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Look see, it's editable ...
{{CaptionedImage|file=SadoguaIcon.png|caption=''Sadogua'', portrait by third century artist Umkehrkopf di Holberg.|title=The portrait was part of the Tannhauser Collection, stolen by bandits in 342YE as it was being transported through Dawn towards Sarvos by the Tannhauser guild. It was said to have been imbued with magical powers by the eternal himself.|align=left|width=350}}
This is Andy Raff's page for doing things with links and the like. He can't believe he didn't think of it earlier.
This is Andy Raff's page for doing things with links and the like. He can't believe he didn't think of it earlier.

I suggest you move along, there's nothing to see here :)
I suggest you move along, there's nothing to see here :)
[[Long Tom Goodfellow]] [[Emperor Guntherm]]

[[Template:Season Duration]]<br>
Oh! I do have a Patreon mind, which you can find [ here] and a blog where I occasionally write about Empire stuff which is [ here].
[[Template:Day Duration]]<br>
[[Template:Year Duration]]<br>
==Fast Finder==
[[Template:Ten Minute Power]]<br>
* [[:Category:Plenipotentiary]]
[[Template:Coven Bond]]<br>
* [[:Category:Appraisal]]
[[Template:Ritual Substitution]]<br>
* [[:Category:History]]
[[Template:Magnitude Reduction]]<br>
==Sidebar Code==
<nowiki><div style="float:right; width: 500px; clear: right;"></nowiki>
[[Template:Area Aura]]<br>
<nowiki><div style="float:right; width: 300px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=WingedMessenger.png|caption=''Name'' (does something). A [[Call Winged Messenger|Winged Messenger]] can be sent to her at (address).|align=right|width=300}}</div></nowiki>
[[Template:Warding an Area]]<br>
==Image Codes==
<br><br>((Magic overview#Contributors|contributors)) <br><br>
* On the Left:
[[Pauper's Key]], [[Lodestone Shears]], [[Escharotic Cauldron]], [[Dragonbone Symbol]], [[Censer of Benediction]], [[Silent Bell]], [[Righteous Aspergil]], [[Shackles of Insight]], [[Mirror of the Virtuous]], [[Icon of the Hearth]], [[Icon of the Forge]], [[Icon of the Pilgrim]], [[Icon of the Justicar]], [[Icon of the High Tower]], [[Icon of Judgement]], [[Icon of the Witness]], [[Splendid Vestment]], [[Cowl of Judgement]], [[Labyrinthine Vestments]], [[Wayfarer's Robe]], [[Inquisitor's Cassock]], [[Keeper's Habit]], [[Templar's Cuculla]], [[Troubadour's Tunic]], [[Missionary Dalmatic]], [[Simar of Certainty]], [[Dragonbone Tunic]], [[Alabaster Cerement]], [[Dragonbone Reliquary]], [[Almery of Purity]], [[Wayfarer's Pyx]], [[Song of the Noonday Sun]], [[Inspiring Refrain]], [[Rhythm of Deep Resonance]], [[Whisper of Conviction]], [[Echoes of Glory]], [[Chorus of the Righteous]], [[Chant of Long Years]]
<nowiki><div style="float:left; width: 400px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=NAME|align=left|caption=I KNOW WRITERS WHO USE SUBTEXT AND THEY'RE ALL COWARDS.|width=400}}</div></nowiki>
* On the Right:
<nowiki><div style="float:right; width: 400px; clear: left;">{{CaptionedImage|file=NAME|align=left|caption=I'M ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO HAS WRITTEN MORE BOOKS THAN THEY'VE READ.|width=400}}</div></nowiki>
<nowiki><gallery heights=300 mode="packed"></nowiki><br>
and then<br>
==Colour Text==
Or just use<nowiki><div style="color: red;"></div></nowiki>
Set text color by using <nowiki> <span style="color:#009999"> This is an example...</span></nowiki> <span style="color:#009999"> This is an example...</span>
Set background color by using <nowiki><span style="background:#00FF00"> This is an example...</span></nowiki>
Set both by using <span style="color:#FFFFFF; background:#FF69B4"> This is an example...</span>
* Red: #ff0000
* Lime: #00ff00
* Yellow: #ffff00
* White: #ffffff
==Label Formatting==
<label type="success">Success</label>
<label type="warning">Warning</label>
<label type="important">Important</label>
<label type="info">Info</label>
<label type="success">Success</label>
<label type="warning">Warning</label>
<label type="important">Important</label>
<label type="info">Info</label>
==Autogenerate Senate Progress==
* Go to:
* Pick "Commission payments" and generate
* Copy the stuff
* Click "wiki page"
* Paste the stuff over what is already there

[[Twilight Orb]], [[Radiant Orb]], [[Amberglass Orb]], [[Burnished Orb]], [[Vitriolic Orb]], [[Greensteel Orb]], [[Dragonbone Orb]], [[Orator's Chalice]], [[Cartographer's Eye]], [[Web of Celestial Attunement]], [[The Green World]], [[The Fields of Glory]], [[The Iron Labyrinth]], [[The Barren Land]], [[The Empty Horizon]], [[The Flickering Flame]], [[The Eternal Gambit]], [[The Fountain of Thorns]], [[The Mountainous Oak]], [[The Spider's Web]], [[The Drowned Threshold]], [[The Key and the Gate]], [[The Vagabond Wyrm]], [[The Syphon of Stars]]
==Nation overview==
* Drop the landing pages that are trying to do the same job as the dropdown menu
* Instead they should contain text and information
* "Play this nation if..."
* [[Dawn groups]] [[The Marches groups]]
==Synod Template==
===Judgement 5===
* '''Assembly:'''
* '''Raised By:'''
* '''Judgement:'''
* '''Outcome:''' 
* '''Notes:'''

