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*'''Outcome:''' This motion is under scrutiny
*'''Outcome:''' This motion is under scrutiny
===Announcement: Assign Regalia===
*'''Motion:''' The Artefact known as the 'Broker's Tear' a permanent Abraxas Stone recognised by the Navarr Assembly in the Summer of 385YE & forged by Wyl Brackensong, be made part of the Regalia of the General of Isaella's Dance
*'''Raised by:''' Athiel Westerborn of the Cenotaph, the Benefactor of Regalia
===Announcement: Hand of the Chancellor===
*'''Motion:''' Hand of the Chancellor for the continued construction of the fourth Dawnish Army
*'''Raised by:''' The Throne, Vesna Borkovna Prochnost

Revision as of 19:17, 15 September 2024


The Imperial Senate governs the Empire, and its authority extends to all areas of Imperial life not already covered by the other houses of government. Each summit the senators meet several times to deliberate and vote on the motions they have raised.

After the summit the civil service enact those motions, and ensure a public record of each is made available to the citizens of the Empire. This page lists all the motions raised during the summit, along with the announcements made by citizens with Imperial titles. In each case, the motion and its effects are summarized including the wording; who proposed and seconded it; whether it passed or not; whether any funds were disbursed to support it; and what the outcome of the motion will be.

Many motions (especially the commissions) also have a Further Details section that provides a link to a wiki page dealing specifically with that motion in more detail, any commentary from the Constitutional Court, progress on commissions, or expanded information about the outcome of the motion.

Following the mandate enacted by Luca i Taziel i Riqueza after the Winter Solstice 385YE the number of commissions available has been reduced as the faithful have been convinced to withdraw their labour. This will continue until either the Imperial Senate uses a motion to assign fines from the magistrates to the Virtue fund or the Prosperity Assembly uses a clearly worded Statement of Principle upheld with a greater majority to encourage the faithful to once again take up their tools. More information can be found in the Forwards and Rewards wind of fortune.


  • Imperial treasury during this season announced by the civil service at 751 thrones and two crowns.

Administrative Motions

Amend Crystal Architect

  • Motion: To amend the position of the Crystal Architect of the Spires to become an Imperial position allowing the holder to build a vis or mana sinecure in any Imperial territory instead of just Urizen. To be auctioned on the public bourse auction. This will reduce the number of commissions available to the Senate each season by one in the same manner as the Imperial Wayleaves and the Legion Engineer.
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Further Details: This motion was initially proposed by the Senator for Zenith at the Summer Solstice. As the title will be auctioned this will necessitate reducing the number of commissions available to the Imperial Senate by one. As this was not communicated to the Senate at the time this administrative motion will be raised to confirm the method of appointment and eligibility for this title.

Amend Keeper of the Cox

  • Motion: To amend the position of the Keeper of the Cox to become the Keeper of the Watch. The new title will benefit from the bounty of Golden Apples from the Grove of Golden Cox in Reikos and be responsible for protecting the grove if it were to be threatened in any way. In addition they are responsible for ensuring the regio is watched in order that inappropriate misuses are dealt with. The title to be appointed by declaration of the Conclave this summit with the Keeper of the Cox being abbrogated.
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Further Details: This motion was initially proposed at the Summer Solstice. As the title has significant constitutional limitations and must be reappointed if confirmed, this administrative motion will be raised to confirm the Imperial Senate wishes to proceed with this amendment.

Assign Feroz

  • Motion: To assign the territory of Feroz
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Further Details: The territory of Feroz has been conquered by the Empire and can be assigned by the Imperial Senate. Any senator can then make the case for the territory to be assigned to their nation. Once the debate is concluded, the Speaker will invite the Senate to vote on which of the options presented they wish to support. If the Senate does not want to assign the territory at this time, they may vote for "no nation." If this happens, the Civil Service will raise the administrative motion again at the Winter Solstice.

Create title of Watcher of the Semmerlak

  • Motion: To amend the motion to construct the Journeymage Towers to include the creation of the Watcher of the Semmerlak; a title with the responsibility to ensure that the nations surrounding the Semmerlak ensure they act with Vigilance and to act to counter threats from the Semmerlak. To be appointed yearly by the Vigilance Assembly and to receive bequests from the volhovs of Varushka, guisers of Dawn, and mountebanks of Holberg.
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Further Details: This motion was initially proposed by the Senator for Semmerholm at the Summer Solstice. This would create a title appointed by the Vigilance Assembly as per the opportunity presented in the Less welcome tenants wind of fortune.

