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* '''The crisis of faith provoked by the revelations about Vardas will prevent any profound effects of the consecration until it is resolved'''
* '''The crisis of faith provoked by the revelations about Vardas will prevent any profound effects of the consecration until it is resolved'''
* '''The High Bard has provided a list of eighty-one names to the Witches of Culwich at their request'''
* '''The High Bard has provided a list of eighty-one names to the Witches of Culwich at their request'''
<include only>The General Assembly chose Belletain in Sandling, Weirwater as the ideal site to build an academy to celebrate the inspirational life of Ozren de Orzel. The true liao has been provided and is being held in readiness, but thus far the work has not been commissioned. The delays may be deliberate. If built the academy would be a monument to Pride that would inspire pilgrims to look to the future, but it would be badly affected by the emerging [[true faith|crisis of faith]]. Because of the doubt seeded by the revelations about [[Vardas]], no [[True_faith#In_Choice_And_Action|inspirational memorials]] will provide any additional benefits until the crisis is resolved.
<onlyinclude>The General Assembly chose Belletain in Sandling, Weirwater as the ideal site to build an academy to celebrate the inspirational life of Ozren de Orzel. The true liao has been provided and is being held in readiness, but thus far the work has not been commissioned. The delays may be deliberate. If built the academy would be a monument to Pride that would inspire pilgrims to look to the future, but it would be badly affected by the emerging [[true faith|crisis of faith]]. Because of the doubt seeded by the revelations about [[Vardas]], no [[True_faith#In_Choice_And_Action|inspirational memorials]] will provide any additional benefits until the crisis is resolved.

If the crisis is not resolved, or if the Synod choose to say that it does not matter when examplars and paragons were real or not, then the academy will not provide a [[philtre of strength]] to congregations and there will not be any additional effects of using true liao here. If the consecration takes place after the crisis is resolved and the Synod chose a different route that emphsizes the importance of the paragons and examplars then the full effects will still take place.
If the crisis is not resolved, or if the Synod choose to say that it does not matter when examplars and paragons were real or not, then the academy will not provide a [[philtre of strength]] to congregations and there will not be any additional effects of using true liao here. If the consecration takes place after the crisis is resolved and the Synod chose a different route that emphsizes the importance of the paragons and examplars then the full effects will still take place.

The High Bard has provided the Culwich Witches with a list of eighty-one names to whom they plan to give a small gift.</includeonly>
The High Bard has provided the Culwich Witches with a list of eighty-one names to whom they plan to give a small gift.</onlyinclude>

Revision as of 09:57, 7 September 2024

"I bet they erect a monument to him." Peter had stopped working to lean on his hoe and contemplate the thought. "I doubt he'd have wanted that, but that's what he'll get."

"How do you know what he would wanted - you never met Ozren de Orzel!" Igraine exclaimed indignantly. Unlike her layabout husband, she kept working the hoe, knowing full well there was only an hour or so before the light broke.

"Stands to reason dunnit? He was a famous troubadour. He'd want something... true... badouring."

"Keep working" Igraine called, "or we'll be at this in the moonlight". Even so she stopped and smiled at her husband. "Alright then, Ser Clever Cloggs, what would you do then?"

Peter put his hands to his side and leaned back to get the cricks out of his spine. Hoeing was hard work. "Well... he was an eagle wasn't he? An Eagle of Gneagle." he said slowly and then added "It's in Varuhska" in response to Igraine's sceptical look.

"Right... so... what then?"

"Well... I reckon they should breed a new eagle. You know like they breed flowers. A big one. Red and Black. And fierce. Yea... that's what I'd do."

Peter ducked as his wife's cloth hat few through the air narrowly missing his head. "Back to work!" she said. She took up her own hoe and return to the job muttering "breed a new eagle" to herself and shaking her head at the foolishness of the idea.

Orzen de Orzel, Exemplar of Pride


  • Ozren de Orzel is an exemplar of Pride
  • Lady Kaywenn de Orzel requested a writ of consecration be provided to create an inspirational location in his memory, and the Assembly of Pride concurred

During the Spring Equinox, the Assembly of Pride passed a writs of consecration calling for a memorial to the Dawnish troubadour and exemplar Ozren de Orzel.

The judgement didn't mention a specific location that should be considered. The civil service have spent the last few months identifying the likely outcomes of creating a true consecration in three sites for the inspirational location.

They've now returned that information for the consideration of the General Assembly. If one of these mandates is enacted then following the Summer Solstice work can begin creating the inspirational location.

