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This page was last updated on Wed Sept 25 11:49:47 BST 2024 using Military Council Orders.


The Military Council is the gathering of Imperial generals and admirals. Individually, the generals have responsibility for the orders given to the Imperial army under their command, while the admirals provide the orders for the navies. A general commands a single Imperial army, drawn from volunteers from their nation. Once a general is given their command, they have sole authority to order the army to move or attack as they choose. After each summit, the Civil Service quickly circulate the orders each general has given among Imperial citizens, allowing military unit captains to decide if they wish to commit their own force to support an army, and if so which army to support.

During the Autumn Equinox 386YE, the following orders were submitted by Imperial generals.

The Brass Coast

The Brass Coast have three armies: Burning Falcon, Fire of the South and Red Wind Corsairs. They can support two armies.

Burning Falcon

BurningFalcon Colour.png
  • General: Aracelis I Erigo
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Astolat
  • Orders: Normally a flame burns low and extinguishes. We are not a normal flame. I call the Kohan to rest but we do not rest quietly. We do not rest and sleep. We live our lives for the thrill of battle but when we stop, we celebrate those not with us and the fight to come! I call on Janon and their heralds. Witness the fire in celebration that you have seen in battle!
  • Action: Desperate Reinforcement
  • Enchantment: Concordium of Pallas enchanted the Burning Falcon with Brotherhood of Tian.

Fire of the South

  • General: Vincente i Zayden i Guerra
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Astolat
  • Orders: With the support of our cousins and friends, Feroz is once again in Imperial Hands. We have done all we can to secure the safety and security of the brass coast at this time and now we rest, replenish and celebrate our victory. The power of Autumn spurs us north as we travel to Astolat. Take pride in your actions and prepare for the battles ahead as we restore our strength
  • Action: Desperate Reinforcement
  • Enchantment: Concordium of Pallas enchanted the Fire of the South with Brotherhood of Tian.

Red Wind Corsairs

RedWindCorsairs Colour.png
  • General: Delora i Sol-Devorador i Erigo
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Tassato
  • Orders: Freeborn! Hear the words of your adjutant, Joaquim I Erigo - Corsairs, cousins. We leave Feroz for Tassato to rest and resupply. You have fought hard, long and well for our home but, as you take your ease, look ahead, to days of plunder, adventure and a restored brass coast.
  • Action: Solid defence
  • Enchantment: Concordium of Pallas enchanted the Red Wind Corsairs with Brotherhood of Tian.


Dawn have three armies: Eastern Sky, Golden Sun and Gryphon's Pride. They can support four armies.

Eastern Sky

EasternSky Colour.png
  • General: Dame Aurum De Castellan
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Eastern Sky, I too long to return to the East to defend our homes, but our cousins in the Marchers need our aid. So with Loyalty in our hearts let us give the Jotun the flame of Virtue and wage a glorious battle that will be sung of long after we are gone.
  • Action: Steady Conquest

Golden Sun

GoldenSun Colour.png
  • General: Zoran De Orzel
  • Moved From: Therunin
  • Deployed To: Therunin
  • Orders: Glorious knights of the Golden Sun, we continue our grinding advance through Therunin. We avoid the poisonous lower tarn valley. We continue to defend the Navarr territory from the onslaught of the Druj. Dawn have lost much of late, All stories must end, keep your love and loyalty for them in your hearts. In the name of their glory.
  • Action: Grinding advance

