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<quote by="Cesare Sanguineo Rezia Di Tassato, Senator for Tassato">...long term economic investment into the infrastructure of the Empire</quote>
A great work is any major economic investment which is sufficiently large in scope that it provides a benefit to the inhabitants of an entire territory. The return can take the form of money, herbs, [[Game_items#Materials|materials for crafting items]] or mana crystals.
A great work is any major economic investment which is sufficiently large in scope that it provides a benefit to the inhabitants of an entire territory. The return can take the form of money, herbs, [[Game_items#Materials|materials for crafting items]] or mana crystals.

Great works do not normally result in the creation of an Imperial title, as most great works do not require an Imperial citizen be appointed to oversee them. The Senate may choose to create a [[New_Imperial_titles#Custodian|custodian]] for a great work - an Imperial title with responsibility to look after the great work.
Great works do not automatically result in the creation of an Imperial title, as most great works do not require anyone to oversee them. The Senate may choose to create a [[New_Imperial_titles#Custodian|custodian]] for a great work - an Imperial title with the responsibility to look after the great work.  

There are a number of important rules that impact great works, setting the costs, restricting the benefits, and imposing limitations any of which may be superseded by an appropriate [[opportunity]].
There are a number of important rules that impact great works, setting the costs, restricting the benefits, and imposing limitations any of which may be superseded by an appropriate [[opportunity]].
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The [[Imperial Senate]] may pass a motion for the construction of infrastructure capable of improving the wealth generated by resources in a territory.
The [[Imperial Senate]] may pass a motion for the construction of infrastructure capable of improving the wealth generated by resources in a territory.

It is also possible for the Senate to pass a motion to upgrade a great work, increasing the benefits that it provides.
It is not possible for the Senate to pass a motion to upgrade a great work, but they can construct additional great works that further the level of investment in the territory.

Each great work is linked to a specific type of personal resource in a specific territory. Every member of that nation who attended the last event and who owns the appropriate personal resource in the territory gains the benefit.
Each great work is linked to a specific type of personal resource in a specific territory. Every member of that nation who attended the last event and who owns the appropriate personal resource in the territory gains the benefit.

The size and effectiveness of the great work sets the total size of the benefit that accrues to everyone in the territory - this benefit is divided equally between the affected players of that nation each season (in the setting there are wide reaching benefits to other NPCs but these are ignored when calculating returns for play balance reasons).
Each great work lifts the level of investment in a territory, providing a small fixed benefit to everyone from that nation in the territory. The higher the final level of investment, the greater the benefits. Every personal resource gains from the level of investment in a territory, regardless of who owns them.

The type of benefit received is restricted to the normal production of a resource. A great work that effects [[farm|farms]] or [[business|businesses]] provides additional money while one that affects [[mana site|mana sites]] provides mana crystals.
The type of benefit received is restricted to the normal production of a resource. Raising the level of investment in [[farm|farms]] or [[business|businesses]] provides additional money while raising the level of investment for [[mana site|mana sites]] provides additional mana crystals.

A great work that effects a specific type of [[mine]] or [[forest]] must provide the appropriate ingots or measures. A great work that affects all mines or all forests will produce random ingots or measures. A great work that benefits [[herb garden|herb gardens]] provides random herbs.
Great works that raise the level of investment of mines of forests, work for all mines in a territory regardless of type or for all forests. Every affected [[mine]] or [[forest]] gains the appropriate ingots or measures. Great works that benefits [[herb garden|herb gardens]] may specify which bonus herbs they provide.

[[Fleet|Fleets]] are more versatile; it is possible to build a great work that provides one of money, random ingots, random measures, or random herbs.
Great works that benefit fleets can only be built in a region with the coastal [[Region qualities|quality]]. A great work that benefits fleets raises the effective level of the fleet when trading with a foreign nation. It is not possible to use a great work to raise the level of a fleet for other downtime options.

