed with the intention of striking at the Vallorn.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (168- 0).

Judgement 35

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Farren Silver Streams
  • Judgement: Liao ceremonies are a vital part of the Way. We must ensure our supplies of liao can reach every four corner of the Empire while not neglecting the needs of our local communities Mendicant Cassocks, Wayfarer's Pyxes, and Guided Paths aid our priests in performing their duties while allowing our resources to spread further. Virtuous artisans are encouraged to craft these items while priests should get into the habit of purchasing cassocks for a fair price an seeing that they are put to frequent use.
  • Outcome: Upheld (917 - 156).

Judgement 37

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Eurybra Melampusis Tassato
  • Judgement: All citizens of the Empire are called to attend the Witches' Ball in the League on Saturday 6pm to display Loyalty to show the Grendel along our shores our desire to hold each other up in loyalty..
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (78 - 549)

Judgement 38

  • Assembly: Loyalty Virtue
  • Raised By: Able
  • Judgement: To be loyal we must now ourselves, we must seek to understand our hearts deepest devotion. To force your own devotion onto another is not Loyalty an prevents others from achieving virtue. To be a priest of Loyalty is to be a torch, a bright light illuminating the souls of the faithful so that they may see, and thus better know their own hearts. Learning what commands their devotion above all else. The assembly of Loyalty calls upon all those devoted to our principles to rededicate themselves to rise to the challenge set by the Sumaah house of Loyalty.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (255- 0). Closed early.

Judgement 39

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Harwyn Hollowatcher
  • Judgement: It has been recognised that the vallorn is the greatest spiritual threat to the our virtuous destiny. Whilst the actions of Highguard and Dawn are to be commended we are falling short. We fight to free slaves and conquer new land but NOT to free the souls trapped in vile bondage under the Vallorn. We the Synod urge the Military Council to at with all alacrity in Liathaven and in defence of Brocéliande.
  • Outcome: Upheld (759- 160).

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Cimeiees of Felix's Watch
  • Judgement: Until such a point that the definition of an Exemplar can be properly defined in collaboration with the Summah Houses of Virtue, we move to refer to Orc Exemplars as virtuous orcs..
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (389- 774).

Judgement 48

  • Assembly: Pride Virtue
  • Raised By: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra
  • Judgement: The Way is alive and well within the Empire - each nation's spiritual needs are already being tended to by competent priests who have cultivated a greater and more cultural sensitive understanding of their congregations than the transient Grey Pilgrims could hope to achieve. To preach in subversion of local leaders is to suggest that their spiritual counsel in the Way is amateur flies in the face of the principles of Pride. The Grey Pilgrims should reassess their methods and move forward as though with the affirmation of Pride, an anointing which teaches us not only to feel our own self-worth but to acknowledge the worth of others and to treat them with respect. The virtues inspire others to greatness they do not demean them.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (257- 0).

Judgement 49

  • Assembly: Wntermark National
  • Raised By: Osfrid of Wyvern's Watch
  • Judgement: We the national assembly of Wintermark applaud the idea of an inspirational tomb for Isenbrad in Runegrott. We encourage the people of Wintermark to make pilgrimage to the une caves and be inspired by the story of Isenbrad. We encourage the scops to tell his story.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (246- 0).

Judgement 50

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Lilith of the Chantry
  • Judgement: We, the Highborn national assembly state that the duty of every Highborn citizen to scrutinise our practice of the Way and ensure that all heterodoxy and heresy is expunged. If we are to lead the way then our virtue must shine as a guiding light.
  • Outcome: Upheld (389- 10).

Judgement 52

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: The Earl of Fools
  • Judgement: Dawn does thank the Grey Pilgrims for their gift. In their words and deeds they show us the Highborn Way. In gratitude we offer this, our own gift. To as troubadours come to the Highborn. And so in word and deed show them Dawn's Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (164- 16).

Judgement 53

  • Assembly: League National
  • Raised By: Erasmo i Tassato
  • Judgement: Those Imperial Bourse Seats situation within League territory should be returned to the League as National Bourse Seats.
  • Outcome: Upheld (70- 66).

