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==Role within the Empire==
==Role within the Empire==
The Bourse is intended to raise money for the Imperial treasury and ensure that [[ilium]], [[mithril]], [[weirwood]] and [[white granite]] are directed to where they can provide the most economic benefit, rather than being assigned by political or military patronage.
The Bourse is intended to raise money for the Imperial treasury and ensure that [[ilium]], [[mithril]], [[weirwood]] and [[white granite]] are directed to where they can provide the most economic benefit, rather than being assigned by political or military patronage.
Merchants bid for Imperial positions on the Bourse and those that are successful gain control of one of the Bourse positions and the production that comes with it. It is then left to them to sell these resources at whatever price they can. Although there are frequent accusations of profiteering, when the market functions as intended it ensures that significant sums of money are paid through the Bourse into the Imperial treasury for use by the Empire.
Merchants bid for Imperial positions on the Bourse and those that are successful gain control of one of the Bourse positions and the production that comes with it. It is then left to them to sell these resources at whatever price they can. Although there are frequent accusations of profiteering, when the market functions as intended it ensures that significant sums of money are paid through the Bourse into the Imperial treasury for use by the Empire.

In addition to the auction of Imperial Bourse positions there are a number of national positions which are voted on by key members of each nation. The expectation is that the citizens that are elected to control these bourse positions will use the resources they generate for the benefit of their nation.
In addition to the auction of Imperial Bourse positions there are a number of national positions which are voted on by key members of each nation. The expectation is that the citizens that are elected to control these bourse positions will use the resources they generate for the benefit of their nation.

The Bourse often attracts a great deal of opprobrium, some aimed at the alleged greed of title holders, some at the perceived dysfunction of the arrangements. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Bourse is constitutional protected from interference by the Imperial Synod.  
The Bourse often attracts a great deal of opprobrium, some aimed at the alleged greed of title holders, some at the perceived dysfunction of the arrangements. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Bourse is constitutionally protected from interference by the Imperial Synod.

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Of the five houses of Imperial government, the Bourse is unique in that it does not have any formal sessions where members meet to discuss business or to vote on matters. According to the historical records, this is absolutely by design - Emperor Giovanni was adamant that it was not in the interests of the Empire that members of the Bourse should meet and settle arrangements between them. The Bourse is intended to pit members against each other for the benefit of the Empire, not to encourage cooperation.
Of the five houses of Imperial government, the Bourse is unique in that it has no means to vote on matters. Because of this there are no formal sessions where members meet to discuss business. According to the historical records, this is absolutely by design - Emperor Giovanni was adamant that it was not in the interests of the Empire that members of the Bourse should meet and settle arrangements between them. The Bourse is intended to pit members against each other for the benefit of the Empire, not to encourage cooperation.

Despite this there have been informal meetings of Bourse seat holders have been arranged at different periods during the Empire's history. Some of these meetings have been one-off affairs to address specific issues, at other times members have arranged regular meetings to hold votes or issue announcements. However these periods of cooperation have rarely lasted long, usually only as long as the interests members have aligned.
Despite this there have been informal meetings of Bourse seat holders have been arranged at different periods during the Empire's history. Some of these meetings have been one-off affairs to address specific issues, at other times members have arranged regular meetings to hold votes or issue announcements. However these periods of cooperation have rarely lasted long, usually only as long as the interests members have aligned.

