(Adding bards)
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Plot is the biggest department in Empire, as it incorporates all our NPCs, our plot writers and runners as well as characters like the nation bards, egregores, civil servants and magistrates and back room operations crew who work in costume and make-up. We need lots of people to help us fill out all these roles, so if you're interested in getting involved in the IC side of Empire then we're keen to talk to you.
Plot is the biggest department in Empire, as it incorporates all our NPCs, our plot writers and runners as well as characters like the nation bards, egregores, civil servants and magistrates and back room operations crew who work in costume and make-up. We need lots of people to help us fill out all these roles, so if you're interested in getting involved in the IC side of Empire then we're keen to talk to you.

The plot department is divided into dozens of different teams. Some crew are members of many teams, some are members of just one. Everyone who works in the plot department is expected to have a good familiarity with the campaign setting. The department is headed by Andy Rafferty.
People sometimes assume that the plot crew is a good way for a brand new player to try Empire, but the truth is that everyone who works in the plot department is expected to have a good familiarity with the campaign setting. They need to know much more about the game than an average player and some basic experience with live roleplaying is usually valuable. Ultimately though the most important thing is enthusiasm so the plot crew welcome anyone who is keen to try out crewing.

==Why Get Involved?==
* Work with the NPC and plot teams to equip and prepare any NPC encounters
Being part of the right team on the plot crew can give you the opportunity to do the parts of LRP you like most. If you really enjoy fighting, then the skirmish team is perfect for you, if you like to play lots of different roles then the plot NPC team will suit you best. If you enjoy writing or running plot, making props or costume, or creating prosthetics of applying make-up then the plot crew includes specialized teams who do just that.
* Plan new costume creation and purchase
* Sort and maintain PD's costume throughout the event
* Assist in preparing player volunteers for battles
The costume team are essential to dress NPCs and get them ready for encounters. Profound Decisions have two trucks full of costume and we are purchasing new costume all the time. The costume team use their knowledge of the costume inventory to dress NPCs for roles they are about to play, including the player volunteers for the battles. They also help them to change after an encounter and ensure used costume is put away. At the end of the event they help pack the plot room away and separate any costume that needs cleaning or repairing. The costume team also work before the events helping to plan and arrange new costume creation and purchase in preparation for upcoming plots.  

Being a member of the costume team requires some skill with costume, since you need to be able to use the existing wardrobe to create an effective look for a character. It's a good role for people who enjoy working with costume and who want to help PD manage their costume wardrobe and acquire new costume.
As one of the plot crew you'll be part of a great team that helps to create the event, but if you're playing an NPC then you also have a chance to roleplay and interact with the other characters in the game. Or as part of the back-room staff who run the monster tent and keep everything going you'll get a chance to be part of the plot being put together and sent out. If you enjoy creating plot, then writing for Empire gives you a chance to do work with some incredibly talented people and create plot on an epic scale.

We are looking for at least three crew to help us with the costume at events.
Being part of the plot crew is pretty non-stop throughout the event. We'll try to give you a few hours off each event, so you can relax and socialize with friends, but it's not something you can easily combine with playing. It is hard work and you'll be challenged to constantly push yourself to try new things, but it's a fantastic team to be part of and a lot of fun.

* Work with the NPC and plot teams to prepare any NPCs that require make-up or prosthetics
There are many different teams in the plot crew, all of whom operate out of the monster tent - a massive tent full of people, costume and kit. It's a great environment to work in, there is always something going on as crew get briefed, dressed and made-up for their next part. At the end of the event all the plot crew come together to get the tent cleared quickly under guidance from the costume and props team.
* Plan new make-up and prosthetic creation and purchase
* Sort and maintain PD's make-up throughout the event
* Assist player volunteers before and after battles
The makeup team are essential for any roles that require make-up or prosthetics. These include orcs and characters with lineage, but they also include [[Eternals]] and their heralds. The makeup team plan complex make-up arrangements in advance so that convincing effects can be created quickly in the field. They also help player volunteers don and remove make-up before and after battles. At the end of the event they help pack the plot room away. The make-up team work before the events helping to plan and arrange new make-up and prosthetic purchase in preparation for upcoming plots.  

