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==Auto-Generated Content==
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This page was last updated on Thu Jul 25 11:11:12 UTC 2024 using Elections Event Vacant.
This page was last updated on Mon Jul 29 10:59:00 UTC 2024 using Elections Event Results.

The titles below show elections that took place at the summit, with information on the winning votes and bids where that information is available. If two or more elections were held for a single post than the most recent is listed first. The [[current Imperial titles]] have been updated with these election results.
The titles below are eligible for re-election at the forthcoming summit. This page will be updated with all the election results after the summit is concluded, and the [[current Imperial titles]] will then be updated.
===National Election===
==National Election==
* [[Bastion|Senator for Bastion]]
* [[Bastion|Senator for Bastion]] - Asael
* [[Hahnmark|Senator for Hahnmark]]
* [[Hahnmark|Senator for Hahnmark]] - Ruana Markling
* [[Karov|Senator for Karov]]
* [[Karov|Senator for Karov]] - Anatoly Vassian Tatishchev
* [[Mareave|Senator for Mareave]]
* [[Mareave|Senator for Mareave]] - Gaddak
* [[Miaren|Senator for Miaren]]
* [[Miaren|Senator for Miaren]] - Llewellyn Leafstalker
* [[Mitwold|Senator for Mitwold]]
* [[Mitwold|Senator for Mitwold]] - Hal Talbot
* [[Redoubt|Senator for Redoubt]]
* [[Redoubt|Senator for Redoubt]] - Thalia of Netherwatch
* [[Sarvos|Senator for Sarvos]]
* [[Sarvos|Senator for Sarvos]] - Rosalina Gulia Viola di Sarvos
* [[Sermersuaq|Senator for Sermersuaq]]
* [[Sermersuaq|Senator for Sermersuaq]] - Fedelmidd Sydanjaa's Heart Floer
* [[Spiral|Senator for Spiral]]
* [[Spiral|Senator for Spiral]] - Genoveva Barossa d'Apulian
* [[Weirwater|Senator for Weirwater]]
* [[Weirwater|Senator for Weirwater]] - Ser Lucan Mortére
===Senate Appointment===
* [[Ambassador to Asavea]]
==Senate Appointment==
* [[Blackroot Broker]]
* [[Imperial Consul]] - Jarrigk Orzel
* [[Churnspire Adjutor]]
* [[Ambassador to Asavea]] - Asier i Elia i Guerra
* [[Crystal Architect of the Spires]]
* [[Crystal Architect of the Spires]] - Tiberius EchoStorm
* [[Custodian of the Claw]]
* [[Imperial Advisor for the Feni]] - Kahedin of House de Ryland
* [[Custodian of the Kennels]]
* [[Imperial Spymaster]] - Bernard Dugdale
* [[Eastern Broker]]
* [[Minister of Historical Research]] - Silk Farkas
* [[Black Thorns|General of the Black Thorns]]
* [[Black Thorns|General of the Black Thorns]] - Rhisiart Dancewalker
* [[Citadel Guard|General of the Citadel Guard]]
* [[Citadel Guard|General of the Citadel Guard]] - Andronikos of the Lighthouse at Nikephoros
* [[Drakes|General of the Drakes]]
* [[Drakes|General of the Drakes]] - Tancred of Meade
* [[Fist of the Mountains|General of the Fist of the Mountains]]
* [[Fist of the Mountains|General of the Fist of the Mountains]] - Umarth Kannask
* [[Golden Sun|General of the Golden Sun]]
* [[Golden Sun|General of the Golden Sun]] - Zoran De Orzel
* [[Granite Pillar|General of the Granite Pillar]]
* [[Granite Pillar|General of the Granite Pillar]] - Sychar
* [[Northern Eagle|General of the Northern Eagle]]
* [[Northern Eagle|General of the Northern Eagle]] - Jaromir Ostrovyn Kostka
* [[Red Wind Corsairs|General of the Red Wind Corsairs]]
* [[Red Wind Corsairs|General of the Red Wind Corsairs]] - Delora i Sol-Devorador i Erigo
* [[Summer Storm|General of the Summer Storm]]
* [[Summer Storm|General of the Summer Storm]] - Irontide Skorr