Gryphon's Pride

  • General: Archavion Wolfborne
  • Moved From: Therunin
  • Deployed To: The Barrens
  • Orders: Too long have we watched as others decide the fate of our homelands; they give land to those who stood against us and spit in the face of the way. They give aid to those who hate us whilst Imperial citizens suffer with wars engaged in all our lands with the coffers running dry. The Throne speaks of virtue and vigilance, yet no others are prepared to act. We will not stand by idle while these atrocities continue. We will not fear to act! I stood before priests and swore my dedication to vigilance, and on that very same night I had a Profound Dream. In the Barrens I saw a great beast wreathed in shadow, it's eyes were the darkest sickening green and its breath writhed with plague and poison. As I steeled my resolved and stepped towards the fouled shadow it receeded into the Fangs. Benechiah's life taught us that though some may frown on our actions, the truly virtuous do not fear to do what must be done. We will be decisive and do what we know to be right, and remove the taint from the Barrens. We will liberate the Fangs for the good of the Empire and Dawn so we may prosper and survive the onslaught coming at us from all sides. For only we are prepared to give our all for the Empire. We will set on the Rahvin of the Fangs in the dead of night, and tear them from the mine. Those who stand against our steady conquest will meet with steel and death. Glory to Dawn and to the Empire!
  • Action: Steady Conquest


Highguard have three armies: Granite Pillar, Seventh Wave and Valiant Pegasus. They can support three armies.

Granite Pillar

GranitePillar Colour.png
  • General: Sychar of Ebon's Hall
  • Moved From: Casinea
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Granite Pillar! The mourn calls for aid, and we shall answer. For generations, the Marchers have laboured with loyalty, feeding the Empire. Now we repay that debt with the steel of our virtue in a strategic defence. Let the words of our synod and the swords of our armies ring with one voice. As written in statement 117, the synod marches with us in spirit, let us be united! We march not just to reclaim land, but to defend the soul of the Empire. With courage and vigilance, we shall be an unconquerable fortress. Let us bring the warmth and light of the way to those who shiver in darkness. To the Jotun, I say: Jarl Haakon! The Mournwold is the Empire's and we will never forsake it. Yet the Jotun are a people of honour meet us openly on the field of battle with Courage and Pride as true warriors should. This war will end in our victory for we fight for the salvation of souls. we are inevitable. Crusade! Crusade!
  • Action: Strategic defence
  • Enchantment: Ashen Flame enchanted the Granite Pillar with Knights of Glory.

Seventh Wave

SeventhWave Colour.png
  • General: Melkior of Balthazar’s Vineyard
  • Moved From: Ayereed
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: March now with the winds of Autumn at your back. March to the Mourn and attack into Southmoor with a Triumvirate of Highborn armies in a crusade of Loyalty through unity. Let us be united with the people of the Mourn and warm their hearths with virtues caring light. Show them that the Empire's arrival need not herald the death of family and friends, but the healing and anointing of a fractured Empire. Let us bring the warmth and light of the way to those who shiver in darkness. Follow statement 117 of the synod and let our words and swords speak with one voice. Crusade! Crusade and bring judgement to the mourn! Scouts of the Wave, endeavour to approach the Jotun command with a flag of parlay and present them with our poetic statement of intent: "Saga's Birth through virtues dawning light; Warming hearts and hearths, Fuelled through the dawning light of virtue. Birthing Sagas."
  • Action: Forced March
  • Enchantment: Lyktan enchanted the Seventh Wave with Find the Best Path.

Valiant Pegasus

ValiantPegasus Colour.png
  • General: Zadok
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: From Feroz we march north to Sourthmoor in the Mournwold. We seek to liberate Southmoor from Jotun Domination, but you will not fight alone. The whole of Highguard marches with you. You will see the Granite Pillar marching in from Casinea, shining in the sun, and the seventh wave sped by great ritual magics from the distant front of Ayereed will join us in a unified highborn crusade against the tyrant Jotun! The Synod marches with us in Spirit: Judgement 117 calls for a united crusade of loyalty to aid the people of the Mourn. The people of the Mourn, Human and Orc, have laboured and toiled alone for too long. They are part of this Empire and our bond of Loyalty should be forged in the Iron of the Ore Hills. Bring the healing arts of the Valient Pegasus, both body and spirit, to these worthy souls and trust they will respond in kind. Foster the bonds of loyalty wherever you go. "Let us bring the warmth and light of the Way to those who Shiver in Darkness" - Judgement 117
  • Action: Steady Conquest
  • Enchantment: Ashen Flame enchanted the Valiant Pegasus with Knights of Glory.