As always, these restrictions apply only to a standard [[commission]]. A great work that arises from an [[opportunity]] may have different costs and provide different benefits.
<table class="wikitable" style="width: 500px; float: right;">
<tr><td>[[Business]]</td><td>White Granite</td><td>[[Herb garden]]</td><td>Weirwood</td><tr>
<tr><td>[[Farm]]</td><td>Weirwood</td><td>[[Mana site]]</td><td>Mithril</td><tr>
<tr><td>[[Forest]]</td><td>White Granite</td><td>[[Mine]]</td><td>Mithril</td><tr>
<tr><td>[[Congregation]]</td><td>White Granite</td><td>[[Fleet]]</td><td>Weirwood</td><tr>

* Materials: Variable (minimum 40 wains)
* Materials: Variable (minimum 50 wains)
* Time: 3 months to construct per 50 wains of materials used
* Time: 3 months to construct per 50 wains of materials used
* Labour: 2 crowns per wain
* Labour: 3 crowns per wain
* Upkeep: None

The more resources are devoted to constructing a great work, the greater the return. Under normal circumstances, the material required will be the one associated with upgrading an equivalent personal resource. For example, at least 40 wains of mithril is required to create a great work that enhances [[mana site|mana sites]].
To raise the level of investment to one costs 50 wains. Each subsequent level of investment costs 25 additional wains. So to take the level of investment from one to two costs 75 more wains, from two to three costs 100 more wains and so on. Each level of investment provides the same benefits. It is possible for a single vast great work to raise the level of investment by any number of levels provided it is sufficiently large, but it does not produce any benefits for anyone until it is complete.

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Under normal circumstances, the material required will be the one associated with upgrading an equivalent personal resource. For example, 50 wains of mithril is required to create a great work that raises the level of investment for [[mana site|mana sites]] to one. The table shows the ''total'' costs in wains for the first four levels of investment, with the ''total'' benefits, but there is no limit to how high the level of investment can be lifted in a territory. The costs and benefits continue to rise at the rates shown for subsequent levels.
! Wains
! Money
! Ingots
! Herbs
! Mana Crystals
| 40
| 900 rings
| 50
| 75
| 37
| 56
| 1080 rings
| 60
| 90
| 45
| 80
| 1300 rings
| 72
| 108
| 54
| 100
| 1440 rings
| 80
| 120
| 60
| 160
| 1800 rings
| 100
| 150
| 75
| 280
| 2340 rings
| 130
| 195
| 97

In addition to the wains required, it costs 2 crowns per wain to pay for labour and skills to complete the construction.
<tr><th>Level of Investment</th><th>Total Wains</th><th>Total Money</th><th>Total  Ingots</th><th>Total  Herbs</th><th>Total  Mana Crystals</th><th>Total  Liao</th><th>Fleet Ranks</th></tr>
The table shows some '''standard''' costs and benefits for a range of great works. For example a greak work created by the Senate using 56 wains of mithril could produce 45 mana crystals each season. There is no upper limit on how many wains can be used to construct a great work; provided at least 40 wains are used, then any amount can be spent to build it.
<tr><td>1</td><td>50</td><td>36 rings</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><td>2</td><td>125</td><td>72 rings</td><td>4</td><td>6</td><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr><td>3</td><td>225</td><td>108 rings</td><td>6</td><td>9</td><td>3</td><td>6</td><td>3</td></tr>
<tr><td>4</td><td>350</td><td>144 rings</td><td>8</td><td>12</td><td>4</td><td>8</td><td>4</td></tr>

It is not possible to create a great work which creates [[ilium]], [[liao]] or synod votes, mithril, weirwood, or white granite, without a relevant [[opportunity]].
Great works that raise the level of investment for congregations only provide additional liao. Great works that raise the level of investment for fleets provide additional ranks but ''only'' for trade with foreign nations.

It is not possible to create a great work which is linked to military units. If the Senate wishes to spend significant sums to increase the military effectiveness of the Empire then they must do it by raising armies or constructing fortifications.
It is not possible to create a great work which is linked to military units without an appropriate [[opportunity]].

