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Bows and crossbows are one of the more dangerous weapons in LRP, if they are used inappropriately. If you are planning to play an archer at Empire then you must make sure that you follow all these safety rules. Failure to do so will result in you being unable to take to the battlefield.

Weapon Check

You must take your bow to the Weapon checking team and have it checked before you use it. When you take a bow to weapon check they will ask you to string the bow and then fire it at a nearby target. The aim is to ensure that you know how to string a bow safely and how to pull your shot when firing on nearby players. If the weapon check team are not satisfied that you are able to use a bow safely then you will receive a quick demonstration lesson in how to use a LRP bow safely.

Bow Safety

  • Ensure that your bow is correctly and securely strung
  • Take the distance to your target into account before firing. DO NOT full draw a long bow at a target 10m or less away.
  • You must not aim a bow or crossbow at the head.
  • Do not parry or strike with your bow! It is NOT a melee weapon

An incorrectly strung bow is a danger to you and other players as well as demonstrating a lack of experience with a bow. You must know how to string a bow correctly.

Modern LRP bows and crossbows are capable of firing a LRP arrow much further than most of the older equipment in use by the hobby a decade ago, even though their poundage at full draw has not changed. It is not safe to fire an arrow at high speed at a close target. If you have a bow you must reduce you draw when firing at nearby targets. You must not draw the bow to normal extension when when firing at a target that is 10m or closer to you, you must reduce the draw proportionately.

Crossbows fire much slower than a bow with equivalent poundage. As you cannot reduce the pull for a crossbow you must not fire it at a target closer than 3m.

Using your Bow

  • You must check every arrow you use before firing them
  • If your bow is of a higher poundage ensure that limbs are warmed before a large fight

Arrows must be checked every time they are used. It is particularly important to check every arrow before you reuse as an arrow recovered from a battlefield has a high chance of being unsafe. The guidelines for all archers checking their arrows are below; if you are unsure then ask a ref or a member of the weapon checking team.

Checking Arrows

  • Check the head is secure and free from debris
  • Check the shaft is not cracked or split
  • Check the arrows does not have missing or loose flights
  • Check if the nock is loose or split
From IDV tear-drop arrow

IDV Arrows

IDV tear-drop arrows are not usable at any Profound Decisions events.

Further Reading