382YE Summer Solstice Senate sessions
- Imperial treasury during this season announced by the Civil Service at TBC Thrones.
An administrative motion was raised by the civil serice.
- The Civil Service would like the Senate to confirm whether the Arcane Architect can construct sinecures that provide vis, rather than only crystal mana. Motion Passed.
- Appoint Ambassador to the Iron Confederacy
- Appoint Ambassador to Faraden
- Appoint Dean of the Academy
- Appoint Imperial Consul
- Construct college of Engineering and Architecture
- Construct Temple of the Winds
- Construct expansion to Halls of Knowledge
- Construct the Salt Guard
- Create title Custodian of Ivarsgard Docks
- Disburse funds to Quartermaster General
- Failed
- Construct shipyard in Siroc - vetoed by the Throne
A total of TBC commissions were announced during the Summer Solstice: TBC standard commissions, 3 wayleaves, and TBC under the auspices of Almodin Oktístis.
- Hand of the Chancellor was exercised by Imperatrix Lisabetta to the amount of 594 Thrones and 4 Crowns.
- The Quartermaster General announced that the Imperial Guerdon for Spring 382 is to go to the following armies: TBC
- The Quartermaster General announced that all armies would receive emergency resupply this season.
- The intention to address the Empire was announced by Imperatrix Lisabetta, but was later withdrawn.
- An announcement by TBC, bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, to
- An announcement by TBC, bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, to
- An announcement by TBC, bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, to
- An announcement by the Arcane Architect of intention to