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The Azure Sutannir is an Imperial title responsible for overseeing a prestigious temple and performance space in northern Kahraman. Construction of the Azure Chorus was commissioned by Lorenzo “La Volpe” Macelliao von Temeschwar as the Bearer of an Imperial Wayleave during the Spring Equinox 382YE. Built at Braydon's Jasse in Kahraman, the beautiful temple has been threatened by the Jotun several times, but still stands as a place of respite and succor for pilgrims and secular pilgrims alike. In times of peace, it serves as a venue for musical performances, and regularly attracts artists and audiences from across the Brass Coast and the neighbouring nations.


The Azure Sutannir is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of those who visit the beautiful Azure Chorus either as guests or performers. In practice this often means they have a responsibility for looking after pilgrims of the Way - whether Imperial citizens of not - travelling through Kahraman.


A Portion of Liao

The sinecure provides 9 doses of liao to the Azure Sutannir each season.

A Fair Price

The Freeborn know that everything can have a price, and that includes the services offered by the Azure Chorus. Room, food, and access to the performance space all bring in a small income, and it is traditional to pay a priest for the spiritual support they offer. The Azure Sutannir receives a portion of the money raised at the Chorus, sufficient to provide them with an income of 4 crowns each season.

Faraden Visitors

Brightly coloured Faraden tents and marquees now join those of Imperial pilgrims, and there have been several well-attended performances in the natural amphitheatre below the temple. When it comes to matters of religion, out of deference to their hosts these western pilgrims avoid conflict. They enthusiastically participate in discussions about the things they have in common with the followers of the Way - their respect for Courage, Loyalty, Prosperity, and Pride - and avoid talking about the things that create division - Ambition, Wisdom, Vigilance, and of course Justice. Like any Imperial pilgrim, the Faraden pay their hosts for their hospitality. As such, as long as relations between the Empire and Faraden do not deteriorate significantly, the Azure Sutannir receives additional benefits from their sinecure, amounting to a further 2 crowns each season.


The Azure Sutannir is a national position appointed by the Synod. It is elected by judgement of the Freeborn Assembly. .

The title can be held by any Freeborn citizen. The Sutannir has tenure and serves until they die or step down. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Brass Coast National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.

Mina i Yashum i Riqueza, Azure Sutannir
Summer Solstice 384YEMina i Yashum i Riqueza184 Votes
Summer Solstice 382YEHembeneth i Guerra

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Mina i Yashum i Riqueza. This title has tenure, the occupant may hold the title until it is revoked, they die or they relinquish the position. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.