Although there are no formal sessions of the Imperial Bourse - there is a public auction held at each summit where all vacant Imperial Bourse titles are sold to the highest bidder. The auction is [[event schedule|scheduled]] for Saturday afternoon, and usually begins at 3pm in the Senate building. Titles are settled using [|an open ascending price auction]. Any Imperial citizen with the money to invest is able to participate in the auction, but the winner must pay the winning bid immediately when the auction concludes, otherwise the title is offered to the next highest bidder. The winning bidder does not need to take the title themselves, it is acceptable for a citizen to employ a proxy to bid on their behalf.
Although there are no formal sessions of the Imperial Bourse - the Auction of the Seats is run by the Bourse at each summit. During the auction, all vacant Imperial Bourse titles are sold to the highest bidder by an [[Agent of the Bourse]], usually the Imperial Auctioneer. The Auction is [[event schedule|scheduled]] for Saturday afternoon, and usually begins at 2pm in the Senate building. Titles are settled using [|an open ascending price auction]. Any Imperial citizen with the money to invest is able to participate in the auction, but the winner must pay the winning bid immediately when the auction concludes, otherwise the title is offered to the next highest bidder. The winning bidder does not need to take the title themselves, it is acceptable for a citizen to employ a proxy to bid on their behalf.
In addition to the public auction of Imperial Bourse titles, citizens who own appropriate resources are entitled to allocate their votes for any national Bourse positions that are vacant at that summit. Voting opens on Saturday morning of the summit and concludes shortly after the public auction is complete.
Although not formally one of the powers of the Bourse, the public auction takes place in the Bourse and is operated by the civil servants who run the Bourse. The auction is open to all and supplies of herbs, mana crystals, resources, minor magical items and small lots of weirwood, mithril and white granite are auctioned to the highest bidder. It is relatively rare, but not unknown for more valuable items like Ilium, true liao or powerful items to appear in the public auction. Details of the lots are posted in the Bourse one hour before the auction begins.
===Auction of Appointments===
Over the years the Bourse has helped to create various minor Imperial positions and officers to help the Empire function. Individuals are appointed to these positions by auction - Bourse members commit funds in support of their preferred candidate. The candidate that receives the most support is appointed - and all bids by their supporters become the property of the state.
==Imperial and National Bourse Positions==
Imperial Seats on the Bourse are assigned to the highest bidder. These positions are available to any citizen of the Empire who does not already control an Imperial title or position. This means that members of the Synod, military or senate can bid for one of these Imperial Bourse position, but must resign their position if they are successful.
National Seats on the Bourse, by contrast, can only be filled by a citizen of the appropriate nation. In addition they are not auctioned off, as Imperial Bourse positions are, but voted upon by [[New_Imperial_titles#The_Imperial_Bourse|resource owners]] from that nation. The larger the personal holding an individual has, the more votes they can allocate in support to a candidate. The voting for national Bourse positions is handled by the civil servants in the Bourse. National Bourse positions are otherwise identical to Imperial Bourse positions.
==Mithril Seats==
All mithril seats are re-elected during the Autumn Equinox.
===Imperial Mithril Seats===
There are five Imperial Bourse Seats that produce mithril.
* The [[Brilliant Star]] in [[Redoubt]] produces 24 Imperial wains of mithril every season