Anyone can help with make-up, since some make-up requires only a basic colour application. More complex make-up arrangements require some skill and experience. An air-brush is available for make-up crew who know how to use it. It's a good role for people who enjoy working with make-up or prosthetics and who want to help PD produce some fantastic creatures.
===Plot Team===
*'''[[Crew:Guide for plot writers|Guide for plot writers]]'''
The plot writers create the plot lines that help make Empire such an exciting game to play. Writers at Empire are encouraged to brief and run their own plot, though we are on hand to help at every stage. Running plot includes briefing and debriefing NPCs and helping to get encounters ready by liaising with costume and make-up. Some plot writers choose to play plot NPC roles or perform other responsibilities during the weekend when they are not briefing their plot.

We are looking for at least two crew to help us with the makeup at events.
Being an Empire plot writer is a great role if you enjoy creating plot and enjoy seeing players enjoy the game you have helped create. A little experience in writing is always useful, but is not essential. What is often more important is to have some experience playing a large fest LRP game, so that you understand and enjoy the kind of political game that we run. If you have ever wanted to create plot for a big game with over fifteen hundred players, this is your chance!

The plot writing team is run by Andy Rafferty. Andy has decades of plot writing experience, creating plot for fest systems like Maelstrom, Odyssey, and Empire. As the lead writer for the Empire setting he knows the campaign better than anyone and works closely with the writers to help them create plot that will bring that setting to life.
* Playing barbarians and other NPCs during encounters, skirmishes and battles
{{CaptionedImage|file=Beth-HeadofPlotNPCs.jpg|align=right|width=135|caption=Beth Charlton}}
* Playing NPCs on the field
===Plot NPC Team===
* Playing Eternals and heralds in off-field encounters
Our plot NPC team play the roles that have been created and written by the plot writers that happen on the field and in the Hall of Worlds. Members of the team portray minor Imperial NPCs, [[eternal|eternals]] and their heralds and representatives of other foreign powers. It is a great role for anyone who enjoys working with writers to create enjoyable plot for players.
Our NPC team play all the roles that have been created and written for the event. We will be running skirmishes and encounters throughout the weekend where the NPCs play the barbarian enemies of the Empire, so most NPCs will be need to do plenty of fighting. But there are also NPC roles engaged in plot on the field and parts as eternals and their heralds for those who want them.  

Anyone can be an NPC but it really helps if you have some experience of live roleplaying already. If you have never live roleplayed before, then it is better to play a few games before volunteering to NPC. It is a great role for anyone who enjoys roleplaying a character in a battle, but it is also good for anyone who enjoys working with writers to create enjoyable plot for players.
The team is run by Beth Charlton who also handles all requests to join the plot crew, talking to people to make sure they know what is involved. Beth works with the NPCs to try and ensure that they get a chance to play the kind of roles that they enjoy.

We are looking for one hundred and twenty crew to play NPCs for us at the event!
Our skirmish team are the dedicated crew whose responsibility is to bring to life the battles, skirmishes and quests that the players choose to fight. There is a great team spirit amongst those who enjoy being part of what is effectively our monster faction. We aim to run all our fights using IC leadership and commands, so there are a range of roles for people.
* Provide music and entertainment at events appropriate to the nation
* Encourage PCs to perform and entertain each other
* Encourage national identity through music, storytelling and dance
* Help to immortalize characters who have heroic deaths
Each member of our bard team plays a single role throughout the event as an active bard and performer in their nation. The primary responsibility is to produce music and entertainment in the evenings and to encourage and support PCs doing the same. The goal is to ensure that every camp has a festival feel with celebrations taking place through the event. They are also intended to encourage a strong sense of national identity in their nation, using their performances and roleplaying to encourage players to embody the brief. Their final responsibility is to collect stories of characters who have died in tragic or heroic circumstances and to try to preserve their tales so that all players are encouraged to live up to the heroic challenges the game presents. It is possible for a bard to play other roles some of the time if the wish.