[[Blessing of New Spring]], [[The Hands of Sacred Life]], [[Hearthfire Circle]], [[Midwife's Recourse]], [[Turns The Circle]], [[Fan the Flame of New Life]], [[Charge of the Rushing Wind]], [[Churning Cauldron of Bravash]], [[Call Down Lightning's Wrath]], [[Spring Tides]], [[Rot's Rightful Claim]], [[Vitality of Rushing Water]], [[Rampant Growth]], [[Touch of Vile Humours]], [[Rising Roots that Rend Stone]], [[Foam and Spittle of the Furious Sea]], [[Forge the Wooden Fastness]], [[Thunderous Deluge]], [[Fetid Breath of Teeming Plague]], [[Rivers of Life]], [[Turgid Waters Sweep All Aside]], [[Thunderous Tread of the Trees]], [[Blood of the Hydra]], [[Fountain of Life]], [[Hands of the Healer]], [[Blood and Salt]], [[The Forest Remains]], [[Irrepressible Monkey Spirit]], [[Skin of Bark, Blood of Amber]], [[Fire in the Blood]], [[Chirurgeon's Healing Touch]], [[Hallow of the Green World]]
* '''Outcome:'''  {{GM}} (XXX-XX);

[[Renewed Strength of the New Day]], [[Tenacity of Jotra]], [[Unbreakable Spirit, Unbreakable Blades]], [[Strong Ox, Golden Sun]], [[Strength of the Bull]], [[The Swan's Cruel Wing]], [[Cunning Puissance of the Leaping Hare]], [[The Hammer of Thunder]], [[The Vigour of Youth]], [[Stout Resolve of the Unyielding]], [[Crimson Ward of Summer Stars]], [[The Sound of Drums]], [[Chasuble of Majesty]], [[Glorious Crown of Enchantment]], [[Splendid Panoply of Knighthood]], [[Challenge the Iron Duke]], [[Champions Shining Resolve]], [[Mantle of Lordly Might]], [[Raise the Standard of War]], [[Devastating Maul of Inga Tarn]], [[Unbreakable Behemoth's Strength]], [[Thundering Roar of the Lion-bound Horn]], [[Unfailing Walls of Verys]], [[Delve Deep, Beneath the Mountain]]
==The Wiki==
* What is the wiki
* how truth works - how we establish truth and the nature of reality
* WInds
* "FOIP"
* Don't need to read it all
* Contributions?
* Wiki contributors facebook group
* The important bits
==The Empire==
* Mention the meritocracy a bit
* The Empire calls any nation it is at war with "barbarians" while all other nations are considered "foreigners".

[[Black Iron Blade]], [[Fallow Fields and Dried Meat]], [[An Echo of Life Remains]], [[Hunger of the Draughir]], [[Words of Ending]], [[Mark the Flesh Incorruptible]], [[Tribute to the Thrice-Cursed Court]], [[Pallid Flesh of the Dead King]], [[Wisdom of the Balanced Blade]], [[Withering Touch of Frost]], [[Traitor's Fate]], [[Ruthless Vigilance, Healthy Crop]], [[Pakaanan's Iron Shutters]], [[Crumbling Flesh and Withering Limbs]], [[Hungry Grasp of Despair]], [[Freezing Brand of Irremais]], [[Coil of the Black Leech]], [[Ravenous Tongue of Entropy]], [[Circle of Trust]], [[Unyielding Constitution]], [[Hold Back Frozen Hunger]], [[There Is No Welcome Here]], [[Ward of the Black Waste]], [[Gnawing, Endless Hunger]], [[Last Breath Echoes]], [[Fight Tooth and Nail]], [[Clarion Call of Ivory and Dust]], [[Sorins Rite of Agony]], [[Whispers through the Black Gate]], [[Dreamscape of the Endless Hunt]], [[Naeve's Twisting Blight]], [[Inevitable Collapse into Ruin]], [[Howling Despite of the Yawning Maw]], [[Curse of Decrepitude]], [[Behold the Ultimate Fate]], [[Icy Maw Devours the Spark of Essence]], [[The Grave's Treacherous Edge]], [[Winter's Ghosts]], [[Quickening Cold Meat]], [[Wither the Seed]], [[Devastating Scythe of Anguish and Loss]], [[Wind of Mundane Silence]], [[Draw Up Ragarna's Deep Wisdom]]
===Other Stuff===
* Crime and punishment - don't be a dick
===Retired characters at sanctioned events===
Our rules cover our events. The baseline expectation is that sanctioned events operate to the same rules as PD events - because we think it's better if our players are not surprised if they attend such events. But organizers have used different rules at sanctioned events before now and very successfully (e.g. the hospital events).

So if an event organizer wanted to allow to retired characters then I'd expect them to discuss that with us during sanctioning. It's not something we'd always say no to - but we'd want to be happy with the way it was being dealt with - and be confident that they were aware of the potential for abuse at their event. In general I'd recommend against it for high-combat, high-threat events - but be less concerned for relaxed social events.