It is not possible to create a great work that affects congregations.
Great works cannot be upgraded, but the Imperial Senate may create a new commission that acts to further raise the level of investment in a territory for a specific type of resource.
Great works are not affected by rituals that target personal resources. A ritual that increases the production of a green iron mine will not affect a great work that provides green iron nor one that benefits green iron mines.
Only members of a nation may benefit from a great work - a vast series of forges throughout Hahnmark might provide a bonus to all Wintermark mines based in the territory - but Wintermark characters dwelling in other territories - and characters from other nations would not benefit from the great work.

The Senator for a territory is expected to be responsible for any problems that might beset the structures represented by a great work. For example, if Grendel corsairs are raiding the Madruga shipyards, then the Empire will expect the Madruga senator to deal with the problem.
Great works can be threatened by barbarians on campaign, in a battle, or on a skirmish. In rare cases where someone must take responsibility for a great work, the Senator for a territory is expected to do so, if no Imperial title is associated with the commission.

==Multiple Great Works==
==Multiple Great Works==
The Senate may commission a great work be upgraded - or create a second great work in a territory that is intended to benefit the same personal resource. For instance the Senate could authorize the creation of a vast rope works in Siroc in Madruga that would provide an income in crowns to all fleets based in the territory.
Great works cannot be upgraded, but the Imperial Senate may create a new commission to build a subsequent great work in a territory that acts to further raise the level of investment for a specific type of resource there. For instance, the shipyards at Madruga raise the level of investment in Madruga to one for all businesses providing them 36 additional rings. The Senate could authorise the creation of a vast rope works in Siroc in Madruga that would lift the level of investment to two, costing 75 wains and providing an additional 36 rings.
Because the new great work would benefit fleets in the Madruga, the same as the existing great work (the Madruga shipyard), the effectiveness would be reduced. In effect the total benefit would then correspond to the total amount of wains spent constructing great works that benefit fleets in Madruga.
The civil service can provide estimates on the total benefit that will accrue from the completion of a great work in a territory. These estimates are only valid for the current state of the territory.

A second great work in a territory that benefited owners with different personal resources would provide the full effect listed.
The level of investment in a territory is separate for each type of personal resource that is affected, so if the Empire built a series of canals in Madruga that raised the level of investment for farms that would cost 50 wains and provide 36 rings to every farm.

==Recent Great Works==
The table includes all great works which have been created in recent times.
A wind of fortune may present an [[opportunity]] to construct a great work which exceeds some of the normal rules presented here. It may raise the level of investment in more than one territory at once, or for more than one type of personal resource at once.  