Imperial Orcs

Imperial Orcs have three armies: Autumn Hammers, Summer Storm and Winter Sun. They can support three armies.

Autumn Hammers

  • General: Vana
  • Moved From: Bregasland
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Autumn Hammers, we march to Mournwold through Mitwold and avoid Graven Rock where the Jotun walls are high. Our eyes turn to the Jotun armies and the land they have taken in the Mourn. Form up and push the Jotun back in Steady Conquest. Reinforce the shields. Force them Back.
  • Action: Steady Conquest
  • Enchantment: Coven of Barabbas enchanted the Autumn Hammers with Clarity of the Master Strategist.

Summer Storm

SummerStorm Colour.png
  • General: Irontide Skorr
  • Moved From: Upwold
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Legionaires of the Summer Storm. We have been called to aid in the Mournwold. With the clarity of the Day Realm, we go on a Steady conquest to fight the Jotun once again. Be vigilant and Wise. Be Courageous and Loyal. Watch out for each other.
  • Action: Steady Conquest
  • Enchantment: Coven of Barabbas enchanted the Summer Storm with Clarity of the Master Strategist.

Winter Sun

WinterSun Colour.png
  • General: Skywise Rykana
  • Moved From: Ayereed
  • Deployed To: Mareave
  • Orders: Heroes of the Winter Sun, we have pushed far into Grendel Lands but now has come the time to rest. Let the powers Autumn wash through us and bind us together in Kinship. Light the legion fires across Mareave and settle in our new land, share hospitality and tales of worth with any who come to greet us in peace. Make them welcome but keep eyes to the south. The Grendel stir jealously to reclaim what we have earned and if they dare to tread into our home then we will defend the land and all of its people.
  • Action: Give Ground
  • Enchantment: Concordium of Pallas enchanted the Winter Sun with Brotherhood of Tian.

The League

The League have two armies: Towerjacks and Wolves of War. They can support two armies.


  • General: Marcus Barossa Di Tassato
  • Moved From: Therunin
  • Deployed To: Redoubt
  • Orders: The Fall of general Barossa signals a loss not only for us, but for our Empire. Our enemies will take no more. Travel to Redoubt and build your defences high, that their waves will break on your walls. Show them the strength of your loyalty.
  • Action: Dig In

Wolves of War

WolvesofWar Colour.png
  • General: Jean d'Apulian
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: The Morn is Imperial, this Empire will reclaim it. I Invite Janon's Heralds to witness professionals at work. Captains let the chains that binds and the promised pay see you join us. Take to the streets of Sarcombe, clear our these "honourable" tyrants. Nothing Fancy, let's get to work.
  • Action: Balanced attack
  • Enchantment: The Gilded Horn Carta enchanted the Wolves of War with Bound by Common Cause.

The Marches

The Marches have four armies: Bounders, Drakes, Strong Reeds and Tusks. They can support five armies.


Bounders Colour.png
  • General: Mary Birchsmith
  • Moved From: Bregasland
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Marchers, we steadily Advance into Southmoor area of the Mourn against the Jotun. We fight with Loyalty to our nation and our Empire. Our Imperial friends stand with us, we are not alone, we will work together, we will regain our land, together.
  • Action: Steady Conquest
  • Enchantment: Voices of the Unbound Storm enchanted the Bounders with Knights of Glory.


Drakes Colour.png
  • General: Tancred of Meade
  • Moved From: Mitwold
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Drakes, you smashed the ships that come up the river meade but the Marches still bleed. I know that you are tired but until Marcher land is safe, we cannot step. You've proven your loyalty to Mitwold, now, show the rest of the nation how loyal you are to them. Tancred will lead us to another victory into the Mourn, where we will crush the Jotun and give the Mournwolders back their land.
  • Action: Balanced attack
  • Enchantment: Voices of the Unbound Storm enchanted the Drakes with Knights of Glory.