[[Piercing Light of Revelation]], [[Ascetic Star of Atun]], [[Horizon's Razor Edge]], [[Illuminate the Higher Mind]], [[Distillation of Diverse Parts]], [[The Celestial Library]], [[The Solace of Chimes]], [[Bright Lantern of Ophis]], [[Reading the Weave]], [[Sign of Aesh]], [[Cold Water from the Mountain]], [[Crystal Clarity of the Rational Soul]], [[Revelation of the Jewel's Sparkling Heart]], [[Ascendance of the Highest Mind]], [[Spider Folds the Net]], [[Clear Lens of the Eternal River]], [[Thought Becomes Action]], [[Sular's Promise]], [[Kimus' Glaring Eye]], [[Eyes of the Sun and Moon]], [[The Eye of the High Places]], [[Ensnaring Bond of Transient Stasis]], [[Swim Leviathan's Depth]], [[Sular's Trailblazing Light]], [[Standing at the Threshold]], [[Carve the Crystal Guardian]], [[All the World in a Grain of Sand]], [[Crystaline Focus of Aesh]], [[Transcendent Mastery]], [[Alignment of Mind and Blade]], [[Revelatory Light of the Empyrean Spheres]], [[Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths]], [[Bind the Byzantine Bureaucracy]], [[Clarity of the Master Strategist]]
===[[The Setting]]===
* Look at the top bar for segment titles
* Fundamentally about the empire and what happens in it - we don't model the external factions in detail. External stuff exists to create interesting interactions in the Empire. This doesn't mean the EMpire is the most important place in the world IC, but it is OOC.
* Ten nations - your character will be a member of one of those ten nations
* Closed world - established setting - game overview
* Six other magical realms - cosmology
* Reincarnation is considered a fact, most religions accept it as true. the Way is the only official religion in the EMpire other nations have their own. Conflict ensues. No gods/no divine authorities.
* People - unlike many fantasy games there are only a few sapient species - humans and orcs by far make up the majority - lineage exists
* Not a medieval world - something about technology and society not being a trad medaevil setting
* Gender/sexuality bias just doesn't exist - resist urge to use word coolthentic

[[Missive for Sadogua]], [[Freedom of the Soul]], [[Masque of the Blinded Weaver]], [[Signs and Portents]], [[Secrets for the Shadow Courier]], [[Secrets of Skillful Artifice]], [[Secrets of the Empty Heart]], [[Thief's Arcane Gambit]], [[Incantation's Mystic Mask]], [[Cast Off The Chain of Memory]], [[The Eight-spoked Wheel]], [[Riddle hides the Reward]], [[Verdant Bountry of the Twilight Bayou]], [[The Retrograde Wheel]], [[Drawing the Penumbral Veil]], [[The Twilight Masquerade]], [[The Ebb and Flow of Battle]], [[Whispering Shadow Courtiers]], [[Unfettered Anarchy]], [[Conclave of Trees and Shadow]], [[Sift the Dreamscape's Sands]], [[Dripping Echoes of the Fen]], [[Vale of Shadows]], [[Align the Celestial Net]], [[Transmogrification of the Soul's Echo]], [[Plague of Nightmares]], [[Distill the Serpent's Stone]], [[Wondrous Forests of Night]], [[Shroud of Mist and Shadow]], [[Wyr Steals the Way]], [[Shadows and Moss]], [[Miasmatic Mindstorm]], [[Embrace the Living Flame]], [[Still Waters, Running Deep]], [[+3 hero points]], [[Shadowed Glass of Sung]], [[The Chamber of Delights]]
==Mandate Template==
<nowiki>{{Mandate|mandate=Some text with exciting words and how much liao.|assembly=Varushkan National Assembly}}</nowiki>
==Statement Template==
==Emphasis Subheading Code==
<nowiki><span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Up to 5000</span><br></nowiki>
<nowiki><onlyinclude> My content </onlyinclude></nowiki>
<nowiki>{{:TARGET PAGE}}</nowiki>

[[Words of Ending]]
==Audiolink Template==
==Replace Text==
==Collapsible Table==
<table class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" ><tr><td style="background-color: LightBlue;">Double-sided Blade</td><td style="background-color: LightBlue;">Production</td></tr>
<tr><td>7 crowns</td><td>3 doses of [[Double-sided_Blade#Warming_Armour|Warming Armour]]</td></tr>
==Limited TOC==
<nowiki><div class="toclimit-X">TOC</div></nowiki>
where X is largest number of "=" that appear in the TOC
See also: [[Help:Table_of_Contents]]
==Item Table Template==
<nowiki><tr><td>[[NAME]]</td><td>POWER TEXT FROM ITEM PAGE</td><td style="text-align: center;">TIME</td><td style="text-align: center;">OR</td><td style="text-align: center;">TJ</td><td style="text-align: center;">GI</td><td style="text-align: center;">WS</td><td style="text-align: center;">AG</td><td style="text-align: center;">BL</td><td style="text-align: center;">DB</td><td style="text-align: center;">IG</td></tr></nowiki>
<nowiki>#REDIRECT [[pagename]]</nowiki>
* How creation is put together
* Where the Realms are
* The theory that the closer you get to the center of a realm the purer it gets - the Eternals live on the outsides because they are not pure. Pure eternals would be so one-note they couldn't really communicate with PCs very well etc etc
* [[Broken Shore]]
* [[Empress Vesna]]
* [[Heliopticon]]
* [[Template:Conjunction Link]]
* [[Template:Vallorn links]]
* [[Template:regain power]], [[Template:regain heroics]] - all the "restore uses if you use powers that give you all your points back" rituals should be here
* [[Template:shroud]] - is the "removing the shroud" rules that should go on every shroud
* [[Template:Assembly]]
* [[Template:Prominent Overview]]
* [[Template:Dawn Links]] [[Template:Highguard Links]] [[Template:Imperial Orcs Links]] [[Template:The League Links]] [[Template:The Marches Links]] [[Template:Navarr Links]] [[Template:Urizen Links]] [[Template:Wintermark Links]] [[Template: Varushka Links]]
* [[greater majority]]
* [[Template:Imperial Addresses]]
* [[Template:Timey Wimey]]; [[Template:Mass Ref-effect]]
* [[Template:Season Duration]]; [[Template:Day Duration]]; [[Template:Year Duration]];<br>
* [[Template:Ten Minute Power]]; [[Template:Coven Bond]]; [[Matt on Empire]]<br>
* [[Template:Ritual Substitution]]; [[Template:Magnitude Reduction]];
* [[Template:Curse]];
* [[Template:Regio]];
* [[Template:Area Aura]];
* [[Template:Warding an Area]]
* [[Template:Target Resource]]; [[Template:Target Character]]; [[Template:Target Territory]]; [[Template:Target Empire]]; [[Template:Target Group]];  [[Template:Target Object]]; [[Template:Fortification]];
* [[Template:Senate Motion]]
* [[Template:Army Strength Ritual]]
* [[Template:Responsibilities Expectation]]
* [[Template:Offensive Spell]]
* [[Template:Daggers]]; [[Template:One-Handed Weapons]]; [[Template:Great Weapons]]; [[Template:One-Handed Spears]]; [[Template:Paired Weapons]]; [[Template:Polearms]]; [[Template:Bows]]; [[Template:Wands]]; [[Template:Rods]]; [[Template:Staffs]]; [[Template:Ritual Staves]]; [[Template:Icons]]; [[Template:Musical Instruments]]; [[Template:Instrument Effect]]; [[Template:Light Armour]]; [[Template:Medium Armour]];[[Template:Heavy Armour]];[[Template:Mage Armour]]: [[Template:Mage Robes]]; [[Template:Vestments]]; [[Template:Paraphernalia]]; [[Template:Reliquary]]; [[Template:Shields]]; [[Template:Jewellery]]; [[Template:Foci]]; [[Template:Tool]]; [[Template:Regalia]] [[Template:Magical Standards]]
* [[Template:Druj Links]]
* [[Template:Musical Use]]
* [[Template:Ceremonial skills further reading]]
* [[Template:Ritual Raiment]]
* [[Template:Senate Elections]]
* [[Template:Steph]]
* [[Template:Army Page]]
* [[Template:Lineage Links]]
* [[Spring rituals]], [[Summer rituals]], [[Autumn rituals]], [[Winter rituals]], [[Day rituals]], [[Night rituals]]
* [[Template:Costume Advice]]
* [[Mana crystals]], [[Ritual]], [[Urizen lore]], [[tenure]]
* [[Talking to eternals]]
* [[Template:Strategic Considerations]]
: [[Mirror of Perfection]], [[Flame and the Flood]], [[An Echo of Songs]], and [[The Stargazer's Astrolabe]]
* [[Hall of Worlds]]
* [[Amity and enmity]]
* [[Template:Imperial Reduction]]
* [[Template:Runesmith's Law]]
* [[Administrative motion]]
* [[385YE Autumn Equinox Synod judgements]]

