Varushka music
The Music of Varushka
Style summary
A short description of the musical style we're encouraging.
Commonly known songs
Pick a few examples from the list below to specifically promote as well-known within that nation. Provide lyrics and score/chords. Preferably in a range of difficulties.
A musical tradition
Suggest how the music fits into the cultural behaviour in general (e.g. battle hakas, wassails).
One for the kids
Further examples
More examples for keen bards.
Songs & Poems
Instrumentation and tunes
Violins, accordions, reeded woodwind, hammered dulcimer if you've got one! Music is drawn from Eastern European gypsy music, klezmer, or any fast tunes written in a klezmer scale. More info on klezmer scales.
Other performance traditions
How to adapt your repertoire
Suggestions of how someone could talk an existing song and make it fit the nation's style.
Our sources
Credits, links to artists, further material etc.