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==OOC Notes==
==OOC Notes==
* As of the end of Spring 378YE , Imperial forces control the regions of Kopevnost, Moresvah, Nitrost and Lestasny. The region is nominally under Imperial control, despite a strong Thule presence in Branoc, Krevasty and Crowslook.
* As of the end of Spring 378YE , Imperial forces control the regions of Kopevnost, Moresvah, Nitrost and Lestasny. The region is nominally under Imperial control, despite a strong Thule presence in Branoc, Krevasty and Crowslook.
* A list of the [[Spoils of War|spoils of war]], allocated by the [[Imperial Military Council|Military Council]] at the Summer Solstice 378YE can be found [[Karsk Spoils of War|here]].

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Regions of karsk


This has always been a war-torn land. The scene of many vicious battles against the barbarians since before Varushka joined the Empire, it is scattered with fortresses, battlefields and ruins. It has an accursed reputation, and many stories refer to the "bloated crows of Karsk, grown fat from human flesh and suffering." At one time this territory was home to numerous merchant boyars who became rich capturing and enslaving orcs to work in the mines of Volodmartz. When the Imperial orcs joined the Empire and it became illegal to keep orcish slaves, the senator for Karsk was brutally murdered during a meeting with a dozen now-ruined Karsk boyars.

Recent History

After a period of escalating raids, barbarian orcs invaded Karsk from the north in 368YE. In a series of surprise attacks they overwhelmed the border fortresses and pushed deep into the heart of the territory. The ferocity and sheer numbers involved in the assault took the Varushkans by surprise, and before the Empire could organize an effective counter-attack, Karsk had fallen.

The campaign against the orcs stretched on for several decades. A few vales held out against the barbarians, backed up by some Imperial forces, a cabal or two and a few brotherhoods of wardens. Scattered reports revealed that the initial strong invasion quickly stalled. It soon became clear that the invading orcs were fighting among themselves, and with some of the few remaining indigenous orcish bandit tribes.

Following major offensives in Moresvah and Nitrost a strike team assaulted the town of Isember in Lestasny during the Spring Equinox 37Y8E. A focal point for traitors aiding the Thule, victory resulted in the destruction of the town and drove Thule forces back into the eastern regions. Karsk was once again in Imperial hands - but the campaign is far from over. The Thule forces show no sign of abandoning the territory just yet, and it's future is far from certain.

Major Features


Grew rich off the back of orc slaves, hacking prime timber out of the rich forests overseen by hard-eyed schlacta. When the slaves were freed, and the mercenary spearmen left, the wolves in the forest grew bolder. Isember was in decline long before the orcs came, known as a violent place where anyone could carve out a new living for themselves, with no questions asked as to their background. It is thought that some of the town’s inhabitants may have made bargains with the invaders.


A high-walled fortified town still holding for the Empire, in hope that one day Karsk will build a better reputation back in Empire control. Well-shielded wagon-trains barrel down the road from Triosk with supplies.


Once a great centre for the making of defensive talismans. Wise Volhov, natural amber and the silence of isolation combined to make great magics. It fell so fast, few survived and those who did tell of great magical treasures hurriedly hidden.


The front of the barbarian advance, and a focus of Imperial scouting activity. Wardens watching the area have reported that orcs fight orcs within the barbarian encampments there. Many of the permanent buildings of Veresk have been torn down.

Broken Barrow

A scattered set of stone structures atop a mound. A great stone slab lies in two pieces on top of the central structures. Legend says that its a barrow, but it’s not clear who lay there - it appears empty. Others believe it might have been a settlement. It is not a place where Varushkans will linger after dark. Interestingly, scouts report that it appears to have been left alone by the barbarian invaders.



Hilly Branoc is the site of the sinister broken barrow. The entire region has a bad reputation, as do several of the vales established here.
Keywords: Rugged


A desolate hilly region, the site of many mines … and the site of vicious fighting with the Imperial orcs during the orc rebellion. This is the site of a powerful Winter regio raised by the Thule during the Winter of 376YE.
Keyword: Rugged


Site of Kosti, a well built town with low walls in a defensible position. It is still in the hands of the Empire. The region has a long, gentle coast and has served in the past as a valuable place for food and supplies to be delivered to the defenders of Karsk.


The rolling hills of Krevsaty is the site of the remains of the settlement of Oloy. The Thule are believed to have a large camp there, extracting as much ambergelt as possible from the surrounding areas. Some scouts suggest they have enslaved a number of talismancers captured when Krevasty fell to the barbarians. The region is the base of operations of a powerful Thule warlock practitioner of Spring ritual magic.
Keyword: Rugged


Previously this forested region was the location of the town of Isember; a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The humans there joined forces with the Thule barbarians in return for loot and stolen Imperial coin, and attracted bandits, exiles and criminals from across the northern Empire. During the Spring Equinox 378YE a strike force of Imperial heroes descended on Lestasny, scattering it's defenders and putting many of them to the sword. Isember now stands in ruins, and it is unclear whether the Varushkans have any interest in rebuilding it.
Keyword: Forested


Reasonably hilly and has a long coast; it was one of the last regions to be taken by the Thule. For many years defenders from the three largest mining families - the Malinov, the Sloev and the Pravin - held out and fought the Thule using the isolated mines and networks of tunnels to avoid capture. Following their liberation by Imperial forces in Winter 377YE the three families broke into their reserves of equipment and materials to offer valuable resources to the armies fighting the Thule here.
Keywords: Rugged


A hilly region, where the ruins of Veresk stand – those buildings that have not been torn down by the invaders have been damaged during the internecine fighting between orc bands. With the region returned to Imperial hands, the slow business of rebuilding can begin.
Keywords: Rugged

OOC Notes

  • As of the end of Spring 378YE , Imperial forces control the regions of Kopevnost, Moresvah, Nitrost and Lestasny. The region is nominally under Imperial control, despite a strong Thule presence in Branoc, Krevasty and Crowslook.
  • A list of the spoils of war, allocated by the Military Council at the Summer Solstice 378YE can be found here.