Being a bard requires credible ability to perform and entertain. Story-telling, singing or instruments are all fine, but please don't ask to be a part of the bard team unless you have the out-of-character skills and confidence to play the role. You have total freedom to play your character as you please provided you bear in mind the out-of-character responsibilities of the role, so a bard is a great role for anyone who wants to get stuck into the game but also wants to be involved with performance and entertainment at the event.
The skirmish team is a great role for anyone who enjoys fighting and roleplaying a warrior or similar character on a battlefield. It is run by Chira Roberts, Faith Lilley and Matt Moya.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Clare-PDStaff.jpg |align=right|width=135|caption=Clare Evans}}
===Field NPC Team===
We have a number of crew who play a single recurring role based in Anvil throughout the weekend. These roles are highly specialized with a clear focus on providing support and assistance to the game and the players. The [[Imperial Civil Service|civil servants]] support the main political structures of the Empire, providing logistical support to the players to run the Empire. The [[Imperial_law|magistrates]] operate the Empire's legal system directing the player militia as they follow up crimes that have taken place. Our [[egregores]] are based in the nations themselves with a remit to support the feel of the nation and encourage the roleplaying in the camp, while the bards in [[the Three Refrains]] are more likely to wander the Imperial camps looking to bring music and aid to the people of the Empire. Finally our [[The Academy|Academy]] team look after the interests of our younger players. The Head of the Field NPC team is Clare Evans and the Head of the Civil Service team is Jonathan Kidger.

Mark Chilvers is organizing and recruiting the bards for the event. Daisy Abbot and Jude Reid are playing Marcher bards. Jamie Wakefield is playing the Navarr bard. Anna Clifford-Tait and Steph Heath are playing Varushkan bards. David Silk, Johnny Umbongo and Jez Hunt are playing Wintermark bards. We are looking to have at least one bard for each nation.
===Plot Production===
The Plot Production department consists of several smaller teams: Costume, Makeup, Props, Encounter Tents, SFX, and Workshop. Together, these teams are responsible for bringing the ideas of our plot writers to life and ensuring that the game world accurately reflects the design briefs, both creatively and logistically. Additionally, all plot production teams are required to set up and take down their respective areas, as well as manage them during the event.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Phil-HeadofPlotProduction.jpg |align=right|width=135|caption=Phil D'Souza}}
The Costume and Makeup teams work closely with the NPC team to ensure that they are appropriately dressed for their various roles during each event.  
During events the costume team keep the kit rails tidy, accessible & organised, and are responsible for maintaining the consistency of kit briefs entering the player field. They are also in charge of creating, acquiring and repairing kit, typically during the downtime between events. The makeup team is responsible for transforming our NPCs into a wide range of characters, from colorful heralds from magical realms to lineage prosthetics and realistic wound makeup. They maintain a catalog of previous designs to reference and replicate, ensuring aesthetic continuity between events.

The Props department is responsible for organizing and maintaining PD's props and fulfilling prop requests from the running plots of each event. They also distribute props that have been returned from plots back to their relevant labeled storage crates.
* Are the first point of contact for players in each nation
* Source of plot in the nation
* Get new players involved in the plot and in the politics of the nation
* Encourage the players to maintain the visual and thematic identity of each nation
* Are the radio operator in each camp
Each nation has a single [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egregore egregore] that represents the personification of the nation created through ritual magic. The ritual was created by the Brass Coast to ensure that the nations of the Empire retained their independent character and culture. In the game they will act to encourage the players to maintain the visual and thematic identity of their nation. The egregores are an effective channel for plot writers to deliver plot "news" to the players about what is going on in their nation. They work particularly closely with the new player plot team to try to ensure that new players are involved in the plot and also involved in the politics of the nation. They are a point of contact for PD crew for players in a nation and will have a covert radio. They are not there to make decisions for the nation or provide leadership or direction. It is possible for an egregore to play other roles some of the time if the wish.

