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During the Autumn Equinox 385YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised 202 judgements.

Change of Doctrine

The following change of doctrine was proposed during the Autumn Equinox.

Judgement 3

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Clarice Novarion
  • Judgement: To remove the Doctrine of Human Destiny and replace it with

The Doctrine of Enlightenment

Virtue lies in choice and action. Virtue's power to exalt transcends the boundaries of the soul, spirit, and species, guiding and inspiring both orcs and humans to their highest destiny. Through the practice of Virtue, orcs and humans develop the strength, knowledge and enlightenment which marks their highest potential as thinking beings .

The virtuous inspire others to greatness; they do not demean them. Let us celebrate the spiritual power of Virtue without degrading our fellow Pilgrims. Let us inspire orcs and humans as equals in the Way with a true expression of Pride and Ambition.

  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (3013 - 159)
  • Notes: This historic judgement both rescinds the Doctrine of Human Destiny and creates a new Doctrine of Enlightenment. The full implications of this significant change to the Doctrines of the Faith will be felt over the coming months.


Judgement 11

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Aurum of the Nightingale Temple
  • Judgement: The virtuous build up their fellows, they do not tear them down. Blue flowers bloom in Spiral, and if we are to hold true to the promise of this Empire we cannot laud one while cutting down another. Should the Empire shed Urizeni blood in this matter, it will prove they value thieves and slavers over virtuous citizens. It will prove they are unworthy of the oldest nation. We send Aurum of the Nightingale Temple with 25 doses of liao to encourage all Urizeni to stand in defiance of an Empire that treats our lives as an inconvenience, should they dare to enact violence against our people. Loyalty demands, and we cannot condemn the people of Spiral for having answered.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (267-75)
  • Enacted: If the Empire sends an army to suppress the Urizeni rebels in Spiral at any point before the start of the Autumn Equinox 386YE, the rebellion will spread to the rest of Urizen. Spires will take up arms and declare their support for the rebellion, and opposition to the Empire. As detailed in the A question of loyalty wind of fortune.

Judgement 26

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Harwyn Eternal
  • Judgement: The virtuous inspire others to greatness. We send Neala Blackhawk with 75 doses of liao to urge priest to engage with the Great Forest Orcs to learn their ways to discover if we might bring them to the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (468-63)
  • Enacted: Sends Pride assembly priests to visit with the Great Forest Orcs and learn about their religion. As detailed in the Tooth by tooth Wind of Fortune.

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Callista
  • Judgement: The truly virtuous are loyal even through hardship and misfortune. We send Callista of the Dark Shard with 25 doses of liao to encourage the remaining Urizeni living in Spiral to take up arms and defend their homes. Loyalty is not displayed by words or deeds alone, but by unity of both.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (30-379)
  • Notes: Had it been enacted, this mandate would have spread the Urizeni rebellion across the whole of Spiral. As detailed in the A question of loyalty wind of fortune.

Judgement 40

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Herminius of the House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: Failure is the death of greatness, We send Herminius of the House of the Wanderer with 75 doses of liao to encourage sword scholars throughout Urizen to separate the woman from the teachings and no longer venerate the actions of Sulemaine. Let us find new questions to ask.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (284-10)
  • Enacted: This mandate sunders the sword scholars, shattering the Temple of the Four Winds. It also damages the moral authority of the Urizen assembly, in light of their previous endorsement of Sulemaine, meaning every Urizen congregation receives 2 fewer votes and 1 fewer liao. As detailed in the A wisdom of questions wind of fortune.