Judgement 54

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Usko Argonning
  • Judgement: The stormcrows of Wintermark recognise that for Winterfolk, accepting the "choice" to become a Jotun thrall is not heroic. Those who become thralls are torn from our egregore and subsequently Frayed. We urge those fighting the thralls to spare their lives, so that they may come home.
  • Outcome: Upheld (206 - 22).

Judgement 55

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Amis Johan Merikovich
  • Judgement: We commend the Imperial Senate for their swift and virtuous action in ordering the removal of the Idols of Asavea. It takes Courage and Wisdom to realise when mistakes have been made and Senate have shown themselves true to the Way in their actions.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1034- 176).

Judgement 57

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Absalom
  • Judgement: The Eternal Llofir, Ender of Empires, has invaded Reikos and is currently under enmity. It is unvirtuous to allow this enemy to remain unchallenged in the heart of the Empire We urge all Highborn military commanders to support any armies dedicated to liberating Tamarbode from this Eternal Menace.
  • Outcome: Upheld (401- 86).

Judgement 59

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Rane Sherarding
  • Judgement: Our traditions enrich our understanding of ourselves, our culture, and our Virtue. With Wisdom and Vigilance we look to the world around us, and by our own choices we take on lessons. That we may watch an enterprising bird toll and take from it a parable of Ambition speaks for the Ambition in ourselves, not the creature. So it is with the Krampus. A Hero chooses to take on a curse of the Krampus so they may be tested and learn through adversity. We make these choices with trust in ourselves, not at the whims of an inhuman entity. To subsume free will to the Krampus is idolatry. Any who wish guidance in seeking the tests should take a Stormcrow's advice. Through out Proud traditions of parables, symbols, tests, and mysteries we better comprehend ourselves and our path on the Way. To do so we must trust in our own cunning and Wisdom, and come together in Loyalty.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (194 - 0). Closed early.

Judgement 61

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Saavi Aanasottir
  • Judgement: Wintermark are a heroic people but Heroism is not found only on the battlefield. We should celebrate heroism in all its forms. Aethelric the Grounded showed heroism in his actions at the field hospital in Zenith, a sworn grimnir he helped save hundreds of lives at risk to his own. Eska Crowspeaker worked with others on the ratification of the Liberty Pact, changing the world in which we live. We should celebrate our heroes an their actions in all their forms.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (208 - 0). Closed early.

Judgement 62

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Brother Vashti
  • Judgement: Is is the Highborn way to look to yesterday to inspire tomorrows virtue and in the Autumn of 382, a momentous event occurred among the Highborn. A relic of the Thundering Tide, the first Highborn army to make landfall in what is now Necropolis was recovered and placed under a true consecration to Loyalty dispelling the false aura upon it and proving to the whole Empire that while Highborn value history, we are not bound by it. The Way is ever changing and so must we be. The Highborn national assembly calls upon our generals, armies, and veterans to embrace this truth, to look back on our history - and study the lessons on Loyalty contained within and use them to inspire new ways for us to fight four or Way, our home, and our Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld (401 - 14). Closed early.

Judgement 63

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Lady Eleanor Novarion
  • Judgement: The troubadours of Dawn see no opportunities for glory or virtuous combat when fighting alongside cruel armies. The use of torture and cruelty to illicit the false virtues of fear, hatred, and vengeance in our enemies is contrary to Dawnish values. Specifically, we do not recognise cruel armies as a tool that the Empire should be using against our enemies. The enemy who is afraid to face us in glorious battle because of the use of torture and cruelty is not an enemy against whom we can find pride in victory or defeat.
  • Outcome: Upheld (62 - 26).

Judgement 64

  • Assembly: Freeborn National
  • Raised By: Violante i Abasolo i Riqueza
  • Judgement: The Freeborn national assembly are gladdened by the opportunity to build the House of Guerra. We strongly support what it stans for and wish to see this institution constructed upon our shores. We entreat the civil service to extend the opportunity for a season or two so that we may have time to gather the resources once we are not as pressed in respect to matters of national security.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (216 - 0).