==Dealing with Curses==
==Dealing with Curses==
Line 48: Line 207:
|[[Curse of Gangrenous Flesh]] (Mag 50)
|[[Curse of Gangrenous Flesh]] (Mag 50)
|[[Distill the Serpent's Stone]] (Mag 70)
|[[Amalgamation_of_Silver_and_Gold]] (Mag 70)
|[[Curse of Decrepitude]] (Mag 50)
|[[Curse of Decrepitude]] (Mag 50)
|[[Distill the Serpent's Stone]] (Mag 70)
|[[Amalgamation_of_Silver_and_Gold]] (Mag 70)
|[[Gnawing, Endless Hunger]] (Mag 20)
|[[Gnawing, Endless Hunger]] (Mag 20)
Line 74: Line 233:
|[[All the World in a Grain of Sand]] (Mag 30?), [[Unfettered Anarchy]] (Mag 10)
|[[All the World in a Grain of Sand]] (Mag 30?), [[Unfettered Anarchy]] (Mag 10)
|[[Distill the Serpent's Stone]] (Mag 70)
|[[Amalgamation_of_Silver_and_Gold]] (Mag 70)
|[[Curse of Decrepitude]] (Mag 50), [[Curse of Gangrenous Flesh]] (Mag 50)
|[[Curse of Decrepitude]] (Mag 50), [[Curse of Gangrenous Flesh]] (Mag 50)

