379YE Winter Solstice winds of fortune

Over the past three months, several events have occurred which are of significance to the Empire and may require a response from her champions. You can also read about the progress of the Empire's military campaigns here.
A Fine and Private Place
There are reports from Anvil of irregularities involving regio, tied in some way to the bound king of the The_Thrice-cursed_Court. You can learn more about this event here.
A Job Worth Doing
After the difficulties experienced by the Castle of Thorns in the lead up to the Autumn Equinox, some very peculiar stonemasons indeed have turned up to lend a hand. You can learn more about this event here.
A Long Good-Bye
The Imperial Synod assembly of Vigilance has launched a crusade against the vyig criminal organisation in Temeschwar, Tassato, and Holberg. You can learn more about the outcome of this event here.
Black and White
In Wintermark, the magpie symbollises prosperity. The penguin ... not so much. But it is the penguins that have stood dour witness to a discovery that could have far-reaching consequences for the Empire, far out on the very northern edge of the Empire, at the roof of the world. You can learn more about this opportunity here.
Falcon in winter
Thane Dogri Thulebane has declared that Crow's Ridge in Skarsind is part of Wintermark, and not part of the Imperial Orcs homeland. His followers have claimed the tower and beacon of Crow's Keep as their base of operation, and are attracting other disgruntled Winterfolk to their banner. You can learn more about this event here.
Golden Trumpets
Magical golden trumpets have been sounding across the Empire in locations that are, or have been, associated with Summer magic. The eternal Meraud has a challenge for the magicians of the Empire. You can learn more about this event here.
Land Fit for Heroes
The decision to relinquish Skarsind has bee ratified; the Imperial Senate has chosen to assign Skarsind to the Imperial Orcs. You can learn more about the implications of this momentous decision here; further significant information about opportunities and consequences for the Imperial Orcs can be found here.
Long Roads to Ruin
Four barbarian orc delegations are on their way to Anvil for the Winter Solstice. Delegates of the Druj, the Thule, the Grendel, and the independent tribes of the Barrens are coming either under flag of truce, or as foreign dignitaries depending on their status. You can learn more about this event here.
March on their Belly
Serious curses bedevil the Marches, devastating the Autumn harvest and seriously impacting the farms of Upwold, Mitwold, and Bregasland. This attack on the breadbasket of the Empire has significant implications for the Empire as a whole, especially with regard to military supplies and the price of food. You can learn all about this event here.
The Star's Aren't Right
Several eerie magical effects appear to be in place across the Empire and its borders, a fair proportion of them drawn from night magic. You can learn a little bit more about them here.
Summer in Winter
It is shaping up to be a harsh winter across the entire Empire, but nowhere moreso than in Varushka. A powerful enchantment has settled over the entire nation, bringing with it the potent influence of summer magic. You can learn more about this event here.
Swans will sing
It is one thing to relinquish Skarsind, but to surrender the Silver Peaks to the Thule has wounded the pride of Wintermark. As the winter drags on that wound has continued to fester. You can learn more about this event here.
To Sleep in Kallavesa
The regalia of Empress Britta has been removed from the Shrine of Britta in the Necropolis, and interred alongside her body in the marshes of Kallavesa. You can learn more about this event here.
Ongoing Events
Hearth Tithe
During the Autumn Equinox, both the Wintermark and Marcher assemblies threw their support behind the reintroduction of the Hearth Tithe. The Wintermark assembly named Ealstan of Stormspire to encourage the reintroduction of the practice, while the Marcher Assembly named James Appleseeder of Upwold. As a consequence, for the next year. every farm in the Marches and Wintermark will set aside a plot of land to grow medicinal herbs to help the war against the Jotun. Every farm produces a little less money, but provides the owner with useful herbs. You can learn more about the effects of the Hearth Tithe here.
Crows and Colleges
As agreed by the peace treaty the Empire has negotiated with the Thule, the orcs have withdrawn the forces deployed in Karsk to the northern-eastern hills of Krevasty. Over the last three months the Golden Axe have swept through Crowslook and Branoc, reassuring the Varushkan people living in these regions that the orcs are gone. Despite the sever winter, there have also been several construction projects commissioned in Varushka.
Following the opportunities last season, the Imperial Senate has agreed not only to rebuild the roads of Karsk, but also to restore the Iron Helm. Work has begun on the new road construction, and if it continues at this rate should be completed by the Spring Equinox. However, so far no progress has been made towards mustering the Iron Helm despite the aid offered by the miners of Moresvah and the ability to pursue both projects at the same time.
No real progress has been made on the The Icy Crag of the Eternal Sun in Volchitrava, although there are reports that with the patronage of Cathan Canae a Summer regio has been somehow raised, or perhaps aligned, which will serve as the heart of the college.
Furthermore, construction has also begun in Mieriada on the Hearth of the Tempest, which will apparently aid in the exploration of Spring magic - although details are obscure at this time.