Information about magicians, the power they can wield using magic and their history in the world.
Spell List
Here you will find all of the regular and offensive spells that magicians can learn to use on the battlefield and elsewhere.
Ritual List
A complete list of rituals known to the Empire, the most powerful magical spells that magicians can attempt.
Magical Traditions
The different traditions of magic are the most common methods used to manipulate magic in the Empire.
Understanding the strengths of weaknesses of each of the six different realms of magic is vital for ritualists.
Eternals are the inhabitants of the six planes of existence from which the realms of magic draw their name.
Artificers use rare resources to create magical items that any character can use once they have bonded to them.
Magical Bonds
Most magical items can only be used once an artificer or magician has bonded the item to the wielder or wearer.
Magic Item List
A complete library of the hundreds of different magical item that individual artificers can learn how to make.
Apothecaries mix two or more potent herbs to create magical potions that any character can use.
Herb List
A complete description of the five common herbs that Imperial apothecaries mix to create magical potions.
Potion List
A complete library of the dozens of different potions that individual apothecaries can learn how to make.
Hearth Magic
Hearth magic is the everyday magic inherent in the objects and inhabitants of the world of Empire.