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The Prince's Raiment is a suit of magical clothing infused with a little of the power of the dramaturgical persona of the Prince. A ritual magician who wears this clothing can draw on the power it contains to empower their ability to perform Autumn magic. In addition to providing additional magical power, the robes also infuse the wearer with some of the personality of the Prince

The Prince represents temporal authority and influence, and this magical garment allows a trained magical practitioner to experience a portion of that power and use it to better command the subtle and far-reaching potence of Autumn magic. Through the power of dramaturgy, combined with elements of the potent art of girding, the magician who dons the Prince's Raiment experiences a little of the archetypal spirit of the persona. The magic of the clothing puts them in touch with their own reserves of personal power, and helps strengthen their confidence in using that power to shape the world around them.

The Prince's Raiment is designed to project authority, confidence, and power. Expensive fabrics are used, carefully bleached and dyed with strong colours. It is embroidered with sungold thread and embellished with dragonbone, polished crystal, and delicate green iron fastenings. Typically fashioned after the rich clothing of a League Merchant-Prince or Dawnish earl, designs are also available patterned after traditional garb worn by leaders of every nation. The Dhomiros Garb, the Thane's Attire, and the Boyar's Coat have proved quite popular with Freeborn, Wintermark, and Varushkan magicians respectively. Work has recently been completed on the Arbiter's Array, a breathtakingly beautiful robe sculpted to traditional Urizen designs patterned with an incredibly delicate webwork of metal threads and dragonbone-stiffened panels.

At the moment (Winter 380YE), House Bourné is encountering difficulties creating a suitable design for a Prince's Raiment that embodies the aesthetics of the Imperial Orcs leaders. The Guild has expressed an interest in receiving suggestions from orc artisans as to what the leaders of their people would wear and how best these could be incorporated into a new design.


  • Form: Armour. Takes the form of a robe. You must be wearing this robe to use its magical properties.
  • Requirement: You must have the magician skill to bond to this item.
  • Effect: Once per day you may use this robe to gain two additional ranks of Autumn Lore for the purposes of performing a single ritual, subject to the normal rules for effective skill.
  • Roleplaying Effect: While wearing this robe you feel to take charge of any situation you find yourself in.
  • Materials: Crafting a prince's raiment requires three ingots of orichalcum, five ingots of tempest jade, nine ingots of green iron, five measures of dragonbone, seven measures of beggar's lye, eleven measures of iridescent gloaming. It takes one month to make one of these items.