[[Unseen Encasement]], [[Mundane beasts]] [[Legendary beasts]]
==Introduction to spellcasting==
As a regular spell, it takes ten seconds to cast detect magic on a target. You should make it very clear what the target is, by touching it or by waving or holding your hands over the target throughout. You may want to close your eyes, the better to focus your "magical sight", or examine the target from several angles. While many magicians perceive magical auras visually, you might want to roleplay that you perceive them using a different sense. You don't need to be a practitioner of the [[music of the spheres]] to "hear" magical auras as complex chords, for example. You might run your fingers over an item, or through the air above a character, "felling" the "shape" of the magic and speak in terms of a "texture" rather than a realm. A [[naga]] character in particular might enjoy demonstrating that [[lineage|lineage's]] [[Naga#Roleplaying_naga|discerning senses]] by "tasting" or "smelling" the aura in the air around the target (within the bounds of propriety, of course).
The use of a simple prop can make the casting of this easy spell especially memorable, especially when time is not of the essence. A [[Mystic]] might burn a herb or a stick of incense and inhale pungent smoke, while a [[Highguard|Highborn]] [[magister]] might dab pure water on either eyelid or a [[the League|League]] magician might study the target closely with a mirror to try and reveal it's true nature. Don't be afraid to interact with the target - turn the item over and over and study it carefully, or ask a character questions about how they feel or seemingly inconsequential details about their life.
It should be obvious you are casting a spell, and the easiest way to do this is through your spellcasting vocals. An easy way to do this is to vocalise what you are doing with phrases such as "''Let my inner eye be opened,''" or "''I seek answers from beyond the mundane world,''" or the like.
While the spell takes only ten seconds to cast, it can be very satisfying to continue the roleplaying even after the referee has delivered the result "uncovering" that information over the course of several seconds of revelation. Describing the spell in evocative terms - rather than simply describing it as a "magnitude such and such, of such and such realm" - can help make the experience of casting the spell more powerful. "''This magic is warm, it's like it's alive, it almost has a heart beat - I think it is an enchantment drawn from the realm of Spring''" or "''This spear thirsts for blood, it's hungry, I think it wants to cut me ... I think it has the power to strike deadly, fatal blows but after it does so it's sated and has to sleep for an entire day''" or "''The tulpa of the spider seems to think that this ritual is Winter magic, and it's quite powerful - it's a little scared, to be honest with you ... and so am I.''"
==No Return WOF==
Under cut
  This is not an official Wind of Fortune, it is a bit of fun for Dave Young's player event please treat it as such
Howell yawned and leant back against the tree. He was tired, and out of sorts. His throat had been tickling and his nose running all day, and he was worried he was coming down with a cold. Or something worse. They had been traveling close by the edge of the miasma, and it did not do to breathe too much of that foul air in without protection.
Rees paused up ahead, looked back, and made a furious gesture "''Catch up, lazy!''"
Howell muttered something uncharitable under his breath and forced himself forward, joining the other two hunters. It would be dark soon, and without the stars it would be ''very'' dark indeed here in the deep woods.
Rees signed quickly "''Leanne saw something''"
Howell felt his heart start to beat faster, all thought of colds and green lung driven from his head by sudden. cold worry. Leanne had her back to him, crouched, watching the woods to the south.
"What was it?" he asked - his voice loud. Rees made sharp gestures "''Quiet! Sign!''"
Leanne beckoned, turned slightly, signed quickly "''Something. Small. Child?''"
The three hunters watched the woods. "''See nothing,''" signed Howell. Rees agreed with a quick hand movement.
They all saw it at the same time, in the gathering gloom. A tinge in the air, something unwholesome. The stench of rotting, fecund vegetation washed over them. Miasma. A cloud of it, advancing like slow mist out of the trees.
And in the mist, shapes. One, then another, then another few. A dozen or more husks, poor dead souls inhabited by the malignant power of the vallorn. Three Navarr might be able to hold off a small group for a few minutes, if their aim was true and their spears envenomed ... but not this many. Not at night.
"We ... we better get the fuck out of here," said Howell, his voice steadier than he felt.
Rees was watching the gathering mist, oblivious. Howell grabbed his shoulder, got his attention, signed quickly.
Leanne shook her head. "''What about the child?''"
Rees and Howell looked at her sadly for just a moment, signing nothing. She bowed her head once in agreement, and then the three of them turned as one and began to run north through the twilight, without a backward glance.</ic>
The largest [[steading]] in the  [[Therunin#Upper Tarn Valley|Upper Tarn Valley]] is Return, and a few months ago, it fell silent. Old and well fortified, it kept a close watch on [[Therunin#Sweetglades|Sweetglades]] and [[Therunin#Greenheart|Greenheart]] to the south - on the [[Vallorn]] of [[Therunin]]. Oh, there are other steadings in Therunin watching over the vallorn and protecting the lush Tarn valley and the people of [[Therunin#Peakedge Song|Peakedge Song]] but Return was one of the oldest.
It would take something significant to silence such a place.

[[Matt's Scratchpad]]
As a band of Imperial citizens gathers in [[Reikos#Chalcis Mount|Chalcis Mount]] and Peakedge Stead to head down into the southern valleys to investigate, further unsettling rumours begin to emerge. The vallorn [[Vallorn#Vallorn_Miasma|miasma]] is blowing north out of Greenheart and Sweetglades, lapping around the nearest steadings in Upper Tarn Valley. The [[Lonely, dark, and deep|last time this happened was when the miasma spilled out into [[Casinea]], [[Astolat]], and [[Semmerholm]] from out of [[Brocéliande]]. That time, however, there seemed to be a clear cause - a combination of [[Druj]] malfeasance and the desperate rush of the Navarr army to prevent the most powerful vallorn in the Empire from claiming [[Brocéliande#Elerael|Elerael]]. Before that? Decades at least, and each time some clear indication of meddling to explain why the miasma spreads.

This time, there seems to be nothing to indicate what has triggered this unexpected outpouring of miasma. It is definitely thickest near Return, although a striding that passed near the place a week ago said they did not think the buildings there had been engulfed. Although, with other stories claiming there are [[vallornspawn husks]] moving in the forests not far from there... it can only be a matter of time.

==Use This on Disjunction Spell==
Sometimes the vallorn shifts in its slumbering chains. Sometimes, it rouses and reaches out and seeks to swallow what has been reclaimed from it. Perhaps this is the equivalent of a great beast rolling over, half-asleep. Perhaps it is the first sign of something rising in the heart of Therunin...  
You may disenchant a magical item including enchanted items and artefacts. The item ceases to be magical and becomes a mundane item. You should destroy the item ribbon after casting the spell. It is helpful to let a referee know if you use this spell on an item of note.

Hopefully Return holds the answer.

In addition to the reported disappearance of the people of Return, there are growing reports of vallorn activity in the area. Normally the deadly vallornspawn husks do not leave Therunin - but they often move with the miasma as it spreads - and spreading it is.

It's too early to tell if this is a major incursion, but it seems too much of a coincidence that the people of a major steading have disappeared shortly before the vallorn they watch becomes restive. Citizens travelling to Return may be in a position to head off a major incursion of the vallorn, or at least determine if there is any greater threat. Losing the Upper Tarn Valley to the vegetative menace would be a significant blow to the people of Therunin, especially with the large population of Great Forest [[orc|orcs]] agitating for control of the Lower Tarn Valley...

===OOC Note===
The vallorn of Therunin occupies two of the seven regions; the empire controls the other five. If the vallorn were to expand into a third region, then the Navarr would still control the territory - but if they lost a fourth region (say, to the orcs of [[the Barrens]], they would lose control of the territory entirely.

Mantle of the Mountebank
==Initial Temples Opportunity==
Sometimes called a ''shimmering doublet'' or a ''prismatic coat'', the mantle of the mountebank is usually a gorgeous, richly-coloured piece of clothing shot through with threads of moonsilver (weltsilver and mithril threads) and sungold (orichalcum and gold threads). Like the [[Volhov's Robe]], these magical garments have been in use for thousands of years in one form or another, since before magicians discovered how to form a coven bond.

