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There are many important vales, cabals, and warden fellowships in Varushka. Despite the number, only a comparative handful are involved in the affairs of the Empire (that is, attend the seasonal summits at Anvil). Their influence can wax and wane, and involvement in Imperial affairs is not always a reflection of their prominence within the nation itself. This page presents in-character information about the groups that attend, or have attended, Anvil — the kind of thing that someone who asked about them might uncover from talking to their peers. In each case, the information is provided by the players and edited before being put on the wiki.

The majority of groups listed here are made up of player-characters. You should not create a character who is part of a group, or has personal history with one, without first clearing it with the appropriate players. You should also check before including other players' groups in your background. The background team are unlikely to approve a background that significantly impacts or involves another player character group without their permission. There are also a handful of prominent NPC groups included for completeness, but they are not intended for use by player characters.


Vales of Karov

Vales of Miekarova

Vales of Volodmartz



  • Location: Opascari
  • Colours: Red, gold, and white
  • Boyar: Ostrik Vulpe

Between the pines in the foothills of the Opascari mountains sits the vale of Vaslyuk. It sits in an artificial clearing, beneath a great maw in the mountain which the inhabitants mine for its rich reserves of weltsilver.

The town built beneath this mine has the peculiar quirk of seemingly being overrun by foxes: each building is built slightly above ground to allow fox burrows underneath. The inhabitants appear to keep the beasts; not as pets but as revered family members; not barring their entry from anywhere and dropping food from their tables to feed the animals. They seem more docile than their wild counterparts partially due to slight domestication. A pre-Imperial story of why the inhabitants keep foxes is commonly told here - titled ‘The Fox Oath’ - though some doubt its accuracy. According to this story a Vulpe must be Boyar of the vale or some undescribed calamity will occur; this tradition has not been broken in recorded history.

Just as the fox is the virtue animal of Ambition, so too do the members of the Fox Fangs of Vaslyuk (the vale’s delegation at Anvil) value Ambition striving to further project their vale’s power outward to Anvil and beyond. To this end, there are training grounds suitable to house and train fierce schlacta. There is a visually distinctive split between the pre-Imperial architecture and newly built homes, evidence that the vale had been isolated for some time before a very recent increase in population.

Vales of Karsk



  • Location: Branoc
  • Colours: Blue, red, and gold
  • Boyar: Sulisav Menner, the Voice of Yarizov

Founded during the reign of Empress Varkula. Yarizov is a small vale constructed amidst the haunted hills in the southwest of Branoc. Yarizov was founded to be a strong defensible outpost willing to spread and expand it’s military might to protect neighbouring outposts, later assimilating the smaller outposts into it. Yarizov has always encouraged it’s inhabitants to fight for what they have and do not waver from that, to die for what they believe in and always stick to their loyalties.

The boyar of Yarizov was rumoured to make some form of bargain with dark powers during 368YE which allowed it to remain hidden from the invading armies of the Thule, surviving but hardly thriving. Because of this many schlacta of the vale spend their two years fighting as part of the Iron Helms.

The boyar of Yarizov is advised by a council of seven wise ones, each representing a Virtue, who aim to find the best way to progress the vale. There is a great respect for stzena within the vale, the boyar often being referred to as the Voice of Yarizov as a result.

Yarizov has often found itself taking in refugees, vagrants and lost souls, giving them a new purpose to work towards. These individuals when leaving Yarizov are found with strong resolve and a powerful sense of Loyalty, not only to Yarizov but to Varushka as a whole.

Vales of Ossium

Fellowships and Cabals

Warden Fellowships


Cabal Lyktan

Cabal Lyktan is a coven that call on the brilliance of Day and the golden light of Autumn that shines from the lantern that is Cabal Lyktan - “Lyktan” meaning “Lantern” in one of the Sumaash dialects. Ritualists from across Varushka came together to found the cabal in 376YE, with an aim to support the nation and the Empire.

Cabal members from more than fifteen vales from across every territory of Varushka travel to Anvil each summit to perform curses and rituals. Mages of Day and Autumn are welcomed into the cabal with support and true Varushkan hospitality.

Other Groups

Other Player Groups

Hearth & Honey.png
Hearth and Honey

Hearth and Honey Tea Shoppe

  • Location: Delev, Duzekani, Karov
  • Boyar: Nikolai Yaropolk Borislav

The Hearth and Honey Tea Shoppe is the lasting legacy of Grandma Ida, who founded it beneath the shade of the brooding oak known as the blood tree. Once simply a stopping off point for traders to and from Karov, over the years it has grown into a thriving waystation for travellers of all stripes. Famous not only for its selection of teas and the quality of its cinnamon rolls, but also the ferocity of its schlacta, it is a place that any who visit once are sure to seek out again.

Grandma Ida was a keen apiarist, and with several hives dotted around the Shoppe, huge black bees are often seen around the vale on their own business - or that of the vale's sovereign. Each family in the vale goes once a week to the blood tree, an ancient deep red oak, and makes an offering of blood and tears to keep the Vale's sovereign placated. Most of the vale carry around vials of fresh blood for this reason, and anyone sworn to the banner in the field is gifted the blood and tears of the "Keeper of the Tithe", to keep them safe on the road until they can offer their own to the blood tree.