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An opportunity will always state how many levels of investment it represents (usually one) but it may provide non-standard benefits, for example a wind of fortune might present plans for a seed bank, a great work that could be built in Miaren that would increase the level of investment by one for herb gardens but provide all herb gardens with 30 rings. Additional great works built in the territory treat the seed bank as if it were a standard great work that had already raised the level of investment by one for herb gardens in Miaren.
! Name of Great Work !! Territory !! Resource !! Output
| The [[Temeschwar#The_Bloody_Great_Theatre|Bloody Great Theatre]] || [[Temeschwar]] || Congregation ([[Pride]]) || 15 liao and 30 votes
| The [[Tassato#The_Blood_Red_River_Museum|Blood Red River Museum]] || [[Tassato]] || Congregation (Pride) || 15 liao and 30 votes
| The [[Sarvos#The_Blood_Red_Quays_Art_Gallery|Blood Red Quays Art Gallery]] || [[Sarvos]] || Congregation (Pride) || 15 liao and 30 votes
| The [[Hercynia#The_Blade_of_Thorn|Blade of Thorn]] || [[Hercynia]] || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| [[hahnmark#Brenna's Gift|Brenna's Gift]] || [[Hahnmark]] || Farm || 761 rings
| The [[College of the Liberated]] || Sarvos || [[Business]] || 900 rings
| The [[Sarvos#The_Colossus_of_Sarvos|Colossus of Sarvos]] || Sarvos || Business || 400 rings
| [[Construct Freya's Garden|Freya's Garden]] || Hahnmark || [[Herb garden]] || 84 herbs
| The [[Gardens of High Chalcis]] || [[Reikos]] || Herb garden || 120 herbs
| The [[Morrow#Gardens_of_Morrow|Gardens of Morrow]] || [[Morrow]] || Herb garden || 75 herbs
| The [[Redoubt#Grand_Conservatory_of_Music|Grand Conservatory of Music]] || [[Redoubt]] || Congregation (Pride) || 15 liao and 30 votes
| The [[Reikos#The_Grand_Ossuary|Grand Ossuary]] || Reikos || [[Congregation]] || 1300 rings
| The [[Astolat#The_Harps_of_Astolat|Harps of Astolat]] || [[Astolat]] || [[Mana site]] || 45 crystal mana
| The [[Holberg#Holmauer Park|Holmauer Park]] || [[Holberg]] || Business || 1265 rings
| The [[The_Marches_economic_interests#Granaries_and_Storehouses_-_the_Imperial_Breadbasket|Imperial Breadbasket]] || [[Bregasland]] || [[Farm]] || 1080 rings
| The [[The_Marches_economic_interests#Granaries_and_Storehouses_-_the_Imperial_Breadbasket|Imperial Breadbasket]] || [[Mitwold]] || Farm || 1080 rings
| The [[The_Marches_economic_interests#Granaries_and_Storehouses_-_the_Imperial_Breadbasket|Imperial Breadbasket]] || [[Upwold]] || Farm || 1080 rings
|The [[Skarsind#Legion.27s_Rookery|Legion's Rookery]] || [[Skarsind]] || Congregation || 12 liao and 25 votes
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#The_Legacy_of_Ambition|Lorenzo's Legacy of Ambition]] || Tassato || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#The_Legacy_of_Courage|Lorenzo's Legacy of Courage]] || Holberg || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#The_Legacy_of_Loyalty|Lorenzo's Legacy of Loyalty]] || Temeschwar || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#The_Legacy_of_Pride|Lorenzo's Legacy of Pride]] || Sarvos || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#The_Legacy_of_Prosperity|Lorenzo's Legacy of Prosperity]] || [[Casinea]] || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#The_Legacy_of_Vigilance|Lorenzo's Legacy of Vigilance]] || [[Hahnmark]] || Mana site || 37 crystal mana
| The [[Upwold#Moonwater_Hall|Moonwater Hall]] || Upwold || Business || 225 rings
| The [[Upwold#Moonwater_Hall|Moonwater Hall]] || Upwold || Farm || 110 rings
|The [[Kallavesa#The_Pilgrim.27s_Trail|Pilgrim's Trail]] || [[Kallavesa]] || Congregation || 25 liao and 50 votes
|The [[Skarsind#The_Red_Blade_Memorial|Red Blade Memorial]] || Skarsind || Herb garden || 90 true vervain
|The [[Karsk#The_Roads_of_Karsk|Roads of Karsk]] || [[Karsk]] || [[Forest]] || 50 natural materials
|The [[Karsk#The_Roads_of_Karsk|Roads of Karsk]] || Karsk || [[Mine]] || 50 metals
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Temeschwar]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Temeschwar]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Sarvos]] || Business || 110 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Sarvos]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Tassato]] || Business || 170 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Tassato]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Holberg]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Holberg]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Casinea]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Casinea]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Astolat]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Astolat]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Semmerholm]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Semmerholm]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Upwold]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Upwold]] || Farm || 120 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Hahnmark]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Hahnmark]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Miaren]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Miaren]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Karov]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Karov]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Madruga]] || Business || 337 rings
|The [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]] || [[Madruga]] || Farm || 337 rings
|The [[Segura#The Towers of Anduz|Towers of Anduz]] || [[Segura]] || Business || 1080 rings
| The [[Reikos#The_Unbound_Steel_Hall_of_Lost_Chapters|Unbound Steel Hall of Lost Chapters]] || Reikos || Congregation (Pride) || 15 liao and 30 votes
| [[Lorenzo's_Legacy#Lorenzo.27s_Great_Game|Lorenzo's Great Game]] || [[Temeschwar]] || Business || 724 rings
| [[Tassato#OOC_Notes|"Little Mournwold"]]<sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup> || [[Tassato]] || Business || 50 ingots of Green Iron
| [[Reikos#Seminary_of_the_Swan|Seminary of the Swan]] || [[Reikos]] || Mana site || 900 rings

#{{anchor|1}} While "Little Mournwold" in Tassato Mestra is not a great work constructed by the Empire, it effectively functions as one.
==Current Great Works==
This table includes all great works which are active at the present. This list was last updated following the Autumn Equinox 385YE.  

