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==Magic Calls==
{{CaptionedImage|file=Winterfolk Spellcasting.jpg|caption=Magic can heal or harm with equal facility.|align=left|width=500}}
*'''There are six magic calls'''
*'''The magic calls do not affect targets that are larger than human-sized'''
A magician is any character that purchases the [[Magical_skills#Magician|magician]] skill. Becoming a magician allows a character to cast spells, and with additional study they can master the [[Magical_skills#Ritual_Magic|realm lores]] that allow them to perform powerful and versatile [[rituals]]. Like artistic ability, command of magic is both a talent and a skill - some people are born with a natural knack for working magic, while others develop their ability to weave spells through hard work and long hours of study. Even a natural talent needs help channelling and honing their power, however - there are many stories of prodigies who lack the ability to control their magic properly causing minor magical mishaps.
*'''All magic calls delivered with a weapon or implement also cause the target to lose one global hit'''
*'''The MASS call when combined with another magic call expands the range to a 20' cone from the caster'''
In the Empire it is common for a magician to learn their art studying with a more experienced mentor. It is theoretically possible to be "self taught" however - there are libraries and tomes that lay out magical law in all the nations.
There are six magic calls that can affect you. All players should make sure that they are familiar with these calls and their effects.

There is no way to resist a magic call in Empire, but magic calls never affect any creature that is larger than human-sized. Any monstrous creature whose phys-rep is expressly designed to make them taller or wider than the wearer would normally be counts as larger than human-sized. Player-characters (all PCs) always count as human-sized - no matter how large the player is.
Every magician, no matter where in the world they originate, learns three common spells (sometimes called ''cantrips'' in the Empire): [[detect magic]], [[operate portal]], and [[create bond]]. These versatile utility spells allow a magician to perform a number of functions, and serve as the foundation for all other magical ability. These spells are only the beginning however - with additional study a magician can master more incantations that allow them to channel their personal magic to [[heal]] their allies, [[repel]] their foes, and even [[voice for the dead|grant the recently departed the ability to speak to the living]].

In addition, every magician knows how to wield [[Weapons & Armour#Wands|wands]] and [[Weapons & Armour#Rods|rods]]. These implements are to the magician what swords and axes are to the warrior, or medicines and bandages to the [[Surgical skills#Physick|physick]]. Their main use is to channel and unleash martial incantations, but even the most peaceful magician can benefit from bonding a magical implement to enhance their ability to work magic.
*'''You are cursed; see a ref for details when it is appropriate to do so'''
*'''The effect lasts until cured'''
A curse does not immediately affect your character; you are aware that you have been cursed but may continue to fight and act normally. See a referee for more details once you are able to do so without interrupting your roleplaying.

Finally, some magicians focus their magical study towards battlefield applications. These brave individuals are called [[Magical skills#Battle Mage|battle mages]] and they learn to channel their power through [[Weapons & Armour#Staffs|staffs]] and attune themselves to special [[Weapons & Armour#Mage Armour|armour]] designed specifically to protect magicians while leaving them free to perform magic. This last is especially valuable to magicians who go into dangerous situations; mundane armour prevents the casting of even the simplest spell.
*'''The target may not move their feet; they may otherwise move and fight normally'''
*'''The effect lasts 10 seconds'''
*'''The target may talk but may not make any other movement'''
*'''The effect lasts 10 seconds'''
*'''The target must move away from the caster at a brisk walk or faster'''
*'''The effect lasts 10 seconds or until you have retreated for 20’'''
*'''The target’s bleed time drops to zero; they become [[Combat#Terminal|Terminal]] immediately if they lose all body hits (and may not use the unstoppable ability)'''
*'''The effect lasts until cured'''
*'''The target may not use any [[Heroic skills|heroic skills]], utilize any Enchantments, use any mana or activate any magic items; they may otherwise move and fight normally'''
*'''The effect lasts until cured'''
*'''MASS is an area effect call that expands the range of other calls to a 20' cone (maximum 90 degrees) from the caster. It is commonly caused by rituals, though there are unnatural creatures in the world that can cause MASS effects.

*'''You must expend personal mana or crystalized mana to cast a spell'''
*'''Every magician starts with four personal mana every day'''
*'''Every magician starts with four personal mana every day'''
*'''You cannot cast spells while wearing armour'''
*'''You must expend personal mana or a mana crystal to cast a spell'''
*'''You cannot cast spells while wearing armour other than a helmet'''
*'''All spells require vocals clearly audible to everyone within a few metres'''
*'''All spells require vocals clearly audible to everyone within a few metres'''
Any character that purchases the magician skill has four personal mana and is able to cast [[Spell list#Create Bond|create bond]], [[Spell list#Detect Magic|detect magic]] or [[Spell list#Operate Portal|operate portal]]. Each time a character purchases an extra spell they must choose one additional spell from the [[spell list]].
Any character that purchases the magician skill has four personal mana and is able to cast [[create bond]], [[detect magic]] or [[operate portal]]. Each time a character purchases an [[Magical_skills#Extra_Spell|extra spell]] they must choose one additional spell from the [[spellcasting]] list.

