Scorrero Nets
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The Scorrero Nets are located along the banks of the Scorrero in northernmost Oranseri in the Freeborn territory of Feroz. Custodianship of the Scorrero Nets grants an Imperial title; a seat on the Imperial Bourse; and a seasonal bounty of valuable ilium.
The Resource
A wise Hakima learnt by chance many years ago that the Scorrero carries ilium in its waters, washed from the land and carried towards the sea. Now nets are placed in the water at key points, primarily along the length of the Scorrero that runs through Feroz, to sieve out the precious material before it can be lost forever.
This Bourse position produces 5 rings of Ilium every season.
- Reference water and meteorites
- Reference proximity of Siroc
- The nets presumably also bring up Ilium from the Bay of Catazar rather than just from the river (otherwise they would be further up stream). Possibly it is a place where people who dredge ilium up sell it?