Being an egregore requires some charisma and personal presence. The egregores do not have any real power in the nation so their influence will primarily derive from what they can achieve through roleplaying. You need to be in touch with the politics of your nation to be able to get new players involved in it. Being an egregore is a great role for anyone who wants to play an evocative role in the heart of a nation but does not want to be in charge.  
The Encounter Tent team is in charge of set dressing and creating spaces that represent different parts of the game world outside of Anvil. This allows multiple plots to run simultaneously for small groups of players, including Past Life Visions (PLVs) and Plenipotentiaries. Each tent usually has a predetermined theme for each event to support the needs of the plots, and these sets are changed multiple times during each event, whether it's changing color schemes and decorations or creating major rebuilds, such as a collapsed mineshaft obstacle course.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Dhia-HeadofCostume.jpg  |align=right|width=135|caption=Dhiamara Coulson}}
The SFX team is in charge of lighting, sound, projection, atmospheric effects, and pyrotechnics. They primarily operate in the Encounter Tents, the Regio, the Hall of Worlds, and the Skirmish Woods, setting up, operating, and taking down all equipment in these areas. They are also responsible for operating gas-powered portable smoke machines and any smoke grenades used on-site.

Dave McKenna is playing the Imperial Orc egregore. James Fishwick is playing the Wintermark egregore. Toni Badnall is playing the Urizen egregore. Liz Duggan is playing the Navarr egregore. Linette Withers is playing the Brass Coast egregore. We are looking for at least one egregore for each nation.
The Workshop consists of members from other Plot Production teams who utilize a wide range of skills to create bespoke props and set pieces. They work on various tasks such as creating banners, sculptures, wood carving, pyrography, and even creepy dolls used in rituals.

The heads of the Plot Production and SFX department is Phil D'Souza. Dhiamara Coulson is the head of the Costume team, Vicki Stephenson heads the Makeup team, Paul Cope is in charge of Props, and Jessica Simpson leads the Encounter Tent team.
* Imperial character that conducts trials
* Engage players in the legal process
* Try to keep conflict between players political
The magistrates are official Imperial characters who operate the legal system, conducting trials and overseeing the application of the law. Their role is to involve players in the legal process as thief-takers, detectives and militia etc. The point of the magistrates is to do everything in-character, to make murder as difficult to get away with as humanly possible. The goal is to redress the balance of games in which murder is trivial and the cheapest solution to any political problem. Empire is intended to provide a PvM game for players combined with a PvP political game. The magistrates exist to try to ensure that most conflict between players remains political. It is possible for a magistrate to play other roles some of the time if they wish.
Being a magistrate requires some charisma and personal presence. The magistrates have the full backing of the setting, but that will not serve if they cannot get the support of the majority of players. Magistrates need to be unbiased and although they are encouraged to play the role on an ongoing basis they should avoid becoming embroiled in the politics of the game; like all civil servants they are compelled to remain honest and impartial by the magical power of the oaths they have sworn. Being a magistrate is a great role for anyone with an intuition for skullduggery and a sense of drama for making court scenes dramatic.

Jon Creek is our head magistrate. We are looking for one or two other magistrates.
Plot crew are generally busy throughout the event, so it is not a role that you can combine with playing the game. All crew are able to take a few hours off during the event, so you will have a chance to socialize with friends at the event.  
==Plot Writers==
{{Crewing Links}}
* Write plot for events
* Run plot at events
It is the job of the plot writers to create the plot lines that alongside the politics of the setting will help make Empire an exciting game to play. Plot writers need to write the plot before the event. They also need to run the plot at the event, or else convince another plot writer to do it. Running plot includes briefing and debriefing NPCs and helping to get encounters ready by liaising with costume and make-up. The plot writers will work in small independent teams. Plot writers may choose to play roles or perform other responsibilities during the weekend.
Each team will be led by an individual with experience creating and running LRP plot. You don't need to have a experience to write plot, everyone has to start somewhere - but we will want our team leaders to have proven experience creating plot for LRP events. Being an Empire plot writer is a great role if you enjoy creating plot and enjoy seeing players enjoy the game you have helped create. If you have ever wanted to create plot for a big game with over a thousand players, this is your chance!
We have produced a set of [[plot guidelines]] to let writers know what style of plot is appropriate for Profound Decisions Empire events. There are also some guidelines for how [[plot teams]] work.
Andy Rafferty is the overall head of plot for Empire. Alan Dent, Chris Edwards, Sam Sutton and Dave Young are running plot teams for Empire. We are looking to recruit at least eight independent plot teams.