* [[Towerjacks|General of the Towerjacks]]
* [[Towerjacks|General of the Towerjacks]] - Jean d'Apulian
* [[Imperial Advisor for the Feni]]
* [[Towerjacks|General of the Towerjacks]] - Marcus Barossa Di Tassato
* [[Imperial Consul]]
* [[Wolves of War|General of the Wolves of War]] - Jean d'Apulian
* [[Imperial Spymaster]]
* [[Blackroot Broker]] - Twyll Eternal
* [[Keeper of Aurelie's Garden]]
* [[Churnspire Adjutor]] - Sejanus of the Scarlet Guard
* [[Keeper of the Crystal Vale]]
* [[Eastern Broker]] - Lith
* [[Keeper of the Iron Grove|Keeper of the Iron Grove]]
* [[Keeper of the Iron Grove|Keeper of the Iron Grove]] - Wren Ironclaw
* [[Marshal of the Pit of Revelations]]
* [[Marshal of the Pit of Revelations]] - Gardener Lask
* [[Master Apothecary]]
* [[Master Apothecary]] - Hagen
* [[Master of Sarcombe Metal Market]]
* [[Mediator of Hyljehal]] - Raal Dunn
* [[Master of the Clearing House]]
* [[Smith of Ashes]] - task
* [[Mediator of Hyljehal]]
* [[Minister of Historical Research]]
==Throne Appointment==
* [[Steward of the Tassato Mana Exchange]]
* [[Queen's Rose|Queen's Rose]] - Alaina Ferelith Meliora
* [[Woundbinder of the Mark]]
===Throne Appointment===
==Synod Judgement==
* [[Queen's Rose|Queen's Rose]]
* [[Cardinal of Courage]] - Tulva (114 votes)
===Synod Judgement===
* [[Cardinal of Wisdom]] - Silas of the Cenotaph (126 votes)
* [[Archivist of the Echoing Obelisk|Archivist of the Echoing Obelisk]]
* [[Imperial Inquisitor]] - Lenarius Ankarien (6 votes)
* [[Banner-bearer of Atkonaroq|Banner-bearer of Atkonaroq]]
* [[Virtue inquisitor|Inquisitor of Prosperity]] - Luca i Taziel i Riqueza (172 votes)
* [[Benefactor of High Chalcis|Benefactor of High Chalcis]]
* [[Virtue inquisitor|Inquisitor of The Way]] - Maximillian Ankarien (112 votes)
* [[Bishop of the Navigators|Bishop of the Navigators]]
* [[Mistress of Monuments|Mistress of Monuments]] - Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov (86 votes)
* [[Cardinal of Courage]]
* [[Banner-bearer of Atkonaroq|Banner-bearer of Atkonaroq]] - Liv Tidgaring (136 votes)
* [[Cardinal of Wisdom]]
* [[Benefactor of High Chalcis|Benefactor of High Chalcis]] - Enoch
* [[Champion of Ambition]]
* [[Bishop of the Navigators|Bishop of the Navigators]] - Keziah (444 votes)
* [[Champion of Vigilance]]
* [[High Bard of the Empire]] - Tarik (7 votes)
* [[High Bard of the Empire]]
* [[Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine|Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine]] - Samantha "Tongs" Barossa De Tassato Regario (112 votes)
* [[Imperial Inquisitor]]
* [[Prelate_of_the_Little_Mother|Prelate of the Little Mother]] - Vivane Knotes (114 votes)
* [[Virtue inquisitor|Inquisitor of Prosperity]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Ambition]] - Eska Harakkadottir (192 votes)
* [[Virtue inquisitor|Inquisitor of The Way]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Courage]] - Nina of Cantiarch's Hold (38 votes)
* [[Mistress of Monuments|Mistress of Monuments]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Loyalty]] - Dagon (224 votes)
* [[Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine|Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Pride]] - Aldwyn Wyldrose (68 votes)
* [[Prelate_of_the_Little_Mother|Prelate of the Little Mother]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Prosperity]] - Merari Navigators of Virtue (92 votes)
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Ambition]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Vigilance]] - Bryce The Hare (122 votes)