Your character may also use crystalized mana to cast spells; a single crystal can be used to cast any single spell.  
Your character may also use crystallized mana to cast spells; a single [[Game_items#Mana_Crystals|mana crystal]] can be used to cast any single spell.  

Your personal mana replenishes overnight.
Your personal mana replenishes overnight.

All spell vocals require appropriate roleplaying which must include spell vocals in a clear voice audible to everyone within a few metres of you.
If you have the [[Magical_skills#Battle_Mage|battle mage skill]] then you can cast spells while wearing [[Weapons_%26_armour#Mage_Armour|mage armour]], but you cannot cast spells while wearing regular [[Weapons_%26_armour#Armour|armour]]. The only exception is a helmet: helmets do not interfere with spellcasting in any way.
*'''Offensive spells can only be delivered using an implement'''
*'''Must be a safe phys-rep of a wand, rod or staff'''
*'''Should not look like a weapon'''
An implement is a magical tool that allows a magician to briefly store the effect of an [[Spell_list#Offensive_Spells|offensive spell]] before it is released. All [[Spell_list#Offensive_Spells|offensive spells]] require an implement to be used. You cannot use an implement to change the casting time or extend the range of regular spells such as [[Spell list#Mend|mend]] or [[Spell list#Heal|heal]].
All magical implements must be weapon safe phys-reps. They may appear to be made of any material, and should be decorated and shaped to make it as clear as possible that they are magical implements and ''not weapons''.
Implements come in three broad classifications; wands, rods and staves. Any character with the [[Magical skills#Magician|magician]] skill can wield a wand or rod effectively, but the [[Magical_skills#Wield_Mage_Staff|wield mage staff]] skill is needed to wield a staff.
A character can cause a point of damage with an implement, but they cannot be used with the heroic skills [[Heroic skills#Cleaving Strike|cleaving strike]], [[Heroic skills#Shattering Blow|shattering blow]] or [[Heroic skills#Mighty Strikedown|mighty strikedown]].
Although any magician may choose to use a wand or rod as an implement, some magical enchantments can only be placed on wands and some can only be placed on rods.
A wand is 8” to 18” long. Magical wands usually enhance healing incantations such as [[Spell list#Restore Limb|restore limb]] or utility incantations such as  [[Spell list#Mend|mend]]
A rod is 18” to 42” long. Wielded in one hand, a rod is popular with many magicians who take the battlefield because it can be combined with a shield or with another one-handed weapon (provided the magician possesses the skill to do so). Magical rods most commonly enhance battlefield incantations such as [[Spell list#Repel|repel]] or [[Spell list#Swift Heal|swift heal]].
A staff is 42” to 84” long. It must be wielded in two hands, but greatly extends the magicians reach for delivering implement incantations. Staves are popular with magicians of all backgrounds, but require the [[Magical_skills#Battle_Mage|Battle Mage]] skill to use in battle. Magic staves may enhance battlefield incantation or grant benefits to ritual casters.
==Mage Armour==
*'''Must cover at least 3 locations including one of the chest, shoulders or waist'''
*'''Providers 2 extra hits only'''
*'''Does not protect against [[Combat#CLEAVE|CLEAVE]] or [[Combat#IMPALE|IMPALE]] calls'''
Mage armour is a magical talisman that protects you against harm but allows you to cast spells. The talisman is made up of several pieces fitted to the wearer's body to protect them. The parts of the talisman superficially resemble pieces of armour, but armour that is ornate and ceremonial rather than practical. They are often decorated with runes, crystals, gems or other magical accoutrements and it is clear that the armour protects the wearer through magic rather than by physically deflecting blows.
Mage armour provides the wearer with two additional hits. Mage armour does not protect against CLEAVE or IMPALE. To qualify the talisman must include three of the following items including at least one of the first three items on the list:

* Pauldrons (shoulders)
All spell vocals require appropriate roleplaying which must include spell vocals in a clear voice audible to everyone within a few metres of you. All spells are one of two types, regular spells or offensive spells.
* Pectorals (upper chest)
<table class="wikitable" style="width:250px; float: right; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;">
* Hero Belt (waist)
<tr><th>Regular Spells</th><th>Mana Cost</th></tr>
<tr><td>[[Create bond]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Detect magic]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Operate portal]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Night pouch]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Restore limb]]</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Voice for the dead]]</td><td>1</td></tr>