Judgement 65

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Elias
  • Judgement: The national assembly of Wintermark acknowledge the need for witness to the operations of the miitary council by a priest of the Way - a chaplain. We therefore recognise Vauraus Korppitkotka as best suited.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (214 - 0). Closed early.

Judgement 66

  • Assembly: Ambition Virtue
  • Raised By: Animayus
  • Judgement: Ambition is the fuel that burns at the heart of the Empire, Brother Morekai of Zephanaih's Lament EXUDED, with inspiration fervour, great Ambition in his defence of Imperial citizens, Imperial lands, and the virtues of the Way in his confrontation with the brazen hostile incursion into the Brass Coast by the unvirtuous Suranni slavers.
  • Outcome: Upheld (30 - 0).

Judgement 68

  • Assembly: Marches National
  • Raised By: Tom Keeper
  • Judgement: Having had it confirmed by our egregore, Jack, that it may be possible to extend to all Mournwold orcs Marcher citizenship as a group with support of the Senator of Mounrwold Agar Sheprhard and Will Talbot, General of the Drakes along with many Landskeepers and Mummers we call on the Marchers to encourage the Mournwold orcs (formerly Jotun thralls) to decide to be Marchers, to become citizens of the Empire with all it has to offer, and no longer to be considered foreigners in their lands.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (94 - 0).

Judgement 70

  • Assembly: Navarr National
  • Raised By: Meredith Nighthaven
  • Judgement: The Navarr national assembly recognises the actions of Syn Truthwaler Returns last summit concerning her theft of an Imperial favour to be virtuous action. She acted with Wisdom and Vigilance to ensure fair discussion in Conclave could continue, and with Courage and Pride faced her trial and sentence which was recognised by the Imperial magistrates in her sentencing. We support her.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (144 - 10).

Judgement 72

  • Assembly: Navarr National
  • Raised By: Iniska Ashwood
  • Judgement: We the Navarr assembly stand by our Senators who are voted for by Navarri heroes in Anvil. Words against them are words against the nation. If the Assembly deem their acts in service as unvirtuous we will use our abilities to revoke them.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (134 - 0).

Judgement 73

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
  • Judgement: At the Summer Solstice 383YE the Synod shall hold 5 debates,. each one on one of the Sumaah issues with the Synod. The debates shall be held at 2pm on the Saturday, and the chair of each shall raise a statement of principle on the result. This is in preparation for talks and debates with Sumaah.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1011 - 82).

Judgement 75

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Irida von Temeschwar
  • Judgement: .We the General Assembly state that it is unvirtuous to fight against slave uprisings. The Way supports freedom of choice for every individual. Therefore we the General assembly supports the inquisition of those who would fight against slaves seeing independence.
  • Outcome: Upheld (980 - 84).

Judgement 77

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Luca i Salvo i Riqueza
  • Judgement: The Freeborn National assembly extends their thanks to the Asaveans at the temple in Feroz for their courageous actions in protecting our citizens from the Grendel.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (166 - 0).

Judgement 80

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Efinia i Maristella i Riqueza
  • Judgement: The Freeborn national assembly believe it is a prosperous act to seek out the opportunity to build a mithril exchange in Kahraman.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (176 - 0).

Judgement 81

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Sister Edna of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The Pilgrims are solely instructed to undertake the tasks outlined in mandates. They are not concerned with investigating nation specific tradition or hearth magic, they are only concerned with rooting out religious crimes. Pilgrims are instructed to speak to congregation members to encourage them to reaffirm their knowledge of true doctrine, not to interrogate congregation leaders regarding their preaching. Pilgrims - ensure you only do as requested in mandates.
  • Outcome: Upheld (515 -180).

Judgement 84

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Aspar
  • Judgement: Our understanding of the Way is based in doctrine, reason, and logic. Following the example set by Sulemeine i Taziel we encourage all who would test their wisdom to accompany the Sword Scholars in engaging the Grey Pilgrims in spirited theological debate.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (107 - 0).