Predominantly following the Virtue of Prosperity, the Tea Shoppe also maintains a presence in Anvil, sending it's greatest warriors through the Sentinel Gate. It counts several mages and fighters amongst its number, as well as at least one priest and one apothecary, whilst the current Boyar is an artisan of no small skill.

Razoradze Wagon Raiders

Razoradze Wagon Raiders

  • Location: Drownbark Forest, Ossium
  • Colour: Purple
  • Leader: Aksel Reznov Razoradze

The Razoradze Wagon Raiders were founded by Aksel after realising there was money to be made in the Mallum; he left his homeland of Karsk and headed to Ossium to begin raiding the Druj, helping the imperial armies loot storage caches and attacking Druj remnants. Once Ossium was fully liberated they set up a base near the Stinking Market, despite the grumblings of some who wanted to remain completely itinerant, to have easy access to sell their looted wares and to raid deep into the Forest of Ulnak.

The siblings of the Razoradze are mostly made up of Karsk Varushkans and natives of Ossium with a surprising number of priests found among their contingent for a group of wagon raiders, leading to a great number of anointings and hallowed objects. All Razoradze strive to increase the prosperity of themselves and Ossium, and to help bring a final end to the Druj; with some members now going to Anvil to further these goals.


  • Location: Roads of Varushka
  • Uncle: Borys

While most Varushkans share the idiom “Stay on the Path”, the Vardovich live by it. The Vardovich rolled out of Strascovia centuries ago, and have not left the road since. These people number as many as a small vale, but they have no permanent home. They travel the roads of Varushka and beyond..

The Vardovich are road builders, traders and mundane artisans. The wardens amongst them rarely fight monsters, but are first when it comes to building a path to ward against wolves. As a village on wheels they are prized for their addition to any army with their logistics and support. Having no actual vale, they have no Boyar. They pay respects to the Boyar of Strascovia, and call their own leader, simply, “Uncle”.

Wulfen Reavers.png
Wulfen Reavers

Wulfen Reavers

  • Location: Mieriada and Bittershore
  • Colours: Red and cream
  • Boyar: Vuk “The Wolfeater “ Belydržiakbalebos

The Wulfen Reavers formed from the survivors of the Vale of Belyvolk Pass. Their vale was lost one night when the wards failed and husks stormed the settlement. The survivors fought their way out and left their vale behind. They travelled the roads of Varushka being joined by those who also had no home. During the Summer Solstice 380YE the Reavers were able to travel through Sentinel Gate alongside their allies and retook the Vale, becoming the Wulfen Reavers of Belyvolk Pass.

With their home reclaimed, rebuilding began and the Boyar invited any who wished to come and resettle the vale, building a home for anyone without a hearth, a tradition they continue to this day.

At the end of 383YE some Reavers left Belyvolk to form a new Vale in Ossium, at the end of the Golden Causeway; these are the Wulfen Reavers of Causeway’s End. This lead to the Reavers becoming the core leadership of several vales and outposts across the nation all following the same ideas and bound to the same oaths. Belyvolk lies primarily in Mieriada near to the borders with Perumaki and Brez. The northern end of the vale leads towards the path to Otkodov. The pass was at one time guarded by a simple palisade wall to deter Thule raiders.

Causeway’s End is in Bittershore just at the end of the Golden Causeway. It is a new vale ready to assist any those who seek to spread Prosperity in their journeys.

NPC Groups


Any player character group in Varushka can submit an entry for this page. The entry should come from the out-of-character group leader and be emailed to

It should contain the following information:

  • Group archetype (vale, cabal, or warden fellowship). If your group doesn't have one of these archetypes, it will be listed in the "other" section.
  • Territory and region where the groups lands are physically located. Vales are based around vales, but both warden fellowships and cabals will be tied to a physical location that serves as their base of operations.
  • If your group has specific colours, you can mention them here.
  • The name of your boyar if you are a vale. If there is someone in your warden fellowship or cabal that serves as the in-character leader of the group, you can mention them and their title here

You should also include up to 250 words of description, detailing the kind of things that other characters might know about your group. Have a look at the description for a vale, or at the archetype pages for cabalists and wardens for ideas on the kind of information that is useful. You must also include a few sentences of history, especially around the circumstances of the vale's formation or origin.

Some other questions to consider include:

  • Are there one or more particular archetypes the group is particularly associated with? Obviously warden fellowships will contain wardens, and cabals are expected to have cabalists among their number, but is there a noteworthy archetype that might be unexpected or has a special role?
  • Does your group have a particular ambition which helps unify your members?
  • Is there anything notable about the lands you claim, or about the physical buildings that serve as your home?

Things to avoid include:

  • Too much worldbuilding detail — this represents information other characters may know about your house. It's not a place to define elements of the game world
  • Lists of character names — this isn't a place for getting your name on the wiki
  • Too much emphasis on the past — while it's useful to have a few lines of history, what matters in Empire is what your house does on the field at events

It's possible to update the information on this page over time (for example if your boyar changes) with an e-mail to