Judgement 57

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Enis RootBloom
  • Judgement: For too long the peoples of Navarr have struggled to claim the entirety of this homes. Let us not sit idle whilst those who have stood with us suffer a similar fate. We send Enis Rootbloom with 50 doses of liao to encourage the people of Navarr to help the Great Forest Orcs in the fight to reclaim the Heart of Peytaht.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (355-0)
  • Enacted: Any Navarr army in the Barrens can support the Spears of the Pines and help them conquer the Heart of Peytaht, provided the general of the army takes an attacking order explicitly targetting the Heart of Peytaht and mention they are supporting the Great Forest Orcs. If this happens the Great Forest Orcs will claim the region and it will not require concedence by the Senate. It will also put to rest any concerns the Great Forest Orcs have expressed around the Navarr reticence to fight in the Barrens. As detailed in the Not to conquer wind of fortune. See also Judgement 149.

Judgement 63

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Maria i Espiri i Guerra
  • Judgement: The National Assembly have already spoken, the Virtuous inspire others. We raised the burial mound to honour the Courage of the Jotun, and new they wish to raise a monument to the Virtue and honour of the Freeborn who defeated them - a permanent reminder of the strength of the Freeborn. We send Maria i Espiri i Guerra with ten thrones to urge the families of Kahraman to ensure the Jotun are escorted only to the burial mound to raise the monument, and then safely returned to their own lands.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (175-0)
  • Enacted: This mandate sees the visiting ghodi protected by an honour guard of Freeborn which will further demonstrate the worth of the Brass Coast to the Jotun. The Dhomiro of the Cinnabar Hills will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to capture the ghodi and mithril. As detailed in the Between two mounds wind of fortune

Judgement 69

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Exarch Luke of the Navigators of Virtue
  • Judgement: Let every word you speak carry meaning. We send Exarch Luke of the Navigators of Virtue with 25 doses of liao to persuade the soldiers of the Valiant Pegasus to seek out orc septs oppressed by the Druj. Together we will find the right question.
  • Outcome: Upheld (437-0)
  • Enacted: The Valiant Pegasus will strive to minimise casualties when fighting in the Salt Flats of Sanath, and open channels of communication with the septs while fighting there. As detailed in the The cities and the city wind of fortune.

Judgement 73

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Ser Dindrane
  • Judgement: Test what you learn; only fools accept hearsay as truth. We send Ser Dindrane with 50 doses of liao to urge the faithful to visit Laroc to share in the lessons imparted there. Nothing is more virtuous than success.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (74-192)

Judgement 113

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Eldrid Vestardottir
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We send Eldrid Vestardottir with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizen to contribute what resources they can spare to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. Let our virtue echo through history for a thousand years.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (284-0)
  • Not Enacted. No liao provided.

Judgement 134

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Corey Wayfarer
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We send Fintan Founders-Dance with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizen to contribute what resources they can spare to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. Let our virtue echo through history for a thousand years..
  • Outcome: Upheld (276-26) the Greater Majority threshold for this judgement was 276.
  • Enacted. Navarr will find what white granite and funds they can spare and donate them to support the construction of a sacred city in Bastion. Every Navarr territory that is affected by this mandate will donate 12 wains of white granite and 24 crowns to support the commission each season for the next year. For the same period if it impossible to use a mandate to urge the Navarr to support another commission or similar project that needed help. Any mandate in the Imperial Synod that urged Navarr to provide financial support to a different commission or cause will fail to affect the nation. Likewise any statement of principle in their national assembly that asks the nation for their support in this way will fail to produce a mandate. As detailed in the Blood will thicken Wind of Fortune.

Judgement 149

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Veikko Bondforger
  • Judgement: No priest can tell you what you are loyal to, but we can guide you on that path. Under the Eyes of Loyalty we send Veikko Bondforger to support the following mandate: For too long the people of Navarr have struggled to claim the entirety of their homes. Let us not sit idle while those who have stood with us suffer a similar fate. We send our priest with 50doses of liao to encourage the people of Navarr to help the Great Forest Orcs in the fight to reclaim the Heart of Peytaht.
  • Outcome: Upheld (279-0)
  • Enacted: The Eyes of Loyalty will support Judgement 57.