Judgement 85

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Gilah of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The Highguard national assembly believes that it would be a virtuous act for the holder of the Vigilant Swan to make 2 wains available each season to the National assembly, to be given to a citizen of Highguard that the national assembly deems to have undertaken virtuous action.
  • Outcome: Upheld (343 - 60).

Judgement 88

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Enis
  • Judgement: While the Ambition of the Navarr may seem to be mainly focused on eradicating the vallorn, we are also a people of great culture, history, and virtue. We move to recognise Seren, in Miaraen, as a city of worth equal to those in other nations.
  • Outcome: Upheld (587 -238).

Judgement 89

  • Assembly: Wisdom Virtue
  • Raised By: Starac Sijed
  • Judgement: We the Wisdom assembly recognise that the final resting place of Zoria Paragon of Wisdom, is in the Vale of Gniejezdo, Miekarova, Varushka. We also recognise that her shrine there was the first and original. We encourage any efforts by the virtuous of the Empire to develop her shrine and support those pilgims that wish to travel to the shrine.
  • Outcome: Upheld (138 - 0).

Judgement 90

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Tiana i Zayan i Riqueza
  • Judgement: It is a virtuous act to offer shelter to those fleeing hardship. We encourage those who have escaped the bonds of slavery to seek refuge in the Empire and find spiritual solace in the Way. Come and be welcome.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1250- 12).

Judgement 91

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Pellea Montrose
  • Judgement: To be Ambitious is to follow your dreams. Many citizens of the Empire have dreams of wonder, romance, and adventure/ We guide the Dawnish to be inspire to follow their greatest Ambitions that would make the greatest stories.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (136 - 0).

Judgement 93

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Rhaego i Zemress
  • Judgement: We the Freeborn of Segura will not yield our home. We look to the future and the many fruits it shall yield. We summon an architect of great virtue to spearhead the repair and propserous rejuvenation of Segura. Prosperity provides.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (180 - 0).

Judgement 95

  • Assembly: Varushka national
  • Raised By: Belakov, Wolf of Karsk
  • Judgement: We the national assembly of Varushka welcome the Ketsov an all those in Ossium who would call themselves Varushkan with open arms and hospitality we will teach them to be Varushkan, an show them the virtues of the Way
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (172 - 0). Primacy.

Judgement 96

  • Assembly: Varushka national
  • Raised By: Drakov
  • Judgement: Varushka is a land of mystery and magic. But it is also a land of Virtue and deep faith. In Autumn 381 it was recognised as an Orthodox nation. It is the home of Exemplars like Olga (Vigiliance) and Chernobog (Loyalty). Of Paragons such as Vardas (Vigilance) and Zoria (Wisdom) as well as the Pilgrimage site of endell's Hope (Courage). We tore down the false idols of the Asavean architet. With the building of the Seminary School "The Hearth of Virtue" the light of the Way shall burn ever brighter in our lands. We celebrate the naming of Father Drakov as "Tender of the Hearth" to guide and train the next generation of our Assembly. Let none doubt our faith or virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (172 - 0). Primacy.

Judgement 97

  • Assembly: Varushka national
  • Raised By: Nisha Strascovich
  • Judgement: Zoria Paragon of Wisdom and mother of Varushka taught the Empire the wisom an animals rests in Gniejezo. We recognise the maze in this vale as her first and original shrine, for to walk this brings calm and clarity of mind.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (172 - 0). Primacy.

Judgement 98

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Pherrin Luca Dunning
  • Judgement: Wintermark has a rich oral history, and is a nation of people with a depth of knowledge from those who came before. It has been raised in Dunhearth that priests and Stormcrows should enourage people to look to their ancestors for what knowledge lies in their history.
  • Outcome: Upheld (140 - 0).


The following mandates were passed during the Spring Equinox. Where there are competing mandates, the one that passes with the largest margin is successful and all other competing mandates are considered to have failed.

