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The Imperial Senate governs the Empire, and its authority extends to all areas of Imperial life not already covered by the other houses of government. Each summit the senators meet several times to deliberate and vote on the motions they have raised.

After the summit the civil service enact those motions, and ensure a public record of each is made available to the citizens of the Empire. This page lists all the motions raised during the summit, along with the announcements made by citizens with Imperial titles. In each case, the motion and its effects are summarized including the wording; who proposed and seconded it; whether it passed or not; whether any funds were disbursed to support it; and what the outcome of the motion will be.

Many motions (especially the commissions) also have a Further Details section that provides a link to a wiki page dealing specifically with that motion in more detail, any commentary from the Constitutional Court, progress on commissions, or expanded information about the outcome of the motion.

Following the mandate enacted by Luca i Taziel i Riqueza after the Winter Solstice 385YE the number of commissions available has been reduced as the faithful have been convinced to withdraw their labour. This will continue until either the Imperial Senate uses a motion to assign fines from the magistrates to the Virtue fund or the Prosperity Assembly uses a clearly worded Statement of Principle upheld with a greater majority to encourage the faithful to once again take up their tools. More information can be found in the Forwards and Rewards wind of fortune.


  • Imperial treasury during this season announced by the civil service at 310 thrones and 2 crowns.

Administrative Motions

Amend Face of the Empire

  • Motion: To amend the Throne's power of Face of the Empire to include its use on the Imperial Consul
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Passed.
  • Further Details: The power of Face of the Empire was created by the Senate during the Spring Equinox 386YE. The original motion stated that it could be used on ambassadors and the Constitutional Court seeks confirmation from the Senate if it was intended to also be usable on the Imperial Consul.
  • This motion has been ratified by The Throne.

Amend titles related to Spy Networks

  • Motion: To amend all titles who can build spy networks, to include building smuggler's cove and all titles who can decommision spy networks can decommission smuggler's covers
  • Outcome: Passed

Senate Motions

Appraisal: Armoury of Hercynia

The Navarr are mobilising for War. Now is the time to relight the forges of Treji and draw what we can from the forests and mountains of the great vale. We ask Elian Sweetwater to consider how Hercynia can become the Armoury of Navarr allowing artisans to better equip our armies and heros for the fights to come.

Appraisal: Remove Uncooperative Quality from Mareave

  • Motion: Ways to remove the uncooperative quality from the three regions of Mareave. Appraisal by Elian Sweetwater.
  • Outcome: Passed.

Appraisal: Peace with the Jotun

  • Motion: Efforts have been made to foster good relations with the Jotun.
    • General Amberlain Black's leadership in Tromsa, 385YE
    • Avisena i Kharizmi i Guerra was recognised by the Jotun as "the Golden Jarl"
    • General Iron Osric was recognised as "the Iron Jarl".

We request that Naomi of Virtue's REst uses an appraisal to make the prospect of a peace treat more appealing for the Jotun. Proposed: Sermersuaq Seconded: Mournwold

  • Outcome: Passed.

Amend: title of the Crystal Architect

  • Motion: To Amend the position of the Crystal Architect of the Spires to become an imperial position allowing the holder to build a vis or mana sinecure in any imperial territory instead of just Urizen. To be auctioned on the public bourse auction. Proposed: Zenith. Seconded: Barrens.
  • Outcome: Passed.

Amend: Virtue Inquisitors

  • Motion: The inquisitions of the Arcane Inquisitor and Imperial Inquisitor can be called without delay; as no vote is required. This motion restores the same procedure to Virtue Inquisitors they may then raise any judgments of escalation for vote as usual afterwards. Proposed: Conscience. Seconded: Bregasland
  • Outcome: Passed.

Disbursement of funds relating to diplomacy

  • Motion: To disburse funds to reimburse the Imperial Citizens who paid towards opening diplomatic contact with the Elakar. Proposed: Upwold Seconded: Spiral
  • Outcome:Passed. 50 Thrones 2 Crowns

Excavate Emperor Ahraz's's Tomb

  • Motion: To allow the Freeborn people to enter Emperor Aharz's tomb and remove any valuable items to be handed to the Senator for Kahraman for Auction to fund the war(s) and rebuilding of the Brass Coast with no interference with any of the orcs remains inside.Proposed: Kahraman. Seconded:Skarsind
  • Outcome:Failed

Improve the Vigilant Swan

  • Motion: To improve the Vigilant Swan, a White Granite bourse seat in Riverwatch, Reikos, with the aid of Manse of the Lionsmith.

This will create a 3,000 strong fort to defend the region, with no upkeep, and does not take a commission. Costing 20 Mithril, 20 Illium and 120 Crowns.

  • Outcome: Passed.

