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The deep hood of this cowled robe allows the wearer to maintain a sense of anonymity and formal behaviour. It is modeled after a traditional garment worn by some inquisitors, and tends to be voluminous, ankle-length and possess wide sleeves. The design was historically popular with Highborn inquisitors and League bishops; it was also adopted by some Marcher monks and friars who make a habit of the age-old tradition of shriving. There is something ominous about a Cowl of Judgement, and about the priests who wear them.

The cowl of judgement appeals most to priests who are concerned about the spirituality and dedication of their fellow priests. It allows them to perform powerful excommunications that are very difficult to remove, and so it is rarely invoked casually. Wearers may encounter suspicion from their fellows; after all, by donning this robe the priest implies that she has both the judgement to evaluate her peers and the will to cast them out if she finds them wanting.

Unlike many other vestments, such as a Troubadour's Tunic, the Cowl of Judgement tends to be a little sombre with subdued decoration, often restricted to moonsilver (weltsilver and mithril threads) designs around the hems, especially around the cowl.


  • Form: Armour. Takes the form of a robe. You must be wearing these vestments to use their magical properties.
  • Requirement: You must have the dedication skill to bond to this item.
  • Effect: When you perform the excommunicate ceremony you may add up to three additional ranks to the effect by spending up to three additional Liao.
  • Materials: Crafting a Cowl of Judgement requires twenty-one measures of beggar's lye, ten measures of iridescent gloaming, nine ingots of weltsilver and five measures of dragonbone. It takes one month to make one of these items.