Despite their name, they are used all over the Empire by magicians who have made a habit of mastering low-magnitude rituals that they can perform without recourse to either a [[Groups#Covens|coven]] or a [[regio]]. Whether offering swift medical aid with [[The Hands of Sacred Life]] or alchemical transmutations with [[The Eight-spoked Wheel]], a ritualist with a mantle of the mountebank can perform their rituals quickly and efficiently when time is of the essence, or when there is a chance they will need to perform multiple rituals in a short period of time.
  <td>[[Seven_lords_of_virtue|Opportunity]] to build temple to Balo and the Black Bull in the Empire in return for a temple to the "Seven Lords of Virtue" in Asavea</td>
  <td>Spring 380YE</td>
  <td>Temples built - eventually</td>

The mantle has a slightly dubious reputation, especially in the [[The League|League]] where [[Troupe|troupes]] of magicians stage elaborate rituals in front of audiences. It cannot be denied that some magicians who have made use of this garment have a reputation for being a little ... ''furtive''. Mischief is easier to engage in the faster it can be performed, and while the magical robe is simply too useful to have been declared illegal, some magistrates look askance at anyone who is not clearly a solid law-abiding citizen who is found in possession of one.

While the mantle of the mountebank is useful, the restriction that it cannot be used when performing a ritual with a coven, or when accessing the power of a regio, means that it is also occasionally seen by other magicians as the sign of a 'dabbler' who prefers to perform small-scale, personal magic rather than wield the full power that ritual lore has to offer. More than one mountebank has opined that such detractors are simply jealous.
==Temple of Balo and the Black Bull==
  <td>Attempt to [[380YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements|veto]] the building of the temple</td>
  <td>Spring 380YE</td>
  <td>Judgement 58 failed</td>
  <td>[[Temple_of_the_bull|Temple commissioned]]</td>
  <td>Summer 380YE</td>
  <td>[[380YE_Summer_Solstice_Synod_judgements|Various synod judgements]] (14 and 46 passed) delayed completion of the temple until Spring 381YE</td>
  <td>[[Those_who_worship|Issues arising during construction]]</td>
  <td>Winter 380YE</td>
  <td>Eventually completed</td>
  <td>[[Distant_deeps||Issues arising once it was complete]]</td>
  <td>Spring 381YE</td>
  <td>[[381YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements|Various synod judgements]] (52, 75 and 91 passed)</td>
  <td>When Grendel invaded Feroz, Imperial citizens [[383YE_Spring_Equinox_winds_of_war#Sand|took shelter]] in the temple</td>
  <td>Spring 383YE</td>
  <td>Citizens apparently smuggled out</td>
  <td>Loss of Feroz to Grendel</td>
  <td>Winter 383YE</td>
  <td>Benefits of temple lost</td>

* '''Form:''' Robes.
* '''Effect:''' When you are performing a solo ritual without drawing on a coven bond and without using a regio, you can perform that ritual in one minute rather than two.
* '''Materials:''' Crafting a mountebank's mantle requires five measures of [[Materials#Iridescent Gloaming|iridescent gloaming]], three measures of [[Materials#Ambergelt|ambergelt]], three ingots of [[Materials#Weltsilver|weltsilver]] and three ingots of [[Materials#Orichalcum|orichalcum]]. It takes one month to make one of these items.

<ic>IC text assigned to Harry</ic>
==Temple of the "Seven Lords of Virtue"==
  <td>Synod [[380YE_Winter_Solstice_Synod_judgements|grudgingly endorsed]] construction </td>
  <td>Winter 380YE</td>
  <td>Judgement 3 (supporting it) passed, judgement 32 (condeming it) failed</td>
  <td>Construction [[Construct_Temple_of_the_Way_in_Nemoria|commissioned]]</td>
  <td>Winter 380YE</td>
  <td>Not completed to Winter 381YE, due to delays in construction of  the Temple of Balo and the Black Bull</td>
  <td>[[Judged_by_their_company|Opportunity]] to train Asavean priests</td>
  <td>Summer 382YE</td>
  <td>With [[382YE_Summer_Solstice_Synod_judgements#Judgement_20|synod approval]], training began</td>
  <td>[[Through_my_sails#Ruined_Buildings|Temple]] damaged</td>
  <td>Summer 383YE</td>
  <td>Wisdom assembly [[383YE_Autumn_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_104|voted]] to destroy both temples; [[383YE_Autumn_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_33|Judgement of Rewarding]] passed for the cost of repairs passed, but a Senate Commission is still needed before construction can begin</td>
[[EmpireWiki:Mournwold#Southmoor|Southmoor page]]<br/>
[[EmpireWiki:Emperor James]] was from Sarcombe, 257-281YE. He's on the white granite wainleaves, I think?
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:379YE_Winter_Solstice_winds_of_war#The_Mourning_Wind|Hillstop fortification completed by the Jotun]]</td><td>379, pre-Winter</td><td>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Fortify_Southmoor|Senate attempt to fortify Southmoor before the Empire controls it]]</td><td>381YE, Autumn</td><td>Fails, perhaps unsurprisingly</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:381YE_Winter_Solstice_winds_of_war#The_Memories_Scarred|Final part of campaign; Hillstop razed]]</td><td>381YE, pre-Winter</td><td>Southmoor liberated</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:This_land_is_your_land#The_Third_Pie|Asking for a third fortification on Hillstop's ruins]]</td><td>381YE, pre-Winter</td><td>Opportunity not pursued</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Mournwold_spoils_of_war#The_Old_Oak.2C_Sarcombe|Spoil of war: 'The Old Oak' in Sarcombe]]</td><td>381YE Winter</td><td>Presumably assigned? Is it still assigned to someone?</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Mournwold_spoils_of_war#The_Black_Hill|Spoil of war: 'The Black Hill', not far from Sarcombe]]</td><td>381YE Winter</td><td>Was controlled by the "Circle of the Steel King, a group of peculiar Jotun thralls led by Casta the Black". Was this assigned to a Marcher, or are the orcs still in control?</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Charter Sarcombe market town]]</td><td>381YE, Winter</td><td>Passed</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:United_in_law|Imperial Address talking about how great the charter is]]</td><td>382YE, Spring</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Think_of_the_children#The_Sarcombe_Register|The Sarcombe Register is proposed]]</td><td>382YE, pre-Autumn</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Starting_at_the_end#The_Grand_Western_Highway|Proposed extension of the Blood Red Roads into Sarcombe]] or [[EmpireWiki:Starting_at_the_end#The_Great_Westward_Canal|maybe a big canal from Meade to Sarcombe]]?</td><td>382YE, pre-Autumn</td><td>Neither opportunity pursued</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Construct Sarcombe Metal Market]]</td><td>382YE, Autumn</td><td>Passed - [[EmpireWiki:Master of Sarcombe Metal Market]] is up for appointment by Marcher Senators this coming event</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Construct Sarcombe Register]]</td><td>382YE, Autumn</td><td>Failed. This has, as ever, caused bad feelings</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[EmpireWiki:Construct Sarcombe Register II]]</td><td>382YE, Winter</td><td>Passed at folly level (so doesn't really do v much)</td></tr>