* Circlet (head)
==Regular Spells==
* Vambraces (wrists)
*'''Require at least thirty seconds of appropriate roleplaying'''
* Gorget (neck)
*'''You must be capable of touching the target with the casting hand throughout the casting of the spell'''
* Greaves (lower legs)
*'''The spell fails if you or your target are hit or attack another character during spellcasting'''
*'''You can choose to ''swift cast'' a regular spell'''
To cast a regular spell you must complete at least thirty seconds of [[appropriate roleplaying]] including spell vocals, and the use of one hand. These requirements do not mean you must chant or speak for the entire thirty seconds; you must include some vocal component but your appropriate roleplaying can also involve tracing magical signs or [[runes]] in the air, using props such as scrolls or powders, shaping magic with mystical passes, and the like.

The items must be substantial and cover a significant portion of the area but it is possible to use a single pauldron, greave or vambrace if appropriate for the costume.  
You must be able to touch the target with your casting hand throughout the casting of the spell. Even if you do not touch the target you must be close enough to easily do so - you cannot cast a regular spell on a target who is only close enough to touch with an implement (but see [[#Swift casting|swift casting]] below).

Although mage armour is magical in nature, if you have purchased the [[Magical_skills#Battle_Mage|Battle Mage]] skill then you are considered to have access to a suit of mage armour, in the same way a warrior has access to a suit of mundane armour.
If you or your target attacks another character or either of you are hit then the spell fails. Your mana is not lost but you must begin the spell again.
===Swift casting===
* '''Any regular spell can be cast with a few words of appropriate roleplaying instead of thirty seconds'''
* '''Swift casting a spell costs 2 mana rather than 1'''
* '''The effects of some spells change when they are swift cast'''
* '''If you are in combat, you must touch your target with an implement - a wand, rod, or staff'''
Any magician who knows a regular spell can choose to swift cast it. Swift casting effectively allows the regular spell to be cast as if it were an [[#Offensive Spells|offensive spell]], but at the cost of an additional mana.

Mage armour can be made out of any real world material, provided you try to make as clear as possible that your character is wearing magical protection and not mundane armour.
Some spells such as [[purify]] and [[heal]] have different effects when swift cast. You must make clear to the target what the effect is.
<span id="Contributors"></span>

Magic items, rituals, and similar abilities do not provide the ability to swift cast a spell unless they explicitly say they do. For example, a wand may say that it allows you to cast or swift cast the purify spell, or a rod might allow you to swift cast the heal spell as if you knew it. An item that allows you to cast a spell as if you knew it without spending mana never allows you to change how it is cast.

===Performing a Ritual===
==Offensive Spells==
[[Rituals]] require several minutes of [[appropriate roleplaying]].
<table class="wikitable" style="width:250px; float: right; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;">
<tr><th>Offensive Spells</th><th>Mana Cost</th></tr>
*'''Require a few words of appropriate roleplaying'''
*'''Require you to hit the target with an implement - a wand, rod, or staff'''
To cast an offensive spell you must utter a few words of appropriate roleplaying including spell vocals while you strike or touch your target with a wand, rod, or staff. You cannot cast an offensive spell without using a suitable [[Weapons & armour#implements|implement]].

It should be obvious to everyone nearby that you are performing a ritual. While it is possible to conceal precisely what your ritual is intended to achieve, it is against the spirit of ritual magic to intentionally perform a ritual that appears to have an opposite effect. For example, performing a ritual that looks as if it is intended to heal someone that is actually intended to destroy one of their magic items is inappropriate.
If you deliver an offensive melee strike to touch the target with your implement then the target also loses one global hit. You should always assume that your opponent has wounded you in this way unless their roleplaying clearly indicates otherwise.

You cannot perform rituals while wearing armour.
Offensive spells are not interrupted or lost if you are attacked. For spells other than [[venom]] or [[weakness]] you do not lose the mana if it is clear that the [[calls|target has not taken the effect]].

Ritualists can [[Rituals#Contributors|contribute]] to a ritual performance by joining a [[Rituals#Covens|coven]].
{{Magic Links}}


Latest revision as of 04:41, 20 August 2024

Winterfolk Spellcasting.jpg
Magic can heal or harm with equal facility.


A magician is any character that purchases the magician skill. Becoming a magician allows a character to cast spells, and with additional study they can master the realm lores that allow them to perform powerful and versatile rituals. Like artistic ability, command of magic is both a talent and a skill - some people are born with a natural knack for working magic, while others develop their ability to weave spells through hard work and long hours of study. Even a natural talent needs help channelling and honing their power, however - there are many stories of prodigies who lack the ability to control their magic properly causing minor magical mishaps. In the Empire it is common for a magician to learn their art studying with a more experienced mentor. It is theoretically possible to be "self taught" however - there are libraries and tomes that lay out magical law in all the nations.