===Previous Great Works===
<table class="wikitable sortable"><tr><th style="width: 15%;">Nation</th><th style="width: 15%;">Territory</th><th style="width: 10%;">Resource</th><th style="width: 15%;">Great Works</th><th style="width: 15%;">Total Level of Investment</th><th style="width: 20%;">Benefit</th></tr>
<tr><td rowspan='4'>[[The Brass Coast]]</td><td rowspan='2'>[[Madruga]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>South-West Roads<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>South-West Roads<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Segura]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Towers of Anduz<br>South-West Roads<td>3</td><td>108 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>South-West Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='6'>[[Dawn]]</td><td rowspan='3'>[[Astolat]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>Tournament Grounds of Laroc<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Harps of Astolat<td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Semmerholm]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='1'>[[Weirwater]]</td><td>Mine</td><td>Giritaine's Gaze<td>1</td><td>36 rings<br>1 [[Farewell_wanderlust#Treasures_of_the_Earth|deepstone]]</td>
<tr><td rowspan='13'>[[Highguard]]</td><td rowspan='3'>[[Bastion]]</td><td>Business</td><td>White Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Congregation</td><td>Virtue's Rest<td>2</td><td>4 doses of liao</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>White Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='3'>[[Casinea]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Lorenzo's Legacy of Prosperity<td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Necropolis]]</td><td>Business</td><td>White Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>White Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='5'>[[Reikos]]</td><td>Business</td><td>White Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Congregation</td><td>Grand Ossuary of Reikos<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>White Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Herb Garden</td><td>Gardens of High Chalcis<td>2</td><td>3 drams of true vervain, 2 drams of cerulean mazzarine, 1 dram of bladeroot</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Seminary of the Swan<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Imperial Orcs]]</td><td rowspan='2'>[[Skarsind]]</td><td>Congregation</td><td>The Legion's Rookery<td>1</td><td>2 doses of liao</td>
<tr><td>Herb Garden</td><td>Red Blade Memorial<td>2</td><td>6 drams of true vervain</td>
<tr><td rowspan='16'>[[The League]]</td><td rowspan='3'>[[Holberg]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>Gates of Holmaeur Park<td>3</td><td>108 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>Bloody Great Sausage<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Lorenzo's Legacy of Courage <sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup><td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='5'>[[Sarvos]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>College of the Liberated<br>Colossus of Sarvos<td>3</td><td>108 rings</td>
<tr><td>Congregation</td><td>Blood Red Quays Art Gallery<td>1</td><td>2 doses of liao</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Herb Garden</td><td>Sweetwater Springs<td>1</td><td>2 drams of true vervain, 1 dram of cerulean mazzarine</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Lorenzo's Legacy of Pride <sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup><td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='4'>[[Tassato]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Congregation</td><td>Blood Red River Museum<td>1</td><td>2 doses of liao</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Lorenzo's Legacy of Ambition <sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup><td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='4'>[[Temeschwar]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>Lorenzo's Great Game<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td>Congregation</td><td>Bloody Great Theatre<td>1</td><td>2 doses of liao</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Lorenzo's Legacy of Loyalty <sup>[[#1|(1)]]</sup><td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='4'>[[The Marches]]</td><td rowspan='1'>[[Bregasland]]</td><td>Farm</td><td>Imperial Breadbasket<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='1'>[[Mitwold]]</td><td>Farm</td><td>Imperial Breadbasket<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Upwold]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>Imperial Breadbasket<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='4'>[[Navarr]]</td><td rowspan='1'>[[Brocéliande]]</td><td>Herb Garden</td><td>Defence of the Broch<td>1</td><td>3 drams of bladeroot</td>
<tr><td rowspan='1'>[[Hercynia]]</td><td>Mana Site</td><td>Blade of Thorn<td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Miaren]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='4'>[[Urizen]]</td><td>[[Morrow]]</td><td>Herb Garden</td><td>The Bleak Tower<td>1</td><td>2 drams of random herbs, 1 dram of bladeroot</td>
<tr><td>[[Redoubt]]</td><td>Fleet</td><td>Great Harbour of Elos<td>1</td><td>2 drams of random herbs and 12 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Zenith]]</td><td>Farm</td><td>Golden Cascade<td>1</td><td>3 drams of random herbs</td>
<tr><td>Herb Garden</td><td>Golden Cascade<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td rowspan='11'>[[Varushka]]</td><td rowspan='4'>[[Karov]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Forest</td><td>Iron Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional measures</td>
<tr><td>Mine</td><td>Iron Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional ingots</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Karsk]]</td><td>Forest</td><td>Crow Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional measures</td>
<tr><td>Mine</td><td>Crow Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional ingots</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Miekarova]]</td><td>Forest</td><td>Iron Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional measures</td>
<tr><td>Mine</td><td>Iron Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional ingots</td>
<tr><td rowspan='1'>[[Ossium]]</td><td>Forest</td><td>Iron Roads<br>Krustrozi's Lumbermill<td>3</td><td>6 additional measures</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Volodmartz]]</td><td>Forest</td><td>Iron Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional measures</td>
<tr><td>Mine</td><td>Iron Roads<td>1</td><td>2 additional ingots</td>
<tr><td rowspan='6'>[[Wintermark]]</td><td rowspan='3'>[[Hahnmark]]</td><td>Business</td><td>Blood Red Roads<td>1</td><td>36 rings</td>
<tr><td>Farm</td><td>Blood Red Roads<br>Brenna's Gift<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>
<tr><td>Mana Site</td><td>Lorenzo's Legacy of Vigilance<td>1</td><td>1 mana crystal</td>
<tr><td rowspan='2'>[[Kallavesa]]</td><td>Congregation</td><td>Pilgrims Trail<td>2</td><td>4 doses of liao</td>
<tr><td>Herb Garden</td><td>Healing House of Wittal Grove<td>1</td><td>3 drams of cerulean mazzarine</td>
<tr><td>[[Sermersuaq]]</td><td>Farm</td><td>Smokehouse of Atalaq<td>2</td><td>72 rings</td>