Strong Reeds

StrongReeds Colour.png
  • General: Amberlain P. Black
  • Moved From: Bregasland
  • Deployed To: Bregasland
  • Orders: Folks heroes of the Reeds! With Loyalty in our hearts we answered the call of our folk. Our actions have Inspired Loyalty in the hearts and souls of the marcher armies and for the first time ever our neighbours are bound together, oathbound in the defence of our land. But before we rise to the aid of our neighbours. We must lay low and root out in our own fields. So to ground Reeds! To ground in Loyalty! To ground and haunt their steps!
  • Action: Lay Low


Tusks Colour.png
  • General: Stanley Of Chalkdown
  • Moved From: Mournwold
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Jacks of the Tusks! The ground shakes with the tread of 60 thousand boots, yet is still between our braced feet. We stand stalwart with the granite pillar in our disciplined defence of our land, our hearts filled with the loyalty shown by the Imperial host that even now sweeps into southmoor and traps the Jotun onto our bills. Jarl Hakkon claims dominion over our fields and hills, yet here we stand defiant! Twice he has failed and thrice he shall fail again! The peerless kinship of the Empire the blow that breaks the Jotun!
  • Action: Steady Conquest
  • Enchantment: Voices of the Unbound Storm enchanted the Tusks with Knights of Glory.


Navarr have three armies: Black Thorns, Isaella's Dance and Quiet Step. They can support six armies.

Black Thorns

BlackThorns Colour.png
  • General: Rhisiart Dancewalker
  • Moved From: Therunin
  • Deployed To: Therunin
  • Orders: Blackthorns, we fight for our homes, our people, our land. Fight for the future and one step closer to destroying the Druj, the the Vallorn. I call the pines and our kin of the Great Forest Orcs. Bring fury to the Druj and burn them to Ashes
  • Action: Balanced attack
  • Enchantment: Voices of the Unbound Storm enchanted the Black Thorns with Knights of Glory.

Isaella's Dance

  • General: Cadwell Waystone
  • Moved From: Astolat
  • Deployed To: Therunin
  • Orders: My Poison Thorns, the Empire has bled in Therunin while we healed. The Magic of Autumn bound our wounds and now we are ready. The Druj have tortured and slaughtered their way through our lands. We will bring a swift death with our poison thorns. We attack via the Barrens into Eastring
  • Action: Poison Thorns

Quiet Step

QuietStep Colour.png
  • General: Vesna Borkovna Prochnost
  • Moved From: Mournwold
  • Deployed To: Miaren
  • Orders: The Representatives of the people of Navarr have asked me to take this army for the good of her soldiers and the nation. I have answered the call. We will take a solid defence. Rest and guard your hearth.
  • Action: Solid defence


Urizen have one army: Citadel Guard. They can support a single army.

Citadel Guard

CitadelGuard Colour.png
  • General: Andronikos of the Lighthouse at Nikephoros
  • Moved From: Morrow
  • Deployed To: Redoubt
  • Orders: Sentinels, consider the Mountain. The servants of Siakha come to Redoubt bringing storm and fang and savagery. The mages of Urizen have met storm with storm. Fey knights will meet fang with Summer steel. You will meet savagery with discipline. You are the rock on which our foes shall break. You are the Mountain.
  • Action: Solid defence
  • Enchantment: Voices of the Unbound Storm enchanted the Citadel Guard with Knights of Glory.


Varushka have three armies: Golden Axe, Iron Helms and Northern Eagle. They can support four armies.

Golden Axe

GoldenAxe Colour.png
  • General: Belakov Zakharovich Prochnost
  • Moved From: Ayereed
  • Deployed To: Zenith
  • Orders: Axe! 3 terms - 3 territories, Ossium, Barrens, Mareave even Ayereed felt our work. I'm proud of our time together. But with this my last orders as your general. We move to Zenith, prepare to give ground if needed. But let us gather our numbers, drink and celebrate our achievements together. Wisdom and vigilance keep AXE to hand. Wards on our borders and embrace our past to rest for the future. So AXE it's time for my leaving drinks. It has been an honour.
  • Action: Give Ground
  • Enchantment: Concordium of Pallas enchanted the Golden Axe with Brotherhood of Tian.