Judgement 12

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Lina of Felix's Watch
  • Judgement: All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. Let us open our doors to those Urizeni who have lost everything and give them a home until the day comes when they can return. We send Lina with 25 liao to bring those who have lost everything to Reikos where they can be given succor until the Druj menace is no more.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (521 - 20). Enacted. Urizeni refugees are offered sanctuary in Reikos.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 14

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: Rafael Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: The works of Almodin Oktístis are an affront to the dignity of the Empire; they denigrate our truth faith and demean the Pride of Imperial citizens. We send (named priest) with 50 liao to lead Imperial citizens to destroy these statues. Let us follow the example of Ivarsgard and create a lasting covenant to show the world the fate of all false religions.
  • Outcome: Upheld (742 - 646; margin 96). Enacted. This mandate will inspire architects, masons, and builders to force their way into the buildings designed by the Asavean priest. The images of false gods will be carefully and meticulously removed and then repurposed in such a way as to provide a lasting symbol of opposition for the Asaveans and their faith.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 15

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Yarona of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The Way of Virtue is the faith of the Empire. The strength of our true faith is what makes the Empire powerful. We send Kerem of the Chantry with 25 liao to urge the grey pilgrims to bring all humanity to the true faith but to leave the orcs to find their own way across the abyss.
  • Outcome: Upheld (489 - 54). Enacted. Urges the Grey Pilgrims to avoid trying to spread the Way to the barbarian or foreign orcs.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 16

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Ser Ancél Watcher
  • Judgement: The taint of the Druj spills forth from the pillars they have constructed with their foul magic, choking the thirst for glory with fear and dread. We send Ser Ancél Watcher with 25 doses of liao to urge troubadours and questing knights to seek out the source of this vile corruption
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (134 - 0). Enacted. Tracks down miasma pillars in Ossium.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 20

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc National
  • Raised By: Skywise Tulva
  • Judgement: The orcs freed from bondage in Dubhtraig are not yet safe. They have heard our invitation, and sought to reach us, but now they are scattered across the Empire alone and afraid. In the name of Prosperity, we send Skywise Tulva with 25 doses of liao to urge every Imperial Orc to put their hand in their pocket to ensure that those endeavouring to bring them home to us receive the just reward for their labours.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (100 - 0). Enacted. Provides rewards to those helping to bring lost orcs to Skarsind at the cost of Imperial Orcs production.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 22

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Iriva Vasilova Pakov
  • Judgement: The works of Almodin Oktístis are an affront to the dignity of the Empire; they denigrate our truth faith and demean the Pride of Imperial citizens. We send (named priest) with 50 liao to lead Imperial citizens to destroy these statues. Let us follow the example of Ivarsgard and create a lasting covenant to show the world the fate of all false religions.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (413 - 558).
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 23

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Chainbreaker Snark
  • Judgement: The works of Almodin Oktístis are an affront to the dignity of the Empire, they denigrate our true faith, and demean the Pride of any being that sees them, including the Asaveans themselves, who have lost the understanding of their spirit to decadence and idolatry. We send (named priest) with 75 liao to destroy these statues, and offer the Asavean priests - by their will or by blade - a second chance at Salvation.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (117 - 1104).
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 56

  • Assembly: League National
  • Raised By: Astrid Fjellrevening Rezia di Tassato
  • Judgement: Lorenzo Macelliao von Temeschwar is a true inspiration, and the colossus of Sarvos serves as an inspiration to the virtuous people of the League. The Imperial synod sends Astrid Fjellrevening Rezia di Tassato with one dose of true liao to consecrate the colossus to the virtue of Pride in recognition of its inspirational nature.
  • Outcome: Upheld (122-34). The named priest would be able to consecrate the Colossus with a dose of true liao.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 78

  • Assembly: Pride Virtue
  • Raised By: Ubarius of Invidia Citadel
  • Judgement: The works of Almodin Oktístis are an affront to the dignity of the Empire; they denigrate our truth faith and demean the Pride of Imperial citizens. We send Ubarius of Invidia with 50 liao to lead Imperial citizens to destroy these statues. Let us follow the example of Ivarsgard and create a lasting covenant to show the world the fate of all false religions.
  • Outcome: Upheld (108 - 97; margin 11). This mandate was in competition with Judgement 14. The latter judgement gained a greater margin and will be the one enacted.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 79