Judgement 170

  • Assembly: Imperial Orcs
  • Raised By: Bleakshield Zorra
  • Judgement: If we are to be liberators not conquerors, then our pride must be conveyed by actions not by words alone. We send Skywise Rykana with 75 Thrones to provide food and other vital supplies to the Rahvin in Bitter Strand. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it..
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (78-0)
  • Enacted: Imperial Orcs priests gather food and other vital supplies, and deliver them to the Rahvin. Their largesse will improve the sept's attitude, causing the Rahvin to become more well disposed to the Imperial Orcs, prepared to speak with them directly and securing their ability to negotiate with the orcs on behalf of the Empire. As detailed in the Not to conquer wind of fortune.

Judgement 199

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Mel Bleak
  • Judgement: Those orcs who once were thralls of the Jotun are Marchers. They've been patient, and we won't keep them waiting while the rest of the Empire argues about what we know to be true. We send Sister Meredith with the egregore Jack to welcome them into our nation, and we will look to the paperwork later.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (264-0)
  • Enacted: With this risky mandate, the Marcher assembly makes it clear to their own people, and to the Empire, that the Mournwold Orcs should be Marchers. As detailed in the When Spring comes Wind of Fortune

Special Considerations

The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Autumn Equinox.

All AssembliesStatements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesStatements that try to compel Loyalty will fail.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesRevocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesAny mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. Urizen Link, Varushka Link.Ongoing
Highguard The Highborn National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in any National Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
Highguard The Highborn National Assembly can pass a statement of principle to call on their nation to support the Imperial Orcs, the Marches, or Wintermark.Peerless KinshipLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
Urizen The Urizen National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in the Highborn Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
League The League National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in the Highborn Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
Varushka The Varushkan National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in the Highborn Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE

Alternative Mandates

Prior to the summit, the following alternative mandates were proposed by members of the Synod.

Member Link to mandate Notes
Aurum of the Nightingale Temple A question of loyalty
Herminius of the House of the Wanderer Not to conquer A use of Partner of Greatness for the Urizen Assembly
Maximillian Ankarien Not to conquer A use of Partner of Greatness for the Urizen Assembly
Brynn Tendfallen Not to conquer
Nathair Autumngale Not to conquer
Enis RootBloom Not to conquer
Corey Wayfarer Not to conquer
Jared of the Suns of Couros Restraint A use of Partner of Greatness for the Highborn Assembly
Maria i Espiri i Guerra Between two mounds
Ahraz i Guerra Between two mounds

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Starting Value 26 Thrones, 2 Rings
Rewarding 21 Thrones Rewarding to Estella Lucati following Judgement 8 being upheld.
Income 12 Rings Donation by the Secretary General of the Civil Service from the sale of writing implements.
Income 5 Rings Donation by Lysimachus.
Income 70 Thrones The price paid in the Bourse Auction for the dose of True Liao.
Rewarding 9 Thrones, 2 Crowns, 11 Rings Rewarding to Lysimachus following Judgement 28 being upheld.
Rewarding 35 Thrones Rewarding to Rafael Barossa di Tassato following Judgement 10 being upheld.
Rewarding 28 Thrones Rewarding to Jules von Holberg following Judgement 45 being upheld.
Rewarding 2 Thrones, 6 Crowns, 8 Rings Rewarding to Pontus Figures following Judgement 95 being upheld (insufficient funds for full rewarding).
Income 14 Rings Donation by the Secretary General of the Civil Service from the sale of writing implements.
Closing Value 14 Rings

Doses of True Liao

Six doses of True Liao were disbursed this summit:

  • One dose in connection to the Lepidean University to Fintan Founders' Dance via Judgement X
  • One dose to Gisli by purchase in the Public Auction
  • One dose to Anastasiya Volkov by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Esteban i Del Rio Blanco i Guerra by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Tom Appleseed by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose awarded by the Gatekeepers at a previous summit to Livia Cascade