Latest revision as of 10:07, 16 October 2024

The portrait was part of the Tannhauser Collection, stolen by bandits in 342YE as it was being transported through Dawn towards Sarvos by the Tannhauser guild. It was said to have been imbued with magical powers by the eternal himself.
Sadogua, portrait by third century artist Umkehrkopf di Holberg.


This is Andy Raff's page for doing things with links and the like. He can't believe he didn't think of it earlier.

I suggest you move along, there's nothing to see here :)

Oh! I do have a Patreon mind, which you can find here and a blog where I occasionally write about Empire stuff which is here.

Fast Finder

Sidebar Code

<div style="float:right; width: 500px; clear: right;">

<div style="float:right; width: 300px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=WingedMessenger.png|caption=''Name'' (does something). A [[Call Winged Messenger|Winged Messenger]] can be sent to her at (address).|align=right|width=300}}</div>

Image Codes

  • On the Left:

<div style="float:left; width: 400px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=NAME|align=left|caption=I KNOW WRITERS WHO USE SUBTEXT AND THEY'RE ALL COWARDS.|width=400}}</div>

  • On the Right:

<div style="float:right; width: 400px; clear: left;">{{CaptionedImage|file=NAME|align=left|caption=I'M ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO HAS WRITTEN MORE BOOKS THAN THEY'VE READ.|width=400}}</div>


<gallery heights=300 mode="packed">
and then



Colour Text

Or just use<div style="color: red;"></div>

Set text color by using <span style="color:#009999"> This is an example...</span> This is an example...

Set background color by using <span style="background:#00FF00"> This is an example...</span>

Set both by using This is an example...

  • Red: #ff0000
  • Lime: #00ff00
  • Yellow: #ffff00
  • White: #ffffff

Label Formatting

Default Success Warning Important Info

<label type="success">Success</label>
<label type="warning">Warning</label>
<label type="important">Important</label>
<label type="info">Info</label>

Autogenerate Senate Progress

Nation overview

  • Drop the landing pages that are trying to do the same job as the dropdown menu
  • Instead they should contain text and information
  • "Play this nation if..."
  • Dawn groups The Marches groups

Synod Template

Judgement 5

  • Assembly:
  • Raised By:
  • Judgement:
  • Outcome:
  • Notes:
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (XXX-XX);

The Wiki

  • What is the wiki
  • how truth works - how we establish truth and the nature of reality
  • WInds
  • "FOIP"
  • Don't need to read it all
  • Contributions?
  • Wiki contributors facebook group
  • The important bits

The Empire

  • Mention the meritocracy a bit
  • The Empire calls any nation it is at war with "barbarians" while all other nations are considered "foreigners".

Other Stuff

  • Crime and punishment - don't be a dick

Retired characters at sanctioned events

Our rules cover our events. The baseline expectation is that sanctioned events operate to the same rules as PD events - because we think it's better if our players are not surprised if they attend such events. But organizers have used different rules at sanctioned events before now and very successfully (e.g. the hospital events).

So if an event organizer wanted to allow to retired characters then I'd expect them to discuss that with us during sanctioning. It's not something we'd always say no to - but we'd want to be happy with the way it was being dealt with - and be confident that they were aware of the potential for abuse at their event. In general I'd recommend against it for high-combat, high-threat events - but be less concerned for relaxed social events.

The Setting

  • Look at the top bar for segment titles
  • Fundamentally about the empire and what happens in it - we don't model the external factions in detail. External stuff exists to create interesting interactions in the Empire. This doesn't mean the EMpire is the most important place in the world IC, but it is OOC.
  • Ten nations - your character will be a member of one of those ten nations
  • Closed world - established setting - game overview
  • Six other magical realms - cosmology
  • Reincarnation is considered a fact, most religions accept it as true. the Way is the only official religion in the EMpire other nations have their own. Conflict ensues. No gods/no divine authorities.
  • People - unlike many fantasy games there are only a few sapient species - humans and orcs by far make up the majority - lineage exists
  • Not a medieval world - something about technology and society not being a trad medaevil setting
  • Gender/sexuality bias just doesn't exist - resist urge to use word coolthentic

Mandate Template

{{Mandate|mandate=Some text with exciting words and how much liao.|assembly=Varushkan National Assembly}}

Statement Template


Emphasis Subheading Code

<span style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;">Up to 5000</span><br>


<onlyinclude> My content </onlyinclude> {{:TARGET PAGE}}

Audiolink Template


Replace Text


Collapsible Table

<table class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" ><tr><td style="background-color: LightBlue;">Double-sided Blade</td><td style="background-color: LightBlue;">Production</td></tr> <tr><td>7 crowns</td><td>3 doses of [[Double-sided_Blade#Warming_Armour|Warming Armour]]</td></tr> </table>