* The [[Crawling Depths]] in [[Ossium]] produces 14 Imperial wains of mithril every season
* The [[Fortress of Salt]] in [[Temeschwar]] produces 25 Imperial wains of mithril every season.
* The [[Great Mine of Briante]] in [[Kahraman]] produces 22 Imperial wains of mithril every season.
* The [[Great Pits of Ennerlund]] in [[Holberg]] produce 27 Imperial wains of mithril every season.
===National Mithril Seats===
There are two National Bourse Seats that produce mithril in Imperial hands.
* The [[Eternal Shafts of Time]] in [[Karov]] produce 27 Imperial wains of mithril each season. Control of the Shafts is assigned to whichever Varushkan candidate receives the most support from Varushkan owners of [[mine]] resources.
* The [[Singing Caves]] in [[Mournwold]] produces 28 [[Imperial wain|Imperial wains]] of mithril every season. Control of the Singing Caves is assigned to whichever Marcher candidate receives the most support from Marcher owners of [[farm]] resources.
===Lost Mithril seats===
* The [[Legacy]] in [[Spiral]] produced 22 Imperial wains of mithril each season. Control of the Legacy was assigned to whichever Urizen candidate received the most support from Urizen owners of [[mana site]] resources. As of Spring 383YE, the Legacy has been conquered by the [[Druj]].
* The [[Pride of Ikka's Tears]] in [[Sermersuaq]] produced 15 Imperial wains of mithril each season. Control of the Pride of Ikka's Tears was assigned to whichever Wintermark candidate received the most support from Wintermark owners of [[military unit]] resources. As of Autumn 382YE, the Pride of Ikka's Tears has been conquered by the [[Jotun]].
==Weirwood Seats==
All weirwood seats are re-elected during the Winter Solstice.
===Imperial Weirwood Seats===
There are six Imperial seats that produce weirwood:
* The [[Golden Trees of Seren]] in [[Miaren]] produce 28 Imperial wains of weirwood each season.
* The [[Hunt of Alderei the Fair]] in [[Volodmartz]] produces 26 Imperial wains of weirwood each season.
* The [[Heartwood of the Great Vale]] in [[Hercynia]] produces 25 Imperial wains of weirwood each season.
* The [[Weirwater Vales]] in [[Weirwater]] produce 23 Imperial wains of weirwood each season.
* The [[Canterspire Circle]] in [[Morrow]] produces 22 Imperial wains of weirwood each season.
* The [[Great Forest at Reikos]] in [[Reikos]] produced 25 Imperial wains of weirwood each season.
===National Weirwood Seats===
There is one National weirwood Bourse Seat:
* The [[Thimble]] in [[Therunin]] produces 24 Imperial wains of weirwood each season. Control of the Thimble is assigned to whichever Navarr candidate receives the most support from Navarr owners of [[herb garden]] resources. As of Autumn 381YE, and the decision of the Senate to [[Permit Great Forest Orcs to work the Thimble]], the production has effectively fallen to 20 wains each season but the resource requires no upkeep from the Imperial Treasury.
==White Granite Seats==
All white granite Seats are auctioned or appointed during the Summer Solstice.
===Imperial White Granite Seats===
There are five Imperial Seats that produce white granite:
* The [[Damatian Cliffs]] in [[Kahraman]] produce 27 Imperial wains of white granite every season.
* The [[Brilliant Shore]] in [[Skarsind]] produces 26 Imperial wains of white granite every season
* The [[Night Quarry]] in [[Miekarova]] produces 26 Imperial wains of white granite every season.
* The [[Arratan Gamble]] in [[Tassato]] produces 25 Imperial wains of white granite every season.
* The [[Sutton Stone Quarries]] in [[Upwold]] produce 23 Imperial wains of white granite every season.
===National White Granite Seats===
There are two National Seats that produce white granite:
* The [[Granites of Veltsgorsk]] in [[Volodmartz]] produce 26 Imperial wains of white granite every season. Control of Veltsgorsk is assigned to whichever [[Varushka|Varushkan]] candidate receives the most support from Varushkan owners of [[forest]] resources.