It is the will of the Pride Assembly that a writ of consecration for an inspirational tomb, for the exemplar of Pride Ozren de Orzel, be raised to inspire pilgrims to celebrate the Pride within themselves and the Empire.

Lady Kaywenn de Orzel, Pride Assembly, Spring Equinox 386YE, Upheld (Upheld (264-20))

Ozren, Troubadour and Bard

  • Ozren de Orzel was a troubadour and bard who inspired the creation of High Bard of the Empire and ultimately died to the Druj

Ozren de Orzel was a Dawnish troubadour who was recognised as an exemplar of Pride during the Winter Solstice 385YE. A cunning wordsmith, he used fiery rhetoric and inspiring music to motivate others. It was his example that saw his earl Valentin Orzel to create the position of High Bard of the Empire.

There are several locations around the Empire that might prove particularly inspiration to not only Dawn, but to pilgrims of Pride from across the Empire and the known world. The civil service have identified three such locations and presented proposals to establish an academy for burgeoning songsmiths and orators at each location.

A suitable structure would require 30 wains of white granite and 90 crowns in labour. It would take three months to complete, after which time it would be suitable for consecration with true liao. Whether it is built in Miekarova, Weirwater, or Holberg, the academy would teach music and oration to anyone who visited. As Ozren was also known for his prowess in combat the academy would also host monthly martial tournaments.

Inspiration of Ozren de Orzel
Commission Type: Great Work (Inspirational Location)
Cost: 30 white granite and 90 crowns; three months
Requirement: Must be consecrated with true liao once completed
Requirement: Must be built at Gnijezdo in Miekarova, Belletain in Weirwater, or Pits of Ennerlund in Holberg
Effect: Establishes an academy and inspires pilgrims of the Way especially Dawnish pilgrims; provides different benefits to congregations in the territory

Once the academy was consecrated, it would provide a level of investment in congregations in the territory where it was built. Every congregation would benefit from the increase in visitors. If the academy is built in Weirwater then each congregation in the territory would gain a Philtre of Strength every season. If it is built in Miekarova then every congregation in that territory would receive an additional two doses of liao each season. Finally, if it is built in Holberg then every congregation in the territory would receive an additional income of 36 rings each season.

Regardless of where it is built the academy will also include luxurious apartments for the use of the High Bard of the Empire as well as provide them with a seasonal income of two thrones each season - in addition to the stipend granted by the Imperial Senate.


  • The civil service have identified three possible sites for the inspirational location
  • Which one is chosen will determine whether there are any additional minor effects of the consecration, and what form they are likely to take

Just as importantly, however, the consecrated academy would attract pilgrims to the memorial. The nature of the inspiration it provided them, and the kinds of people who would visit, would be different depending on where it was built. Some flavour of what form this inspiration might take can be guessed at, but it's not possible to predict what, if any, additional impact the inspirational location would have until it was built and consecrated, however, but the results are likely to be subtle.

Three mandates have been presented, to allow the General Assembly to choose which of the opportunities to pursue.

Ozren de Orzel was an inspiration to all those who take Pride in their past. We send (named priest) with a dose of true liao to consecrate an academy in Mieriada, Miekarova in the name of Pride.

Synod Mandate, General Assembly

Ozren de Orzel was an inspiration to all those who take Pride in their nation. We send (named priest) with a dose of true liao to consecrate an academy in Sandling, Weirwater in the name of Pride.

Synod Mandate, General Assembly

Ozren de Orzel was an inspiration to all those who take Pride in their actions. We send (named priest) with a dose of true liao to consecrate an academy in Ennerlund, Holberg in the name of Pride.

Synod Mandate, General Assembly

Gnijezdo (Miekarova)

  • An inspirational location could be constructed in Mieriada, Miekarova

Gnijezdo is the site of the first congregation owned by Ozren de Orzel, back before his house moved to Dawn. Building the academy here would encourage pilgrims to focus on their past - where they came from and how that shaped them into the people they are today. It would become a monument to the Pride that Ozren inspired as a stzena and priest of Varushka. Pilgrims would leave with a greater appreciation for Varushkan music, and many would be inspired to celebrate and explore the songs and stories of their own people. The additional benefits would be subtle, but the main benefit would see congregation owners across the territory benefit with additional liao as described above. While the site would remain primarily of interest to Varushkans, it would also serve as a place of pilgrimage for those who wish to contemplate on their history.