Latest revision as of 10:51, 2 July 2024


Plot is the biggest department in Empire, as it incorporates all our NPCs, our plot writers and runners as well as characters like the nation bards, egregores, civil servants and magistrates and back room operations crew who work in costume and make-up. We need lots of people to help us fill out all these roles, so if you're interested in getting involved in the IC side of Empire then we're keen to talk to you.

People sometimes assume that the plot crew is a good way for a brand new player to try Empire, but the truth is that everyone who works in the plot department is expected to have a good familiarity with the campaign setting. They need to know much more about the game than an average player and some basic experience with live roleplaying is usually valuable. Ultimately though the most important thing is enthusiasm so the plot crew welcome anyone who is keen to try out crewing.

Why Get Involved?

Being part of the right team on the plot crew can give you the opportunity to do the parts of LRP you like most. If you really enjoy fighting, then the skirmish team is perfect for you, if you like to play lots of different roles then the plot NPC team will suit you best. If you enjoy writing or running plot, making props or costume, or creating prosthetics of applying make-up then the plot crew includes specialized teams who do just that.

As one of the plot crew you'll be part of a great team that helps to create the event, but if you're playing an NPC then you also have a chance to roleplay and interact with the other characters in the game. Or as part of the back-room staff who run the monster tent and keep everything going you'll get a chance to be part of the plot being put together and sent out. If you enjoy creating plot, then writing for Empire gives you a chance to do work with some incredibly talented people and create plot on an epic scale.

Being part of the plot crew is pretty non-stop throughout the event. We'll try to give you a few hours off each event, so you can relax and socialize with friends, but it's not something you can easily combine with playing. It is hard work and you'll be challenged to constantly push yourself to try new things, but it's a fantastic team to be part of and a lot of fun.


There are many different teams in the plot crew, all of whom operate out of the monster tent - a massive tent full of people, costume and kit. It's a great environment to work in, there is always something going on as crew get briefed, dressed and made-up for their next part. At the end of the event all the plot crew come together to get the tent cleared quickly under guidance from the costume and props team.

Plot Team

The plot writers create the plot lines that help make Empire such an exciting game to play. Writers at Empire are encouraged to brief and run their own plot, though we are on hand to help at every stage. Running plot includes briefing and debriefing NPCs and helping to get encounters ready by liaising with costume and make-up. Some plot writers choose to play plot NPC roles or perform other responsibilities during the weekend when they are not briefing their plot.

Being an Empire plot writer is a great role if you enjoy creating plot and enjoy seeing players enjoy the game you have helped create. A little experience in writing is always useful, but is not essential. What is often more important is to have some experience playing a large fest LRP game, so that you understand and enjoy the kind of political game that we run. If you have ever wanted to create plot for a big game with over fifteen hundred players, this is your chance!

The plot writing team is run by Andy Rafferty. Andy has decades of plot writing experience, creating plot for fest systems like Maelstrom, Odyssey, and Empire. As the lead writer for the Empire setting he knows the campaign better than anyone and works closely with the writers to help them create plot that will bring that setting to life.

Beth Charlton

Plot NPC Team

Our plot NPC team play the roles that have been created and written by the plot writers that happen on the field and in the Hall of Worlds. Members of the team portray minor Imperial NPCs, eternals and their heralds and representatives of other foreign powers. It is a great role for anyone who enjoys working with writers to create enjoyable plot for players.