* The [[Vigilant Swan]] in [[Reikos]] produces 25 Imperial wains of white granite every season. Control of the Vigilant Swan is assigned to whichever [[Highguard|Highborn]] candidate receives the most support from Highborn owners of [[congregation|congregations]].
==Ilium Seats==
All [[ilium]] seats are re-elected during the Spring Equinox.
===Imperial Ilium Seats===
There is one Imperial Seat that produces [[ilium]]:
* [[Syrene's Wisdom]] in [[Casinea]] produces 7 rings of ilium each season.
===National Ilium Seats===
There are three National seats that produce [[ilium]]. All ilium seats are re-appointed during the Spring Equinox. Bourse seats that are allocated on the basis of raids conducted by [[military unit|military units]], privateering by [[fleet|fleets]], or similar are based on the total effective size of all the contributing resources over the last four seasons:
* The [[Steel Fist]] provides 8 rings of ilium each season. it is appointed by the [[Imperial Orcs|Imperial orc]] legions who provide assistance to [[Imperial army|Imperial armies]] on campaign.
* The [[Regario Dossier]] provides 4 rings of ilium each season, along with an annual report relating to the activities of foreign powers. It is reserved for [[the League]] citizen who presents the largest bid.
* The [[Gift of the Dwindling Star]] provides 4 rings of ilium each season. It is appointed by [[Varushka|Varushkan]] owners of [[mine|mines]] and [[forest|forests]].
===Lost Ilium seats===
* The [[Stonefield Ice Caves]] provided 5 rings of ilium each season. It was allocated to whichever [[Wintermark]] [[military unit]] performed the biggest raid against the barbarian orcs. The Stonefield Ice Caves are not currently in Imperial Hands, having been ceded to the [[Thule]].
* The [[Scorrero Nets]] in [[Feroz]] produced 5 rings of ilium each season. It was auctioned to the highest bidder as an Imperial Bourse seat. As of Spring 383YE it has been conquered by the [[Grendel]]
* The [[Broken Shore Bounty]] provided 7 rings of ilium each season. It was appointed by the [[the Brass Coast|Freeborn]] [[fleet]] captains who engaged in [[Fleet#Take_Independent_Action|privateering]] in the Bay of Catazar. As of Spring 383YE it has been conquered by the [[Grendel]]
==Other Bourse Seats==
These appointments come with a Seat on the Bourse, but are not tied directly to the production of mithril, weirwood, white granite, or ilium.
===The Master of The Imperial Mint===
The [[Master of the Imperial Mint]] is a Bourse Seat reserved for the citizen of the League who presents the largest bid. The Master does not receive an income of Bourse resources, but is privy to privileged information about the Imperial economy and has powers to speak and address the [[Imperial Senate]].
===Castellan of Spiral Castle===
The [[Castellan of Spiral Castle]] is a Bourse Seat held by a [[Dawn|Dawnish]] citizen, appointed with the support of Dawnish [[military unit|military units]]. The Castellan has powers to order the resupply of [[Imperial armies]] stationed in [[Weirwater]]. The Seat spent many years vacant, but a new Castellan has recently been appointed following the return of Castle Spiral to the mortal world.
==Other Titles==
A number of other [[Imperial title|titles]] are also [[New_Imperial_titles#The_Imperial_Bourse|appointed]] through the Bourse. Any title that has economic power or responsibilities is likely to be bound to the Bourse. Unless the position includes administration of a supply of mithril, weirwood, white granite, ilium, or says otherwise, it does not bring with it a seat on the Bourse<!-- or access to the [[#Access to the Private Auction|private auction]]-->. The appointment of all these titles is organised and processed by the civil servants attached to the Bourse.
The Bourse also auctions the unique title [[Bearer of an Imperial Wayleave]]. These three titles each allow an Imperial citizen to [[commission]] certain types of structure without going through the Imperial Senate, but retain their title for only a single season.

