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Precedence and the Font

  • The mana distributed to the grand masters following 386YE Summer was 109 mana.
  • The mana remaining after distribution was 4 mana.
  • The mana collected via the Principle of Precedence at 386YE Summer Conclave was 235 mana.
  • The mana available in the font for Conclave at 386YE Autumn is 239 mana.

The members of each order in attendance at the end of the previous summit determine precedence for the following summit according to the Principle of Precedence.There was 109 mana in the font after the final Conclave session of the 386YE Summer Solstice. This was distributed to the grand masters of the Conclave according to the Principle of Proportions as per the table below.

This left 4 mana, which is added to the 235 mana collected via the Principle of Proportions at the previous event to form the font for the coming summit. The Conclave has access to a font of 239 mana at the 386YE Autumn Equinox.

Grandmaster of the Order of the Rod and Shield1101193
Grandmaster of the Order of the Sevenfold Path297183
Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind391172
Grandmaster of the Order of the Shuttered Lantern488162
Grandmaster of the Order of the Golden Pyramid571131
Grandmaster of the Order of the Celestial Arch664121
Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Chalice755101

Friday Session

Alignment:Sadogua, Amity

Raised by:Eliina Declaration: Our Brother in magic Sadogua is currently and will remain under Amity, for now. Firstly we gratefully accept your offer to continue protecting the college of the Lyceum and extend much interest in looking into more permanent wards. Secondly, we thank you for this continued assistance and for the boons provided to the magicians of the Navarr. Outcome: Passed