* The [[Madruga#The Atalya Shipyards|Atalya Shipyards]] in [[Madruga]] was a specific type of great work, a [[shipyard]]. Before its [[381YE_Winter_Solstice_winds_of_war#To_Fool_The_Crowd|destruction by the Grendel]] in 381YE it granted additional wealth to [[the Brass Coast|Freeborn]] [[fleet|fleets]] as well as having additional powers related to the construction and maintenance of [[Imperial navy|Imperial navies]].
#{{anchor|1}} These great works provide no additional mana crystals following a senate motion to [[385YE_Winter_Solstice_Senate_sessions#League_Crystal_Mana_to_Spiral|divert production to Spiral]]  

Latest revision as of 20:41, 19 July 2024

...long term economic investment into the infrastructure of the Empire

Cesare Sanguineo Rezia Di Tassato, Senator for Tassato


A great work is any major economic investment which is sufficiently large in scope that it provides a benefit to the inhabitants of an entire territory. The return can take the form of money, herbs, materials for crafting items or mana crystals.

Great works do not automatically result in the creation of an Imperial title, as most great works do not require anyone to oversee them. The Senate may choose to create a custodian for a great work - an Imperial title with the responsibility to look after the great work.

There are a number of important rules that impact great works, setting the costs, restricting the benefits, and imposing limitations any of which may be superseded by an appropriate opportunity.

Senate Commissions

The Imperial Senate may pass a motion for the construction of infrastructure capable of improving the wealth generated by resources in a territory.

It is not possible for the Senate to pass a motion to upgrade a great work, but they can construct additional great works that further the level of investment in the territory.