==Table of Bourse Seats==
In addition to the Auction of the Seats, citizens who own appropriate resources are entitled to vote for any national Bourse positions that are vacant at that summit. Voting opens on Saturday morning of the summit and concludes shortly after the public auction is complete.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
Although not formally one of the powers of the Bourse, the [[public auction]] is operated by an [[Agent of the Bourse]]. The auction is open to all and supplies of herbs, mana crystals, resources, minor magical items and small lots of weirwood, mithril and white granite are auctioned to the highest bidder. It is relatively rare, but not unknown for more valuable items like Ilium, true liao or powerful items to appear in the public auction. Details of the lots are posted in the Bourse one hour before the auction begins. -->
! Name of Resource !! Method of Appointment !! Location !! Output !! Election
| The [[Arratan Gamble]] || Imperial || Tassato, Enterio || White Granite (25) || Summer
| The [[Brilliant Shore]] || Imperial || Skarsind, Gildermark || White Granite (26) || Summer
| The [[Brilliant Star]] || Imperial || Redoubt, Tomari || Mithril (24) || Autumn
<!--| The [[Broken Shore Bounty]] || National, Brass Coast, Fleets, Privateering || Feroz, Cazar || Ilium (7) || Spring
| The [[Canterspire Circle]] || Imperial || Morrow, Operus || Weirwood (22) || Winter
| The [[Overseer of the Cavabianca Dock|Cavabianca Dock]] || National, The League, Businesses || Sarvos, Cigno || White Granite ([[Overseer_of_the_Cavabianca_Dock#Ministry|Ministry]]) || Summer
| The [[Cinderpath Custodian]] || National, Highguard, Congregations || Casinea, Mareholm || White Granite ([[Cinderpath_Custodian#Ministry|Ministry]]) || Summer
| The [[Crawling Depths]] || Imperial || Ossium, Ghalath Fields || Mithril (14) || Autumn
| The [[Custodian of the Concordium Dock|Concordium Dock]] || Imperial || Redoubt, Limus || White Granite ([[Custodian_of_the_Concordium_Dock#Ministry|Ministry]]) || Summer
| The [[Damatian Cliffs]] || Imperial || Kahraman, Damata || White Granite (27) || Summer
| The [[Eternal Shafts of Time]] || National, Varushka, Mines || Karov, Wieliczka || Mithril (27) || Autumn
| The [[Fortress of Salt]] || Imperial || Temeschwar, Metri || Mithril (25) || Autumn
| The [[Gift of the Dwindling Star]] || National, Varushka, Forests and Mines || Volodmartz, Brez || Ilium (4) || Spring
| The [[Gloaming_Road|Gloaming Road]] || National, Brass Coast, Ambassador to Faraden || Faraden || Mithril ([[Gloaming_Road#Ministry|Ministry]]) || Any season
| The [[Golden Trees of Seren]] || Imperial || Miaren, Serenael || Weirwood (28) || Winter
| The [[Granites of Veltsgorsk]] || National, Varushka, Forests || Volodmartz, Brez || White Granite (26) || Summer
| The [[Great Forest at Reikos]] || Imperial || Reikos, Broken Ride || Weirwood (25) || Winter
| The [[Great Mine of Briante]] || Imperial || Kahraman, Briante || Mithril (22) || Autumn
| The [[Great Pits of Ennerlund]] || Imperial || Holberg, Ennerlund || Mithril (27) || Autumn
| The [[Heartwood of the Great Vale]] || Imperial || Hercynia, Summersend || Weirwood (25) || Winter
| The [[Hunt of Alderei the Fair]] || Imperial || Volodmartz, Opascari || Weirwood (26) || Winter
<!--| The [[Legacy]] || National, Urizen, Mana Sites || Spiral, Ossuary || Mithril (22) || Autumn
| The [[Master of the Imperial Mint]] || National, The League, Bid || Tassato, ??? || Senate || Spring
| The [[Foreman_of_the_Mines_of_Gulhule|Mines of Gulhule]] || National, Imperial Orcs, Military Unit || Skarsind, Gulhule || Mithril & Ilium ([[Foreman_of_the_Mines_of_Gulhule#Bounteous_Skarsind|Ministry]]) || Spring
| The [[Night Quarry]] || Imperial || Miekarova, Mieriada || White Granite (27) || Summer
| The [[Prime_Factor_of_the_Pallas_Docks|Pallas Docks]] || Imperial || Redoubt, Limus || Weirwood ([[Prime_Factor_of_the_Pallas_Docks#Ministry|Ministry]]) || Winter
<!--| The [[Pride of Ikka's Tears]] || National, Wintermark, Military Units || Sermersuaq, Suaq Fount || Mithril (15) || Autumn
| The [[Regario Dossier]] || National, The League, Bid || Tassato, Tassato Regario || Ilium (4) || Spring
<!--| The [[Scorrero Nets]] || Imperial || Feroz, Oranseri || Ilium (5) || Spring
| The [[Singing Caves]] || National, The Marches, Farms || Mournwold, Greensward || Mithril (28) || Autumn
| The [[Steel Fist]] || National, Imperial Orcs, Supporting Armies || Necropolis, Hedrossan || Ilium (8) || Spring
| The [[Sutton Stone Quarries]] || Imperial || Upwold, the Heath || White Granite (23) || Summer
| [[Syrene's Wisdom]] || Imperial || Casinea, Syrwatch || Ilium (7) || Spring
| The [[Thimble]] || National, Navarr, Herb Gardens || Therunin, Eastring || Weirwood (20) || Winter
| The [[Vigilant Swan]] || National, Highguard, Congregations || Reikos, Riverwatch || White Granite (25) || Summer
| The [[Weirwater Vales]] || Imperial || Weirwater, Wickmoor || Weirwood (23) || Winter

