Revision as of 15:06, 9 July 2014 by Matt (talk | contribs)
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Disbursal of 200 thrones to a nominated entity, with the intention that it be used to pay wages and upkeep in the event of imperial deficit, and that the remaining be repaid to senate funds in one year.

Proposed by Astolat, seconded by Tassato.


  • Attempt to create a loan to a nominated individual from the senate treasury.
  • Defeated


  • Spring 378YE


It is not possible for the Imperial Senate to act as creditor to a loan, but it may disburse funds to a senator who could then enter into a loan agreement which would be legally binding. However the Senate cannot set terms for how a disbursement must be used - nor even create a legal requirement for it to be repaid.


State Votes For Votes Against Result
In Principle 15 13 Failed