Each great work is linked to a specific type of personal resource in a specific territory. Every member of that nation who attended the last event and who owns the appropriate personal resource in the territory gains the benefit.

Each great work lifts the level of investment in a territory, providing a small fixed benefit to everyone from that nation in the territory. The higher the final level of investment, the greater the benefits. Every personal resource gains from the level of investment in a territory, regardless of who owns them.

The type of benefit received is restricted to the normal production of a resource. Raising the level of investment in farms or businesses provides additional money while raising the level of investment for mana sites provides additional mana crystals.

Great works that raise the level of investment of mines of forests, work for all mines in a territory regardless of type or for all forests. Every affected mine or forest gains the appropriate ingots or measures. Great works that benefits herb gardens may specify which bonus herbs they provide.

Great works that benefit fleets can only be built in a region with the coastal quality. A great work that benefits fleets raises the effective level of the fleet when trading with a foreign nation. It is not possible to use a great work to raise the level of a fleet for other downtime options.

BusinessWhite GraniteHerb gardenWeirwood
FarmWeirwoodMana siteMithril
ForestWhite GraniteMineMithril
CongregationWhite GraniteFleetWeirwood


  • Materials: Variable (minimum 50 wains)
  • Time: 3 months to construct per 50 wains of materials used
  • Labour: 3 crowns per wain

To raise the level of investment to one costs 50 wains. Each subsequent level of investment costs 25 additional wains. So to take the level of investment from one to two costs 75 more wains, from two to three costs 100 more wains and so on. Each level of investment provides the same benefits. It is possible for a single vast great work to raise the level of investment by any number of levels provided it is sufficiently large, but it does not produce any benefits for anyone until it is complete.

Under normal circumstances, the material required will be the one associated with upgrading an equivalent personal resource. For example, 50 wains of mithril is required to create a great work that raises the level of investment for mana sites to one. The table shows the total costs in wains for the first four levels of investment, with the total benefits, but there is no limit to how high the level of investment can be lifted in a territory. The costs and benefits continue to rise at the rates shown for subsequent levels.

Level of InvestmentTotal WainsTotal MoneyTotal IngotsTotal HerbsTotal Mana CrystalsTotal LiaoFleet Ranks
15036 rings23121
212572 rings46242
3225108 rings69363
4350144 rings812484


Great works that raise the level of investment for congregations only provide additional liao. Great works that raise the level of investment for fleets provide additional ranks but only for trade with foreign nations.

It is not possible to create a great work which is linked to military units without an appropriate opportunity.

Great works cannot be upgraded, but the Imperial Senate may create a new commission that acts to further raise the level of investment in a territory for a specific type of resource.


Great works can be threatened by barbarians on campaign, in a battle, or on a skirmish. In rare cases where someone must take responsibility for a great work, the Senator for a territory is expected to do so, if no Imperial title is associated with the commission.

Multiple Great Works

Great works cannot be upgraded, but the Imperial Senate may create a new commission to build a subsequent great work in a territory that acts to further raise the level of investment for a specific type of resource there. For instance, the shipyards at Madruga raise the level of investment in Madruga to one for all businesses providing them 36 additional rings. The Senate could authorise the creation of a vast rope works in Siroc in Madruga that would lift the level of investment to two, costing 75 wains and providing an additional 36 rings.

The level of investment in a territory is separate for each type of personal resource that is affected, so if the Empire built a series of canals in Madruga that raised the level of investment for farms that would cost 50 wains and provide 36 rings to every farm.


A wind of fortune may present an opportunity to construct a great work which exceeds some of the normal rules presented here. It may raise the level of investment in more than one territory at once, or for more than one type of personal resource at once.

An opportunity will always state how many levels of investment it represents (usually one) but it may provide non-standard benefits, for example a wind of fortune might present plans for a seed bank, a great work that could be built in Miaren that would increase the level of investment by one for herb gardens but provide all herb gardens with 30 rings. Additional great works built in the territory treat the seed bank as if it were a standard great work that had already raised the level of investment by one for herb gardens in Miaren.