{{Bourse Further Reading}}
[[Category:The Empire]]

Latest revision as of 04:41, 20 August 2024

The Imperial Bourse.jpg
The Bourse ensures the prosperity of the Empire.


The Imperial Bourse is the economic hub of the Empire. Its role is to ensure the prosperity of the Empire and to provide access to much needed resources to those who can afford them.

Role within the Empire

The Bourse is intended to raise money for the Imperial treasury and ensure that ilium, mithril, weirwood and white granite are directed to where they can provide the most economic benefit, rather than being assigned by political or military patronage. Merchants bid for Imperial positions on the Bourse and those that are successful gain control of one of the Bourse positions and the production that comes with it. It is then left to them to sell these resources at whatever price they can. Although there are frequent accusations of profiteering, when the market functions as intended it ensures that significant sums of money are paid through the Bourse into the Imperial treasury for use by the Empire.

In addition to the auction of Imperial Bourse positions there are a number of national positions which are voted on by key members of each nation. The expectation is that the citizens that are elected to control these bourse positions will use the resources they generate for the benefit of their nation.

The Bourse often attracts a great deal of opprobrium, some aimed at the alleged greed of title holders, some at the perceived dysfunction of the arrangements. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Bourse is constitutionally protected from interference by the Imperial Synod.


The Bourse was founded by Emperor Giovanni after the Empire was formed, as part of a sequence of crucial economic reforms that included the introduction of a single Imperial currency. Mithril, weirwood, white granite and ilium are essential to the prosperity of the Empire and its citizens, but significant deposits of these materials are rare and jealously guarded. Giovanni's reforms intention put control of these resources in the hands of merchants and traders, rather than politicians or generals. In this way he hoped to maximise the benefits for the Empire, by providing large sums of money for the Imperial treasury and ensuring that resources went to the highest bidder.

Giovanni was emphatic that if the Bourse was to provide for the Empire then it would need cast-iron protection from "goodly-hearted priests and high-minded politicians". Thus it was explicitly designed to keep control of these precious materials out of the direct control of both the Throne and the Senate as well as ensuring that members of the Bourse could not be revoked by the Synod.

Over time the role of the Bourse has grown, its members instituted a private auction to give them access to some of the most valuable items in the Empire. This was so successful it was eventually copied and a second public auction was introduced to allow citizens of the Empire to sell basic goods at the Bourse. The private auction has suffered in recent years for various reasons and lapsed towards the end of 380YE.

Lorenzo La Volpe, Master of the Butchers Bank, Founder of the League Trading Company, and Bourseholder of the Fortress of Salt Mithril mines, concludes a deal with Richard Tunstall, Imperial Master of Works, to improve the fortifications of the Empire.
Resources are available to those who can afford them.


Of the five houses of Imperial government, the Bourse is unique in that it has no means to vote on matters. Because of this there are no formal sessions where members meet to discuss business. According to the historical records, this is absolutely by design - Emperor Giovanni was adamant that it was not in the interests of the Empire that members of the Bourse should meet and settle arrangements between them. The Bourse is intended to pit members against each other for the benefit of the Empire, not to encourage cooperation.

Despite this there have been informal meetings of Bourse seat holders have been arranged at different periods during the Empire's history. Some of these meetings have been one-off affairs to address specific issues, at other times members have arranged regular meetings to hold votes or issue announcements. However these periods of cooperation have rarely lasted long, usually only as long as the interests members have aligned.


Although there are no formal sessions of the Imperial Bourse - the Auction of the Seats is run by the Bourse at each summit. During the auction, all vacant Imperial Bourse titles are sold to the highest bidder by an Agent of the Bourse, usually the Imperial Auctioneer. The Auction is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, and usually begins at 2pm in the Senate building. Titles are settled using open ascending price auction. Any Imperial citizen with the money to invest is able to participate in the auction, but the winner must pay the winning bid immediately when the auction concludes, otherwise the title is offered to the next highest bidder. The winning bidder does not need to take the title themselves, it is acceptable for a citizen to employ a proxy to bid on their behalf.

In addition to the Auction of the Seats, citizens who own appropriate resources are entitled to vote for any national Bourse positions that are vacant at that summit. Voting opens on Saturday morning of the summit and concludes shortly after the public auction is complete.

Core Brief

Further Reading