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Courage]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Wisdom]] - Amris Johan Merikovich (210 votes)
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Loyalty]]
* [[Champion of Ambition]] - Eldrid Vestardottir (152 votes)
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Pride]]
* [[Champion of Vigilance]] - Jared (150 votes)
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Prosperity]]
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Vigilance]]
==Cardinal Appointment==
* [[Voice of Virtue|Voice of Wisdom]]
* [[Gatekeeper|Gatekeeper of Courage]] - Masha Sigeling
===Cardinal Appointment===
* [[Gatekeeper|Gatekeeper of Wisdom]] - Clytemnestra of the House of the Wanderer
* [[Gatekeeper|Gatekeeper of Courage]]
* [[Gatekeeper|Gatekeeper of Wisdom]]
==Military Council Appointment==
===Military Council Appointment===
* [[Imperial Huntsmarshall|Imperial Huntsmarshall]] - Maggie Potts
* [[Imperial Huntsmarshall|Imperial Huntsmarshall]]
* [[Strategos|Strategos of the League]] - Gabrieli di Tassato
* [[Strategos|Strategos of the Imperial Orcs]]
* [[Strategos|Strategos of the Marches]] - Aliss Thorn
* [[Strategos|Strategos of the League]]
* [[Strategos|Strategos of the Marches]]
==Conclave Order Vote==
===Conclave Order Vote===
* [[Unfettered Mind|Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind]] - Zlata Ruznikova Perenel, The Weaver
* [[Unfettered Mind|Unfettered Mind]]
===Declaration Of Candidacy===
==Declaration Of Candidacy==
* [[Arcane Architect]]
* [[Arcane Architect]] - Amalia da Regario
* [[Shadowed Torchbearer|Shadowed Torchbearer]]
* [[Archmage of Autumn]] - Edmundo of Damakan's forge
* [[Tender of the Phoenix Flame|Tender of the Phoenix Flame]]
* [[Archmage of Spring]] - Ibiss Briarheart
===Bourse Auction===
* [[Shadowed Torchbearer|Shadowed Torchbearer]] - Vanja
* [[Arbiter of the Rogue Declaration|Arbiter of the Rogue Declaration]]
* [[Tender of the Phoenix Flame|Tender of the Phoenix Flame]] - Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés
* [[Arratan Gamble]]
* [[Brilliant Shore]]
==Bourse Auction==
* [[Citizens' Voice|Citizens' Voice]]
* [[Arratan Gamble]] - Anthony (420 thrones)
* [[Custodian of the Concordium Dock]]
* [[Brilliant Shore]] - Lumi Warmthbringer (440 thrones)
* [[Damatian Cliffs]]
* [[Damatian Cliffs]] - Naomi, Felix Watch (375 thrones)
* [[Bearer of an Imperial Wayleave|First Imperial Wayleave]]
* [[Night Quarry]] - Pipski Bearonovitch Strascovich (468 thrones)
* [[Night Quarry]]
* [[Sutton Stone Quarries]] - John Hawcombe (360 thrones)
* [[Bearer of an Imperial Wayleave|Second Imperial Wayleave]]
* [[Arbiter of the Rogue Declaration|Arbiter of the Rogue Declaration]] - Francisco Vicente de Spira (110 mana crystals)
* [[Sutton Stone Quarries]]
* [[Citizens' Voice|Citizens' Voice]] - Miriam Daughter of Esther (14 thrones)
===Bourse Vote===
* [[Custodian of the Concordium Dock]] - Gaspar di Temeschwar (50 thrones)
* [[Architect of the Conscious River|Architect of the Conscious River]]
* [[Drusilla's Obelus]] - Able the Taller
* [[Architect of the Crucible]]
* [[Bearer of an Imperial Wayleave|First Imperial Wayleave]] - Jottnar (15 thrones)
* [[Boyar of the Iron Roads|Boyar of the Iron Roads]]
* [[Bearer of an Imperial Wayleave|Second Imperial Wayleave]] - James Forrester (10 thrones)
* [[Broker of Treji Wayhouse]]
* [[Burgher of Ketsov|Burgher of Ketsov]]
==Bourse Vote==
* [[Cinderpath Custodian]]
* [[Granites of Veltsgorsk]] - Blazh Zbignev (273 votes)