Ennerlund (Holberg)

  • An inspirational location could be constructed in Ennerlund, Holberg

Ennerlund is the site of the Great Pits, the remnants of the spirits that were exorcised by Ozren. Building the academy here would encourage pilgrims to focus on what they have achieved already - their greatest triumphs and what would they would leave if they died tomorrow. It would become a monument to the Pride that Ozren inspired as a cardinal and active member of the Synod. Pilgrims would leave with a greater appreciation for music of the League, and many would be inspired to look to the High Bard of the Empire for further inspiration. The additional benefits would be subtle, but the main benefit would see congregation owners across the territory benefit with more money as described above. While the site would remain primarily of interest to citizens of the League, it would also serve as a place of pilgrimage for those who wish to contemplate on their actions.

Belletain (Weirwater)

  • An inspirational location could be constructed in Sandling, Weirwater

Belletain is the site of both the congregation and the Children of the Crow that Ozren led before his death. Building the academy here would encourage pilgrims to focus on their future - what they want to accomplish and what kind of legacy they might want to leave. It would become a monument to the Pride that Ozren inspired as a troubadour and knight of Dawn. Pilgrims would leave with a greater appreciation for Dawnish music, and many would be inspired to take up a cause dear to their heart. The additional benefits would be subtle, but the main benefit would see congregation owners across the territory benefit with a dose of Philtre of Strength each season as described above. While the site would remain primarily of interest to the Dawnish, it would also serve as a place of pilgrimage for those who wish to contemplate on their tomorrow.

A Bards Work Is Never Done

  • The Culwich witches have asked the High Bard to provide them with a list of prominent musicians at Anvil

Kay d'Avriel, a noble member of the Culwich Witches, a coven that dwell near Culwich in Weirwater has asked the High Bard if they could provide them with a list of names of the prominent musicians at Anvil. They appreciate that this is a significant piece of work, but they hope that by making their intentions plain, means that skilled musicians will come and make themselves known to the High Bard. They don't imagine for a second that the High Bard will have time to hunt down every talented orc and human troubadour or musician in Anvil.

They coven are enthusiastic at the prospect of a prominent troubadour like Ozren being honoured in this way, but they claim (despite never having met the man) that he would be more interested in seeing his legacy embodied in the Empire's music rather than in some big stone building. To that end the Witches plan to prepare a small gift for each of the musicians identified by the High Bard if a suitable site is consecrated with true liao. They won't provide any details of the planned gift, it will be nice surprise Kay says, but they hope it will cement Ozren's legacy as one of the finest troubadours of recent times.

They are trusting the High Bard to produce a sensible, list of names, if that's barely half a dozen people so be it, and if it's scores of names, they will cope, it just means the gifts will be smaller. (OOC note: the High Bard or their proxy can email a list of character names (or player names) to after the event if they want to cooperate with the witches).


Ozren de Orzel was an inspiration to all those who take pride in their nation. We send Starac Sijed Orzel with a dose of true liao to consecrate an academy in Sandling Weirwater in the name of Pride.

Starac Sijed Orzel, General Assembly, Summer Solstice 386YE, Upheld (1234-248)
  • The General Asembly optied to consecrate the academy in Sandling, Weirwater
  • The true liao has been provided and held in readiness, but the academy has yet to be commissioned or paid for
  • The crisis of faith provoked by the revelations about Vardas will prevent any profound effects of the consecration until it is resolved
  • The High Bard has provided a list of eighty-one names to the Witches of Culwich at their request

The General Assembly chose Belletain in Sandling, Weirwater as the ideal site to build an academy to celebrate the inspirational life of Ozren de Orzel. The true liao has been provided and is being held in readiness, but thus far the work has not been commissioned. The delays may be deliberate. If built the academy would be a monument to Pride that would inspire pilgrims to look to the future, but it would be badly affected by the emerging crisis of faith. Because of the doubt seeded by the revelations about Vardas, no inspirational memorials will provide any additional benefits until the crisis is resolved.

If the crisis is not resolved, or if the Synod choose to say that it does not matter when examplars and paragons were real or not, then the academy will not provide a philtre of strength to congregations and there will not be any additional effects of using true liao here. If the consecration takes place after the crisis is resolved and the Synod chose a different route that emphsizes the importance of the paragons and examplars then the full effects will still take place.

The High Bard has provided the Culwich Witches with a list of eighty-one names to whom they plan to give a small gift.