  • Assembly: Marches National
  • Raised By: Friar John of the Mourn
  • Judgement: Any Imperial soldier who is here to defend the land will always find a bed and a meal is available to them for a night's rest. But those who are able and willing to work as best they can may stay a while longer. We send Friar John of the Mourn with 100 doses of liao to encourage Marchers to share their Prosperity with those Imperials who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (96 - 0). Enacted. Allows any Imperial army to take the new billet order in Marcher territory with access to the Imperial Breadbasket.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 82

  • Assembly: Freeborn National
  • Raised By: Luis i Guerra
  • Judgement: Armies require mithril, and the Burning Falcon is no exception. Mithril is expensive and in short supply. The Freeborn look to the example of the Corsairs to guide the way. Our enemies have mithril aplenty, and it is only right that we take it from them and use it to raise an army against them. We send Luis i Guerra with 50 doses of liao to urge the soldiers of the Red Wind Corsairs and the Fire of the South to find the mithril we need to restore the Burning Falcon!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (166 - 0). Enacted. For the next year the general of the Fire of the South can issue the Plunder order in addition to the normal orders they can issue. If they do use this order, or if the Red Wind Corsairs use their Daring Raid order, they are likely to see a small increase in the amount of resources they take and they will be significantly more likely to acquire mithril rather than either weirwood or white granite as part of the spoils they receive.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 100

  • Assembly: Varushka National
  • Raised By: Raskylov
  • Judgement: The wealth of our nation lies in the hills and forests, and in the hands of those who work them. We send Raskylov with 50 doses of liao to encourage those who seek prosperity for themselves and their nation to look to the riches that lie in the mines and forests.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (172 - 0). Enacted. Has several effects including urging Varushka to embrace farms and mines.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 102

  • Assembly: Pride Virtue
  • Raised By: Vasili Zoryakovich Zverokaz
  • Judgement: We the Pride Assembly send Vasili Zoryakovich Zverokaz to Ossium with 75 doses of liao to preach that "The virtues inspire others to greatness; they do not demean them."
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (227 - 0). Enacted. If enacted, the named priest will approach the population of Ossium to speak to them about the virtue of Pride.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 112

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Aurum of the Nightingale Temple
  • Judgement: No-one knows when Zenith will be liberated, we must help those who have lost everything, until the time comes to fight back. We send Aurum of the Nightingale Temple with 25 liao to urge everyone to take in the refugees and help them build a new life in Morrow and Redoubt.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (129-0). Enacted. Refugees from Zenith will settle in Redoubt and Morrow.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 122

  • Assembly: Assembly of the Nine
  • Raised By: Onan of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The Grey Pilgrims will help spread the Way and weed out the corruption of false beliefs in the Empire. We send Lilith of the Chantry with 25 liao to spread the news that the pilgrims enjoy the support and blessing of this assembly.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (7 - 0). Enacted. Encourages Imperial citizens to accept the sermons of the grey pilgrims which would make their mission more effective, but also reminds the pilgrims that they act with the blessing of the Imperial Synod - and that the guidance of the Synod is available to them when needed.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Starting Value 10 Thrones, 2 Crowns, 15 Rings
Rewarding 7 Thrones Rewarding to Solas of the Spire of the Waxing Sun following Judgement 10 being automatically upheld.
Income 1 Throne Donation in the name of Samuel.
Income 85 Thrones The price paid in the Bourse Auction for the dose of True Liao.
Rewarding 30 Thrones Rewarding to Genoveva Barossa di Tassato following Judgement 13 being upheld.
Rewarding 4 Crowns Rewarding to Steve Hart following Judgement 69 being upheld.
Rewarding 22 Thrones Rewarding to Ain following Judgement 60 being upheld.
Closing Value 36 Thrones, 6 Crowns, 15 Rings