* [[Custodian of the Shchaslyvyy Spile|Custodian of the Shchaslyvyy Spile]]
* [[Vigilant Swan]] - Ehud (120 votes)
* [[Golden Fleet Salvagemaster|Golden Fleet Salvagemaster]]
* [[Architect of the Conscious River|Architect of the Conscious River]] - Astria-Khariklo (74 votes)
* [[Granites of Veltsgorsk]]
* [[Architect of the Crucible]] - Esteban Ezmara of Zenith Ascendant (269 votes)
* [[Hakima of Salt and Sand|Hakima of Salt and Sand]]
* [[Boyar of the Iron Roads|Boyar of the Iron Roads]] - Borys Vardovich Straskovich (118 votes)
* [[Kalpaheim Tradeholder]]
* [[Broker of Treji Wayhouse]] - Berwyn Dancingleaf (412 votes)
* [[Keeper of the Tome|Keeper of the Tome]]
* [[Burgher of Ketsov|Burgher of Ketsov]] - Jereni Hinda Bogdanov (30 votes)
* [[Master of Rings|Master of Rings]]
* [[Cinderpath Custodian]] - Kapik (100 votes)
* [[Master of the Root and Stem]]
* [[Custodian of the Shchaslyvyy Spile|Custodian of the Shchaslyvyy Spile]] - Radic Splinterovich Schaslyvyy (224 votes)
* [[Mistress of the Glass Parador]]
* [[Golden Fleet Salvagemaster|Golden Fleet Salvagemaster]] - Caleb of the Cenotaph (420 votes)
* [[Northbound Trademaster]]
* [[Hakima of Salt and Sand|Hakima of Salt and Sand]] - Bakar i Riqueza (566 votes)
* [[Preceptor of the Skarsind College of Warcasting]]
* [[Kalpaheim Tradeholder]] - Benny (233 votes)
* [[Quaymaster of the Elosian Docks|Quaymaster of the Elosian Docks]]
* [[Keeper of the Tome|Keeper of the Tome]] - Alexio Vicente (453 votes)
* [[Reeve of the Happiston Mana Exchange|Reeve of the Happiston Mana Exchange]]
* [[Master of Rings|Master of Rings]] - Laughlan Vi Temeschwar (2 votes)
* [[Vigilant Swan]]
* [[Master of the Root and Stem]] - Annora-Winfred Harvest of Mitwold (332 votes)
* [[Mistress of the Glass Parador]] - Ignacio i Zuhri i Erigo (252 votes)
* [[Doyen of the Spires]]
* [[Northbound Trademaster]] - Uberto Alessandri di Caricomare vacino a Sarvos (308 votes)
* [[Brock's Toll|Keeper of Brock's Toll]]
* [[Preceptor of the Skarsind College of Warcasting]] - Irontide Esk (98 votes)
* [[Knight-protector|Knight-protector of Summer]]
* [[Quaymaster of the Elosian Docks|Quaymaster of the Elosian Docks]] - Telemachus of The Lighthouse at Nikephoros (250 votes)
* [[Warmage|Warmage]]
* [[Reeve of the Happiston Mana Exchange|Reeve of the Happiston Mana Exchange]] - Morgan Townsend (345 votes)
* [[Warmage|Warmage]] - Ilysses of the Lighthouse at Nikephoros
* [[Doyen of the Spires]] - Able the Taller
* [[Brock's Toll|Keeper of Brock's Toll]] - Finian Smudd
* [[Knight-protector|Knight-protector of Summer]] - Rhydian de Rondell

[[Category:Recent History]]
[[Category:Recent History]]
[[Category:386YE Summer]]
<div style='font-size: 0.75em;'>Last updated 25/07/2024</div>

Revision as of 10:59, 29 July 2024

Auto-Generated Content

Do not edit this content by hand. This page is generated by the database. Speak to a member of the wiki contributors team to get this page updated.

This page was last updated on Mon Jul 29 10:59:00 UTC 2024 using Elections Event Results.


The titles below show elections that took place at the summit, with information on the winning votes and bids where that information is available. If two or more elections were held for a single post than the most recent is listed first. The current Imperial titles have been updated with these election results.

National Election

Senate Appointment

Throne Appointment

Synod Judgement

Cardinal Appointment

Military Council Appointment

Conclave Order Vote

Declaration Of Candidacy

Bourse Auction

Bourse Vote