Every magician, no matter where in the world they originate, learns three common spells (sometimes called cantrips in the Empire): detect magic, operate portal, and create bond. These versatile utility spells allow a magician to perform a number of functions, and serve as the foundation for all other magical ability. These spells are only the beginning however - with additional study a magician can master more incantations that allow them to channel their personal magic to heal their allies, repel their foes, and even grant the recently departed the ability to speak to the living.

In addition, every magician knows how to wield wands and rods. These implements are to the magician what swords and axes are to the warrior, or medicines and bandages to the physick. Their main use is to channel and unleash martial incantations, but even the most peaceful magician can benefit from bonding a magical implement to enhance their ability to work magic.

Finally, some magicians focus their magical study towards battlefield applications. These brave individuals are called battle mages and they learn to channel their power through staffs and attune themselves to special armour designed specifically to protect magicians while leaving them free to perform magic. This last is especially valuable to magicians who go into dangerous situations; mundane armour prevents the casting of even the simplest spell.


  • Every magician starts with four personal mana every day
  • You must expend personal mana or a mana crystal to cast a spell
  • You cannot cast spells while wearing armour other than a helmet
  • All spells require vocals clearly audible to everyone within a few metres

Any character that purchases the magician skill has four personal mana and is able to cast create bond, detect magic or operate portal. Each time a character purchases an extra spell they must choose one additional spell from the spellcasting list.

Your character may also use crystallized mana to cast spells; a single mana crystal can be used to cast any single spell.

Your personal mana replenishes overnight.

If you have the battle mage skill then you can cast spells while wearing mage armour, but you cannot cast spells while wearing regular armour. The only exception is a helmet: helmets do not interfere with spellcasting in any way.

All spell vocals require appropriate roleplaying which must include spell vocals in a clear voice audible to everyone within a few metres of you. All spells are one of two types, regular spells or offensive spells.

Regular SpellsMana Cost
Create bond1
Detect magic1
Operate portal1
Night pouch1
Restore limb1
Voice for the dead1

Regular Spells

  • Require at least thirty seconds of appropriate roleplaying
  • You must be capable of touching the target with the casting hand throughout the casting of the spell
  • The spell fails if you or your target are hit or attack another character during spellcasting
  • You can choose to swift cast a regular spell

To cast a regular spell you must complete at least thirty seconds of appropriate roleplaying including spell vocals, and the use of one hand. These requirements do not mean you must chant or speak for the entire thirty seconds; you must include some vocal component but your appropriate roleplaying can also involve tracing magical signs or runes in the air, using props such as scrolls or powders, shaping magic with mystical passes, and the like.

You must be able to touch the target with your casting hand throughout the casting of the spell. Even if you do not touch the target you must be close enough to easily do so - you cannot cast a regular spell on a target who is only close enough to touch with an implement (but see swift casting below).

If you or your target attacks another character or either of you are hit then the spell fails. Your mana is not lost but you must begin the spell again.

Swift casting

  • Any regular spell can be cast with a few words of appropriate roleplaying instead of thirty seconds
  • Swift casting a spell costs 2 mana rather than 1
  • The effects of some spells change when they are swift cast
  • If you are in combat, you must touch your target with an implement - a wand, rod, or staff

Any magician who knows a regular spell can choose to swift cast it. Swift casting effectively allows the regular spell to be cast as if it were an offensive spell, but at the cost of an additional mana.

Some spells such as purify and heal have different effects when swift cast. You must make clear to the target what the effect is.

Magic items, rituals, and similar abilities do not provide the ability to swift cast a spell unless they explicitly say they do. For example, a wand may say that it allows you to cast or swift cast the purify spell, or a rod might allow you to swift cast the heal spell as if you knew it. An item that allows you to cast a spell as if you knew it without spending mana never allows you to change how it is cast.

Offensive Spells

Offensive SpellsMana Cost
  • Require a few words of appropriate roleplaying
  • Require you to hit the target with an implement - a wand, rod, or staff

To cast an offensive spell you must utter a few words of appropriate roleplaying including spell vocals while you strike or touch your target with a wand, rod, or staff. You cannot cast an offensive spell without using a suitable implement.

If you deliver an offensive melee strike to touch the target with your implement then the target also loses one global hit. You should always assume that your opponent has wounded you in this way unless their roleplaying clearly indicates otherwise.

Offensive spells are not interrupted or lost if you are attacked. For spells other than venom or weakness you do not lose the mana if it is clear that the target has not taken the effect.

Further Reading