Revision as of 19:09, 3 February 2022 by RichardRaynor (talk | contribs)
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Creation of a sinecure to be annualy contested between Dawn and Navarr, by the name Aurelie's Garden.

This will be a herb garden, self funded.

This motion has been offered to civil service scrutiny.

The garden will be in the region of Grovesyard, Miaren, by the hospital Aurelie's Rest.

The rules of the contest will be set by the proposer as so:

10 vs 10 Dawnish vs Navarr.

All skills. Until one team remains standing, any additional rules may be decided mutually by both teams.
Proposed by Weirwater, seconded by Sarvos


  • A sinecure in Grovesyard, Miaren which provides herbs
  • Passed


  • Spring 380YE


  • The motion does not specify the size of the sinecure, but standard costs apply.


  • 10 Weirwood and 20 crowns by Nym after the Spring Equinox 380YE

Campaign Outcome


  • No information has been provided on how large the sinecure will be, the senator may decide this.
  • No information has been provided as to how long the title is held, the senator may decide this.
  • No information has been provided on which assemblies of the Synod may revoke the title holder, the senator may decide this.