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Spring Magnitude 6

Performing the Ritual

Performing this ritual takes at least 2 minutes of roleplaying.


At the completion of the ritual, all contributors recover all lost hits. Each limb crippled by impale or cleave is restored, and the effect of venom is removed from each contributor.

When cast with more than one contributor, this ritual always counts as a use of the coven bond and counts towards the number of rituals the coven can perform that day..


This potent spell restores an individual, or more commonly an entire coven of spring magicians, to full health. It is an effective battlefield spell both for covens who risk danger to heal their allies, and for those who take the field to fight alongside the warriors of the Empire. While the ritual is useful to any magician, the magnitude reflects the fact that it is most effective when performed by a group of Spring ritualists working together and sharing the healing energy among themselves.

Like all such rituals that rely on the power of the coven bond to grant them additional potence, the effects of the ritual are greater the more members of the coven are present and able to participate fully in the performance.

Common Elements

This ritual is very old; in pre-Imperial times it was widely practiced by covens of many nations, especially among the Steinr, Marchers and the Varushka. The ritual often includes things that evoke or symbolise ideas of safety, home and the hearth. Consequently fires, wholesome food, drink and music are all common elements used in the performance of this ritual. Where food and drink are used, they are often passed from person to person among the coven-mates, sometimes in an intricate pattern reminiscent of a dance.

A coven of Marcher landskeepers might include a bushel of grain taken from the recent harvest, or even good beer made from the same; a circle of Hakima are likely to engage in drumming and singing together with favoured friends and families; a school of cabalists will share dark bread and honey; a League Troupe or band of mountebanks may repeat their coven oath and touch rings together to reinforce the strength provided by their guild; and a coven of Navarr vates are likely to use small amounts of blood or red paint to trace designs on the hands or faces of their companions.

The important thing is to reinforce the bond between members of the coven, and evoke healing power through such elements as the runes Rhyv, Cavul or even Queros.