Limited TOC

<div class="toclimit-X">TOC</div> where X is largest number of "=" that appear in the TOC

See also: Help:Table_of_Contents

Item Table Template

<tr><td>[[NAME]]</td><td>POWER TEXT FROM ITEM PAGE</td><td style="text-align: center;">TIME</td><td style="text-align: center;">OR</td><td style="text-align: center;">TJ</td><td style="text-align: center;">GI</td><td style="text-align: center;">WS</td><td style="text-align: center;">AG</td><td style="text-align: center;">BL</td><td style="text-align: center;">DB</td><td style="text-align: center;">IG</td></tr>


#REDIRECT [[pagename]]


  • How creation is put together
  • Where the Realms are
  • The theory that the closer you get to the center of a realm the purer it gets - the Eternals live on the outsides because they are not pure. Pure eternals would be so one-note they couldn't really communicate with PCs very well etc etc



Mirror of Perfection, Flame and the Flood, An Echo of Songs, and The Stargazer's Astrolabe

Dealing with Curses

Curse Removal
All the World in a Grain of Sand (Mag 30?) Transmogrification of the Soul's Echo (Mag 60)
Unfettered Anarchy (Mag 10) Transmogrification of the Soul's Echo (Mag 60)
Curse of Gangrenous Flesh (Mag 50) Amalgamation_of_Silver_and_Gold (Mag 70)
Curse of Decrepitude (Mag 50) Amalgamation_of_Silver_and_Gold (Mag 70)
Gnawing, Endless Hunger (Mag 20) "powerful rituals that remove hunger"
Dreamscape of the Endless Hunt (Mag 30) "powerful rituals that remove fear"
Wither the Seed (Mag 150) "a powerful ritual to restore fertility of around mag 200"
Like Water Through Your Fingers (Mag 30) "a powerful ritual to correct the vagaries of fate and chance"
Removal Effects
Transmogrification of the Soul's Echo (Mag 60)?) All the World in a Grain of Sand (Mag 30?), Unfettered Anarchy (Mag 10)
Amalgamation_of_Silver_and_Gold (Mag 70) Curse of Decrepitude (Mag 50), Curse of Gangrenous Flesh (Mag 50)

Introduction to spellcasting

As a regular spell, it takes ten seconds to cast detect magic on a target. You should make it very clear what the target is, by touching it or by waving or holding your hands over the target throughout. You may want to close your eyes, the better to focus your "magical sight", or examine the target from several angles. While many magicians perceive magical auras visually, you might want to roleplay that you perceive them using a different sense. You don't need to be a practitioner of the music of the spheres to "hear" magical auras as complex chords, for example. You might run your fingers over an item, or through the air above a character, "felling" the "shape" of the magic and speak in terms of a "texture" rather than a realm. A naga character in particular might enjoy demonstrating that lineage's discerning senses by "tasting" or "smelling" the aura in the air around the target (within the bounds of propriety, of course).

The use of a simple prop can make the casting of this easy spell especially memorable, especially when time is not of the essence. A Mystic might burn a herb or a stick of incense and inhale pungent smoke, while a Highborn magister might dab pure water on either eyelid or a League magician might study the target closely with a mirror to try and reveal it's true nature. Don't be afraid to interact with the target - turn the item over and over and study it carefully, or ask a character questions about how they feel or seemingly inconsequential details about their life.

It should be obvious you are casting a spell, and the easiest way to do this is through your spellcasting vocals. An easy way to do this is to vocalise what you are doing with phrases such as "Let my inner eye be opened," or "I seek answers from beyond the mundane world," or the like.

While the spell takes only ten seconds to cast, it can be very satisfying to continue the roleplaying even after the referee has delivered the result "uncovering" that information over the course of several seconds of revelation. Describing the spell in evocative terms - rather than simply describing it as a "magnitude such and such, of such and such realm" - can help make the experience of casting the spell more powerful. "This magic is warm, it's like it's alive, it almost has a heart beat - I think it is an enchantment drawn from the realm of Spring" or "This spear thirsts for blood, it's hungry, I think it wants to cut me ... I think it has the power to strike deadly, fatal blows but after it does so it's sated and has to sleep for an entire day" or "The tulpa of the spider seems to think that this ritual is Winter magic, and it's quite powerful - it's a little scared, to be honest with you ... and so am I."

No Return WOF

Under cut

Initial Temples Opportunity

Opportunity to build temple to Balo and the Black Bull in the Empire in return for a temple to the "Seven Lords of Virtue" in Asavea Spring 380YE Temples built - eventually

Temple of Balo and the Black Bull

Attempt to veto the building of the temple Spring 380YE Judgement 58 failed
Temple commissioned Summer 380YE Various synod judgements (14 and 46 passed) delayed completion of the temple until Spring 381YE
Issues arising during construction Winter 380YE Eventually completed
|Issues arising once it was complete Spring 381YE Various synod judgements (52, 75 and 91 passed)
When Grendel invaded Feroz, Imperial citizens took shelter in the temple Spring 383YE Citizens apparently smuggled out
Loss of Feroz to Grendel Winter 383YE Benefits of temple lost

Temple of the "Seven Lords of Virtue"

Synod grudgingly endorsed construction Winter 380YE Judgement 3 (supporting it) passed, judgement 32 (condeming it) failed
Construction commissioned Winter 380YE Not completed to Winter 381YE, due to delays in construction of the Temple of Balo and the Black Bull
Opportunity to train Asavean priests Summer 382YE With synod approval, training began
Temple damaged Summer 383YE Wisdom assembly voted to destroy both temples; Judgement of Rewarding passed for the cost of repairs passed, but a Senate Commission is still needed before construction can begin