Raise the Imperial Guerdon

  • Motion: To Raise the Imperial Guerdon
  • Outcome: Passed. The Guerdon is raised to 250 Thrones

Renounce Claim to Thule Lands

  • Motion: The Casinean Empire recognises that the Silver Peaks, Miechernya, Krevsaty, Crows Ridge, Bonewood and Webwood are part of Otkodov now and forever. The Empire renounces any claim on these lands. Proposed: Volodmartz. Seconded:Ossium.
  • Outcome: The motion passed

Ratify Treaty with Skoura

  • Motion: To ratify a treaty with Skoura, negotiated and agreed in principle by the Imperial Consul.Proposed: Morrow. Seconded: Casinea
  • Outcome: This treaty is now ratified.

Click Expand to see the wording of this treaty

This treaty is an expression of mutual respect and cordiality between the Skouran Consolidation and the Casinean Empire. These two parties are the signatories to this treaty. Both signatories acknowledge the Empire's recent conquest of the territory now known as Mareave and welcome the nation of Imperial Orcs to the territory. With the resumption of Imperial and Skouran land borders, both parties recognise the appropriateness of signing a treaty of cordial relations at this time.

The Consolidation celebrates the defeat of the Grendel, and awaits with interest new of the future intentions of the new occupants of the territory. As a people who reject enslavement in practice and principle, the Consolidation welcomes the Imperial Orcs, scions of freedom, as suitable stewards and owners of the lowlands.

The Consolidation acknowledges the establishment of hopes of safe harbour and homeland in the land they themselves once called home. In order to provide security and the foundation of a lasting peace, all Skouran historical claim to territories on the Bay of Catazar, including Mareave, is formally renounced in perpetuity.

The Consolidation respects and acknowledges the ambitions of the Empire to defeat the orcs of the Broken Shore and Attar, and formally states that they regard the Empire as a more suitable and responsible steward of these lands. The Consolidation will not attempt to interfere in the politics or military affairs of the orcs of the Broken Shore or Attar, both neutral parties and those that align themselves with the Grendel nation, without consultation with the Empire. Both parties state an intention for future successful negotiations regarding the deployment of Skouran mercernaries in this theatre of war.

The Empire acknowledges the history of the Skouran people in MAreave that was once Mahal, and will attempt to return, at reasonable costs, any cultural and historical artifacts of the Skouran people that are uncovered as they developed the territory. The Empire acknowledges the profound wish of the SKouran people to live in security and to enjoy the fruits of the labour of their hands in peace. They reject territorial claim to the lands in which the SKouran people now dwell, known to some as "the Deepholdings" or "the Spine of the Creator". The Empire respects the friendship of the Skouran people with the people of the Mountains of the Moon who call themselves Tsark, and acknowledges the risks to the COnsolidation that destabilisation of this society could bring. Therefore, the Empire commits themselves to consulting with the Consolidation on substantive matters pertaining to Tsark.

This treaty has been approved and signed by the guiding council of the Consolidation, and hence takes effect on the notification of the Consolidation's representative by the Imperial Consul that the Imperial Senate has indicated its own approval.

Ratify Treaty with the Iron Confederacy

  • Motion: To Ratify a Treaty with the Iron Confederacy. Proposed: Segura. Seconded: Sarvos.
  • Outcome: This Treaty is now ratified.

Click Expand to see the wording of this treaty

To maintain the concord we hold with the Iron Confederacy, we hereby enact the following terms:

  • We grant the Status of Free Trade to the Iron Confederacy
  • We outlaw the sale of export of any and all narcotics to the Iron Confederacy for a 3 year period.


Advisor for the Feni

  • Motion: To elect The Advisor for the Feni. Proposed: Ossium. Seconded: Miaren
  • Outcome:

Ambassador to Asavea

  • Motion: To elect the Ambassador to Asavea. Proposed: Temeschwar Seconded: Volodmartz
  • Outcome: Asier i Elia i Guerra was elected as Ambassador to Asavea

Imperial Consul

  • Motion: To elect the Imperial Consul. Proposed: Weirwater.Seconded:Astolat.
  • Outcome:Jarrigk Orzel was elected as Imperial Consul.

Imperial Spymaster

  • Motion: To elect the Imperial Spymaster. Proposed: Karsk. Seconded:Zenith.
  • Outcome: Bernard Dugdale was elected as the Imperial Spymaster.
  • This election was escalated and received ratification by Empress Vesna.

Minister for Historical Research

  • Motion: To elect the Minister for Historical Research. Proposed Miekarova. Seconded Redoubt.
  • Outcome: Silk Farkas was elected as the Minister for Historical Research

Commissions (Senate)

Construct: City of Dreams

  • Motion: Navarr marches to war with the Vallorn. What will we be when it is destroyed? Here is an answer. To commission the Seren City of Dreams project. Self funded. Proposed: Miaren Seconded: Bastion
  • Outcome: Passed

Construct: Diplomatenschloss

  • Motion: To build the Diplomatenschloss in Necropolis. Proposed: Casinea Seconded: Reikos
  • Outcome: Passed. 50 Thrones disbursed to the Senator for Casinea

Construct: Great Hall of Fabric Arts

  • Motion:To construct the great hall of fabric arts, to celebrate pride in the nation's industry, in Delev, Karov. Proposed: Karov Seconded: Morrow
  • Outcome: Passed.