Ratify treaty with the Iron Confederacy

  • Motion: To amend the Summer Solstice 386YE treaty with the Iron Confederacy so that both clauses are affected by the three year period rather than just the outlawing of the sale of narcotics.
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Further Details: This motion was initially proposed by the Senator for Segura at the Summer Solstice. There was some confusion over the format of the treaty. The three year period is a statement of intent as part of the treaty, it will still require motions to remove the status of free trade and to legalise the sale of narcotics to the Suranni.

Peace in Mareave

  • Motion: To clarify that those inhabitants of Mareave outside Beoraidh and Sinfoyard who are not fighting the Empire are foreigners.
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Further Details: Raised as a consequence of the recent appraisal undertaken in Mareave presented in the Here to stay wind of fortune.

Friday Senate Motions

Amend Challenger in Waiting

  • Motion: To amend the position of Challenger in Waiting to be appointed by Dawnish National Assembly and remove the Tourney
  • Proposed: Semerholm
  • Seconded: Segura
  • Passed
  • Outcome: The Challenger in Waiting position will now be appointed by Dawnish National Assembly

Amend Challenger in Waiting

  • Motion: To amend the Position of Challenger in waiting, to grant the bounty of the chapel to the Silver Nightingales in return for their committed support for the position and to set the responsibilities to take the field against the Throne when they challenge for the Monarch of Dawn, to ensure their virtue is sufficiently challenged. The Challenger in Waiting to be a Martial title elected by tourney.
  • Proposed: Weirwater
  • Seconded: Mitwold
  • Failed

Amend Strategos of Wintermark

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.
  • Motion: To amend the title Strategos of Wintermark to also hold the mana sinecure 'Vale's Might' in Wood Heath, Hahnmark. There is no current keeper of the Crystal Vale - let Wintermark's Prosperity support our heros
  • Proposed: Hahnmark
  • Seconded: Bregasland
  • Outcome: If successful, the Keeper of the Crystal Vale position will be abrogated

Amend the motion to construct Journey Mage Towers

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.
  • Motion: To amend the motion to construct the Journeymage Towers to include the creation of the watcher of the Semmerlak a title with responsibility to ensure the nations surrounding The Semmerlak act with vigilance, and act to counter threats from the Semmerlak. Appointed yearly by the Vigilance Assembly receiving bequests from volhovs of Varushka, Guisers of Dawn and Mountebanks of Holberg
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Note: Can say no, doesn't impact towers

Amend the Iron Confederacy Treaty

  • Motion: To amend the Summer Solstice 386YE treaty with the Iron Confederacy so that both clauses are affected by the three year period, rather than just the outlawing of the sale of narcotics
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Passed

Amend Crystal Architect of the Spires

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.
  • Motion: To amend the position of the Crystal Architect of the Spires to become an Imperial Position, allowing the holder to build a vis or mana sinecure in any Imperial territory instead of just Urizen. To be auctioned on the public bourse auction. This will reduce the number of commissions available to the senate each season by one in the same way as the Imperial Wayleave or Legion Engineer.
  • Raised By: Speaker of the Senate
  • Failed
  • Outcome:

Announcement: Research Emperor Ahraz

  • Motion: The Priests and Mages of The Empire have made their commitment to Asavea known, and so we MUST go armed with Virtue. We have brought back unsavoury auras in previous endeavours so we look to one who has previously walked this path with Virtue. As such, I ask The Lepidean University to look further into the Auras and Courage surrounding Emperor Ahraz, so that knowledge gained may gird those who seek liberation, both tomorrow and in years to come.
  • Raised by: The Lepidean Librarian
  • Passed

Commission: Garden City of Holberg

  • Motion: I announce the commission of the Garden City of Holberg as specified in civil service records
  • Raised by: Chain of the Wolf
  • Passed

Announcement: Assign Regalia

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.
  • Motion: The following artifacts are to be made regalia of the three Navarri generals:
    • Broker's Tear for Isaella's Dance
    • Anaira's Talon for The Quiet Step
    • Trystan's Lament for The Black Thorns
  • Passed
  • Outcome: This motion is under scrutiny

Announcement: Assign Regalia

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.
  • Motion: The Artefact known as the 'Broker's Tear' a permanent Abraxas Stone recognised by the Navarr Assembly in the Summer of 385YE & forged by Wyl Brackensong, be made part of the Regalia of the General of Isaella's Dance
  • Raised by: Athiel Westerborn of the Cenotaph, the Benefactor of Regalia
  • Passed

Announcement: Hand of the Chancellor

  • Motion: Hand of the Chancellor for the continued construction of the fourth Dawnish Army
  • Raised by: The Throne, Vesna Borkovna Prochnost
  • Passed