Iron Helms

IronHelms Colour.png
  • General: Alderei the Fair
  • Moved From: Therunin
  • Deployed To: Therunin
  • Orders: These are times of great change cousins. Even in death we will finish the work in Therunin, with cold flesh quickened we eradicate the Druj on Imperial soil. This shall mark our rebirth. The dark of winter holds no terror over us. Onwards through the snow.
  • Action: Balanced attack
  • Enchantment: Wolves of the Pale Raven enchanted the Iron Helms with Quickening Cold Meat.

Northern Eagle

NorthernEagle Colour.png
  • General: Jaromir Ostrovyn Kostka
  • Moved From: Therunin
  • Deployed To: Redoubt
  • Orders: Redoubts beacons are alight and so we shall raise our banners in its defence. Hold the mountains and the valleys, the cliffs and the coast, the Spires and the cities. We shall be the Haunting bird that haunts the heights, diving upon unwary prey. Vigilant as sentinels, swift as wardens, the Imperial Eagle shields all homes
  • Action: Hit and run


Wintermark have four armies: Bloodcloaks, Fist of the Mountains, Green Shield and Narwhal's Spear. They can support four armies.


  • General: Lofyn Blood-cloak
  • Moved From: Mournwold
  • Deployed To: Tassato
  • Orders: My Cloaks, my heart, my pride. Tend the fallen. Virtues know, we have enough of them. Near 700 lives you spared last season. We will do more, but a grimnir knows our oath. We save more lives by safeguarding our own and sacrificing a heroic martial death. We step back, we regroup. We return. Your loyalty inspires me.
  • Action: Tend the fallen
  • Enchantment: An unknown coven enchanted the Bloodcloaks with Wintermark Heroism.

Fist of the Mountains

FistoftheMountains Colour.png
  • General: Umarth "Winter's Flame" Kannask
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Tassato
  • Orders: Heroes assemble for war, a courageous charge for the Empire. As they smash against our enemies, we wait for our moment. In flights of birds we see Kryop, momentary weakness, and so we prepare. Sharpen your blades, fill your bellies. We resupply and then we strike. Our moment will come, and we will relieve those heroes. Rest, reflect, we will return.
  • Action: Read the Signs
  • Enchantment: An unknown coven enchanted the Fist of the Mountains with Wintermark Heroism.

Green Shield

  • General: Iron Osric
  • Moved From: Mournwold
  • Deployed To: Upwold
  • Orders: Green shieldbearers, stalwart, strong and sure. Make ready for fresh, real-merlund war. Swords and spears, sharpened and bright, shadowed fire fill our hearts with might. General Flowers, fallen, yet her spirit soars, Inspiring us all forevermore. Her legacy a beacon in the night. Driving us forwards to morning light. Witness my words and join me Janon.
  • Action: Billet
  • Enchantment: An unknown coven enchanted the Green Shield with Wintermark Heroism.

Narwhal's Spear

  • General: Determination of Ice Kaisa
  • Moved From: Feroz
  • Deployed To: Mournwold
  • Orders: Spears, the Mourn needs aid. Let us be a swift strike in the Jotun's advance. Icewalkers find our path through the enemy. Mediators learn of your foe. Take forth the story of your General of tell as your final respite; How Determination of Ice defeated one of Cathan Canae;s Jotun Champions and forged a bond of Heroism and honour. Let them know we have come to fight and add to our heroic tale. Jarl Haakon, we are coming!
  • Action: Seek the foe
  • Enchantment: Coven of Barabbas enchanted the Narwhal's Spear with Clarity of the Master Strategist.