Construct: Journey Mage Towers

  • Motion: To construct the Journey Mage Towers in Lacre, Malimore and Bittershaw. Proposed: Semmerholm. Seconded: Karov.
  • Outcome: Passed. 60 Thrones dispersed to the Senator for Semmerholm.

Construct: Rebuild Drycastle

  • Motion: Liberated citizen's shouldn't live in squaller in the ashes and rubble of the Druj. We commission the rebuilding of Drycastle in Dawnguard so citizens can prosper under the warmth and Glory of the Empire.

This creates two new individual Imperial titles.
The Knight of Dawnguard - charged to ensure the security of the region of Dawnguard, protecting Drycastle and the other settlements from any danger. Elected by unanimous decision of Dawnish Senators.
Reeve of Drycastle, to be held by a Yeofolk. The position would be charged with seeing to the Prosperity of the twon, meeting with visiting merchants and helping to settle disputes. Elected annually by Tally of the Votes.
Costing 20 Wains of White Granite, 20 wains of Weirwood and 10 Thrones. Taking 1 season to complete. Proposed: Barrens Seconded: Kallavesa.

  • Outcome: Passed. 50 Thrones disbursed to Senator for the Barrens.

Construct: Orchard of the Watch

  • Motion: To construct the Orchard of the Watch in Greensword, Mournwold. Fully funded by Friar John of the Mourn. Proposed: Mournewold. Seconded: Necropolis
  • Outcome: Passed.

Construct: Reeds Roost

  • Motion: TO commision a sinecure 'Reed's Roost' in Bildewold Bregasland, Self-funded. Sinecure to produce mana per season. Sinecure to create the national position 'Roost's Reeve' to be appointed by the marcher senators annually. Proposed: Bregasland Seconded: Upwold
  • Outcome. Passed

Construct: Repair the Sapphire Stair

  • Motion: That the Senate Authorise the Repair of the Saphire Stair in Tassato. Proposed. Tassato. Seconded: Karsk
  • Outcome: Passed.

Construct: Throne Room at the Castle of Thorns

  • Motion: Commission the restoration of the throne room of the Castle of Thorns so that information on the early monarchs of Dawn can be discovered. Self-funded by the Houses of Dawn and the Castellan of Spiral Castle, no change in the fortification upkeep. Proposed: Spiral Seconded: Weirwater
  • Outcome:Passed

Commissions (Announcements)

Construct: The Garden City of Holberg

  • Motion: To announce the commission the Garden City of Holberg as specified in the civil service records.
  • Announced: Chair of the Wolf
  • Outcome: Passed

Construct: Rebuild the Storm Vault

  • Motion: Rebuild the Storm Vault, a mana sinecure sacked by the Druj into the infested vault. Location Proceris, Zenith
  • Announced: Tiberius Echostorm, Crystal Architect of the Spires
  • Outcome: Passed

Construct: Repair Capodomus Cathedral

  • Motion: To commission the long-overdue repairs to the Capodomus Cathedral in Sarvos following the damage done during the Grendel's sack of Sarvos. These repairs shall include a sinecure the Archbishop of Capodomus - appointed annually at the Summer Solstice by the League National Assembly. The Archbishop's responsibilities shall include coordination and support of the National Assembly and serving point of contact when needed. Let this wound finally be healed and the oldest and greatest Cathedral to the Way of Virtue not only restored but made ready for consecration with True Liao so it can become a symbol of rebirth, renewal and new beginnings to Sarvos, the Empire and beyond.
  • Announced: Master of Rings
  • Outcome: Passed

Construct: Smugglers Cove in Ayreed

  • Motion: We are the true masters of the Bay of Catazzar. We will wrestle it from the Grendel yoke. We see you, we know you. As all things will be Imperial, the Way is clear. The time of the Salt Lord is over. Small waves belie strong, irresistable tides, I announce a Smugglers Cove to be constructed in Ayreed.
  • Announced: Bernard Dugdale, Imperial Spymaster
  • Outcome: Passed.


Hand of the Chancellor

  • Motion Use of Hand of the Chancellor to withdraw 100 Thrones for the continued construction of the dawnish army.
  • Announced: The Throne

Research the Deadwood Knight

  • Motion: To send Octavia of Streams Source Spire to research Peter of Culwich, also known as the Schlacta of Rot or the Deadwood Knight, focussing on its origins, the sword that defeated it and the House of Dawn of which it was a part.
  • Announced: Vaclav Mladenovich Kosti, Minister of Historical Research
  • Outcome: Historical Research on the matter will be delivered to the Minister at the Autumn Equinox 386YE