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==The Empire==
{{CaptionedImage|file=Map-illustrated-superdetailed-MASTER-colour-e4-2017.png|link=|caption=Superdetailed colour Empire Map|width=500|align=center}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Map-illustrated-superdetailed-e3-2017.png|link=|caption=Superdetailed Empire Map|width=500|align=center}}

{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Empire-map-woodcut-hollow.gif|link=Map - Empire Overview Woodcut}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Empire-map-woodcut-hollow.gif|link=Map - Empire Overview Woodcut|caption=Empire Overview (Woodcut)}}

{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Empire-map-illus.gif|link=Map - Empire Overview}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Empire-map-illus.gif|link=Map - Empire Overview|caption=Empire Overview}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=EmpireDetailedMapThumb.jpg|link=Map - Detailed Empire|caption=Empire Detailed}}


==Imperial Nations==

== Where we are with maps ==

We are currently working on the maps of the Empire, and just wanted to give you a preview, let you know how we're planning to proceed and head off a few questions at the pass.
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapBrassCoastThumb.png|link=Brass Coast Maps|caption=The Brass Coast}}

We are working on the following maps:
* A more detailed map of Empire, showing territories, towns, cities, river and forest names, roads, Trods, and Interesting Places.
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapDawnThumb.png|link=Dawn Maps|caption=Dawn}}
* A more expansive map, showing barbarian lands around the Empire.
* A strategic campaign map of each nation and its surrounds, showing even more detailed information, that will become much more relevant as campaign rules are released.

While we can't nail dates to any of those, the first will be relatively soon, the second a bit further away, and it'll probably be a few months before the strategic map is nailed down.
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapHighguardThumb.png|link=Highguard Maps|caption=Highguard}}

=== How much can I make up in my background? ===

We will be providing major cities, towns and Interesting Places as a starting point, and will be looking at a mechanism (almost certainly via the New Player Team) to work out how we can ensure player groups can be connected to those locations (or even 'own' smaller ones).

In coming up with new places for your background, the rule of thumb, really, is 'would it be widely known about'? If it would, it's best to avoid it. Hopefully we'll be providing you with a dense enough network of biggish places for you to refer to already, without the need to crowd our maps with more.
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapLeagueThumb.png|link=League Maps|caption=League}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapMarchesThumb.png|link=Marches Maps|caption=The Marches}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapNavarrThumb.png|link=Navarr Maps|caption=Navarr}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapUrizenThumb.png|link=Urizen Maps|caption=Urizen}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapVarushkaThumb.png|link=Varushka Maps|caption=Varushka}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=MapWintermarkThumb.png|link=Wintermark Maps|caption=Wintermark}}
==Foreign Nations==
<div style="float: left; clear: right; margin-left:10px;">
<gallery heights=400 mode="packed">
<div style="float: left; clear: right; margin-left:10px;">
<gallery heights=400 mode="packed">
<div style="float: left; clear: right; margin-left:10px;">
<gallery heights=400 mode="packed">
Salt_Flats_of_Sanath_Regions.png|link=Salt Flats of Sanath
Forest of Ulnak regions.png|link=Forest of Ulnak
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Forest of Ulnak regions.png|link=Forest of Ulnak|caption=Forest of Ulnak}}
==The Wider World==
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=WorldSmallThumb.png|link=Map - Outside The Empire|caption=Outside the Empire}}
==Tactical Maps==
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Tactical Master Map.png|link=Map - Coloured Territories|caption=Empire and close nations}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Map-tactical-region-keyword-better.jpg|link=Map - Regions with Keywords|caption=Regions with Keywords}}
{{ThreeColIconImage|file=Map-tactical-ic-watercolour-small.jpg|link=Map - Coloured Territories|caption=Coloured Territories}}

Therefore we're happy for people to come up with small hamlets, small settlements or steadings, points of interest such as hidden waterfalls or caves, sheltered valleys and the like. Anything bigger is unlikely to fit in.
Maps by Daisy Abbott.

=== How big is the Empire? ===
Important note, control of territories and even regional keywords can change from event to event. Please try to make sure you are using the most recent version of the map that is available. There is no guarantee that the maps will be updated every event.

Very roughly, the Empire is 900 miles by 900 miles. Scale will be shown on upcoming maps.
The [[Gazetteer]] tells you all about the places on the map.
===Map Viewers===
Alongside the above, you can take a look at [ Nicholas Avenell's wonderful zoomable Google version of the Empire Map].

Also, Racheet Dave has now produced [ a cool dynamic map] so you can study the Empire territory by territory.
[[Category:The Empire]]

Latest revision as of 15:00, 20 December 2024

The Empire

Superdetailed colour Empire Map
Superdetailed Empire Map
Empire Overview (Woodcut)
Empire Overview
Empire Detailed

Imperial Nations

The Brass Coast
The Marches

Foreign Nations





The Wider World

Outside the Empire

Tactical Maps

Tactical Master Map.png
Empire and close nations
Regions with Keywords
Coloured Territories

Maps by Daisy Abbott.

Important note, control of territories and even regional keywords can change from event to event. Please try to make sure you are using the most recent version of the map that is available. There is no guarantee that the maps will be updated every event.

The Gazetteer tells you all about the places on the map.