The team is run by Beth Charlton who also handles all requests to join the plot crew, talking to people to make sure they know what is involved. Beth works with the NPCs to try and ensure that they get a chance to play the kind of roles that they enjoy.


Our skirmish team are the dedicated crew whose responsibility is to bring to life the battles, skirmishes and quests that the players choose to fight. There is a great team spirit amongst those who enjoy being part of what is effectively our monster faction. We aim to run all our fights using IC leadership and commands, so there are a range of roles for people.

The skirmish team is a great role for anyone who enjoys fighting and roleplaying a warrior or similar character on a battlefield. It is run by Chira Roberts, Faith Lilley and Matt Moya.

Clare Evans

Field NPC Team

We have a number of crew who play a single recurring role based in Anvil throughout the weekend. These roles are highly specialized with a clear focus on providing support and assistance to the game and the players. The civil servants support the main political structures of the Empire, providing logistical support to the players to run the Empire. The magistrates operate the Empire's legal system directing the player militia as they follow up crimes that have taken place. Our egregores are based in the nations themselves with a remit to support the feel of the nation and encourage the roleplaying in the camp, while the bards in the Three Refrains are more likely to wander the Imperial camps looking to bring music and aid to the people of the Empire. Finally our Academy team look after the interests of our younger players. The Head of the Field NPC team is Clare Evans and the Head of the Civil Service team is Jonathan Kidger.

Plot Production

The Plot Production department consists of several smaller teams: Costume, Makeup, Props, Encounter Tents, SFX, and Workshop. Together, these teams are responsible for bringing the ideas of our plot writers to life and ensuring that the game world accurately reflects the design briefs, both creatively and logistically. Additionally, all plot production teams are required to set up and take down their respective areas, as well as manage them during the event.

Phil D'Souza

The Costume and Makeup teams work closely with the NPC team to ensure that they are appropriately dressed for their various roles during each event. During events the costume team keep the kit rails tidy, accessible & organised, and are responsible for maintaining the consistency of kit briefs entering the player field. They are also in charge of creating, acquiring and repairing kit, typically during the downtime between events. The makeup team is responsible for transforming our NPCs into a wide range of characters, from colorful heralds from magical realms to lineage prosthetics and realistic wound makeup. They maintain a catalog of previous designs to reference and replicate, ensuring aesthetic continuity between events.

The Props department is responsible for organizing and maintaining PD's props and fulfilling prop requests from the running plots of each event. They also distribute props that have been returned from plots back to their relevant labeled storage crates.

The Encounter Tent team is in charge of set dressing and creating spaces that represent different parts of the game world outside of Anvil. This allows multiple plots to run simultaneously for small groups of players, including Past Life Visions (PLVs) and Plenipotentiaries. Each tent usually has a predetermined theme for each event to support the needs of the plots, and these sets are changed multiple times during each event, whether it's changing color schemes and decorations or creating major rebuilds, such as a collapsed mineshaft obstacle course.

Dhiamara Coulson

The SFX team is in charge of lighting, sound, projection, atmospheric effects, and pyrotechnics. They primarily operate in the Encounter Tents, the Regio, the Hall of Worlds, and the Skirmish Woods, setting up, operating, and taking down all equipment in these areas. They are also responsible for operating gas-powered portable smoke machines and any smoke grenades used on-site.

The Workshop consists of members from other Plot Production teams who utilize a wide range of skills to create bespoke props and set pieces. They work on various tasks such as creating banners, sculptures, wood carving, pyrography, and even creepy dolls used in rituals.

The heads of the Plot Production and SFX department is Phil D'Souza. Dhiamara Coulson is the head of the Costume team, Vicki Stephenson heads the Makeup team, Paul Cope is in charge of Props, and Jessica Simpson leads the Encounter Tent team.


Plot crew are generally busy throughout the event, so it is not a role that you can combine with playing the game. All crew are able to take a few hours off during the event, so you will have a chance to socialize with friends at the event.

Crew Links