Current Great Works

This table includes all great works which are active at the present. This list was last updated following the Autumn Equinox 385YE.

NationTerritoryResourceGreat WorksTotal Level of InvestmentBenefit
The Brass CoastMadrugaBusinessBlood Red Roads
South-West Roads
272 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads
South-West Roads
272 rings
SeguraBusinessTowers of Anduz
South-West Roads
3108 rings
FarmSouth-West Roads136 rings
DawnAstolatBusinessBlood Red Roads
Tournament Grounds of Laroc
272 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
Mana SiteHarps of Astolat11 mana crystal
SemmerholmBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
WeirwaterMineGiritaine's Gaze136 rings
1 deepstone
HighguardBastionBusinessWhite Roads136 rings
CongregationVirtue's Rest24 doses of liao
FarmWhite Roads136 rings
CasineaBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
Mana SiteLorenzo's Legacy of Prosperity11 mana crystal
NecropolisBusinessWhite Roads136 rings
FarmWhite Roads136 rings
ReikosBusinessWhite Roads136 rings
CongregationGrand Ossuary of Reikos272 rings
FarmWhite Roads136 rings
Herb GardenGardens of High Chalcis23 drams of true vervain, 2 drams of cerulean mazzarine, 1 dram of bladeroot
Mana SiteSeminary of the Swan136 rings
Imperial OrcsSkarsindCongregationThe Legion's Rookery12 doses of liao
Herb GardenRed Blade Memorial26 drams of true vervain
The LeagueHolbergBusinessBlood Red Roads
Gates of Holmaeur Park
3108 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads
Bloody Great Sausage
272 rings
Mana SiteLorenzo's Legacy of Courage (1)11 mana crystal
SarvosBusinessBlood Red Roads
College of the Liberated
Colossus of Sarvos
3108 rings
CongregationBlood Red Quays Art Gallery12 doses of liao
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
Herb GardenSweetwater Springs12 drams of true vervain, 1 dram of cerulean mazzarine
Mana SiteLorenzo's Legacy of Pride (1)11 mana crystal
TassatoBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
CongregationBlood Red River Museum12 doses of liao
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
Mana SiteLorenzo's Legacy of Ambition (1)11 mana crystal
TemeschwarBusinessBlood Red Roads
Lorenzo's Great Game
272 rings
CongregationBloody Great Theatre12 doses of liao
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
Mana SiteLorenzo's Legacy of Loyalty (1)11 mana crystal
The MarchesBregaslandFarmImperial Breadbasket136 rings
MitwoldFarmImperial Breadbasket136 rings
UpwoldBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads
Imperial Breadbasket
272 rings
NavarrBrocéliandeHerb GardenDefence of the Broch13 drams of bladeroot
HercyniaMana SiteBlade of Thorn11 mana crystal
MiarenBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
UrizenMorrowHerb GardenThe Bleak Tower12 drams of random herbs, 1 dram of bladeroot
RedoubtFleetGreat Harbour of Elos12 drams of random herbs and 12 rings
ZenithFarmGolden Cascade13 drams of random herbs
Herb GardenGolden Cascade136 rings
VarushkaKarovBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads136 rings
ForestIron Roads12 additional measures
MineIron Roads12 additional ingots
KarskForestCrow Roads12 additional measures
MineCrow Roads12 additional ingots
MiekarovaForestIron Roads12 additional measures
MineIron Roads12 additional ingots
OssiumForestIron Roads
Krustrozi's Lumbermill
36 additional measures
VolodmartzForestIron Roads12 additional measures
MineIron Roads12 additional ingots
WintermarkHahnmarkBusinessBlood Red Roads136 rings
FarmBlood Red Roads
Brenna's Gift
272 rings
Mana SiteLorenzo's Legacy of Vigilance11 mana crystal
KallavesaCongregationPilgrims Trail24 doses of liao
Herb GardenHealing House of Wittal Grove13 drams of cerulean mazzarine
SermersuaqFarmSmokehouse of Atalaq272 rings
  1. These great works provide no additional mana crystals following a senate motion to divert production to Spiral